Wednesday, March 30, 2011

SEO and Blog Tips on promoting your work

There are many articles out there on how to optimize your blog for search engines - Google in particular - but it has some helpful tips on SEO and promoting your blog. Plant actually ways for others to link to your website looks - with the keywords you are targeting in your search engine.
Of course, it is not always easy - every day I email from people asking me to join them, sometimes mutual respect, but 99% of the time they go straight to the trash. People link to you if you write quality content and treated with respect and authenticity.

We also think it to be a little creativity - you have other sites and blogs with a service that will benefit your blog can provide, when you give a link (with the language of your goal) you may do so. That is our "Mini Medal Table" in our recent Summer Olympic Games a success for the free online blog medals with a medal was updated to provide bloggers with -. But the table in about 12 sites using a link to our key words were selected as "medal table," the medal is attached to our range.

This page has been a huge success during the game - has been ranked # 1 in Google, and those hundreds of thousands of visitors during the week was one of the conditions applied.

Anyway - this article first tips:
"So you have a product, service or want a search engine optimization web site to find a way if you have not already done so, I suggest you do the following (or for you for you What trust rent)?:

Write to the active blog writers. About your product, tell them a personal way - to do so, you spend about 5 Blogmaster minutes to dial a standard email address. Do not mail, because it will be against.

Area of ​​the product can help answer questions and refer to the Newsgroups. Just do not advertise the product of a new series, but the current problems reuse. Someone asks: "How I can see where my visitors come from?" This is a statistical software provides answers.
Site (landing page) is simple to be honest about your product. To be honest about the price, as long as they offer their service for free. Use inverted pyramid style of writing: the most important things first, details later.

Ready for a page where you can read 30 seconds or 30 minutes, depending on the level of detail. Links lead to a deep structure are useful. But be sure to keep your main navigation elements 10 or less important. (Have you anything more than a product site and click links and been?) Link between the groups if necessary, and are divided into two or three sections. "

SEO and Blog Tips on promoting your work

There are many articles out there on how to optimize your blog for search engines - Google in particular - but it has some helpful tips on SEO and promoting your blog. Plant actually ways for others to link to your website looks - with the keywords you are targeting in your search engine.
Of course, it is not always easy - every day I email from people asking me to join them, sometimes mutual respect, but 99% of the time they go straight to the trash. People link to you if you write quality content and treated with respect and authenticity.

We also think it to be a little creativity - you have other sites and blogs with a service that will benefit your blog can provide, when you give a link (with the language of your goal) you may do so. That is our "Mini Medal Table" in our recent Summer Olympic Games a success for the free online blog medals with a medal was updated to provide bloggers with -. But the table in about 12 sites using a link to our key words were selected as "medal table," the medal is attached to our range.

This page has been a huge success during the game - has been ranked # 1 in Google, and those hundreds of thousands of visitors during the week was one of the conditions applied.

Anyway - this article first tips:
"So you have a product, service or want a search engine optimization web site to find a way if you have not already done so, I suggest you do the following (or for you for you What trust rent)?:

Write to the active blog writers. About your product, tell them a personal way - to do so, you spend about 5 Blogmaster minutes to dial a standard email address. Do not mail, because it will be against.

Area of ​​the product can help answer questions and refer to the Newsgroups. Just do not advertise the product of a new series, but the current problems reuse. Someone asks: "How I can see where my visitors come from?" This is a statistical software provides answers.
Site (landing page) is simple to be honest about your product. To be honest about the price, as long as they offer their service for free. Use inverted pyramid style of writing: the most important things first, details later.

Ready for a page where you can read 30 seconds or 30 minutes, depending on the level of detail. Links lead to a deep structure are useful. But be sure to keep your main navigation elements 10 or less important. (Have you anything more than a product site and click links and been?) Link between the groups if necessary, and are divided into two or three sections. "

CCleaner 3.05 windows clean up the most favorable assistant, update support IE9, Firefox 4

WinCleaner One-Click (Up to 3 Users)" CCleaner "is indeed a very serious clean-up in the system responsible for doing free software, which in addition to their very stable, very few mistakes, the clean-up effects are great, the other is no extra features, the best to concentrate on the various clean-up The attitude is admirable. And it's updated very frequently, for example, a CCleaner 3.05 update yesterday, the first full support for Firefox 4 , IE9 clean-up.

Although I am doing a lot of system clean up, essentially using the " Toolbox IObit free free installation, everything good-to-use system optimization toolbox "This software, and I'm not very sure whether the software has not been updated for a certain not fully clear the Firefox 4 browser and other new information?

However, the official release CCleaner article of view, the new version CCleaner 3.05 does claim to support the new browser on the more complete the clean-up. Apart from this, new version of CCleaner can also clean up the registry to better remove unwanted software, information, and add support for iTunes , Steam, Adobe Air , Skype, Pidgin, Yahoo Messenger, uTorrent, etc. software to clean up work is really worth in the use of friends up there to update Hello!

CCleaner 3.05 windows clean up the most favorable assistant, update support IE9, Firefox 4

WinCleaner One-Click (Up to 3 Users)" CCleaner "is indeed a very serious clean-up in the system responsible for doing free software, which in addition to their very stable, very few mistakes, the clean-up effects are great, the other is no extra features, the best to concentrate on the various clean-up The attitude is admirable. And it's updated very frequently, for example, a CCleaner 3.05 update yesterday, the first full support for Firefox 4 , IE9 clean-up.

Although I am doing a lot of system clean up, essentially using the " Toolbox IObit free free installation, everything good-to-use system optimization toolbox "This software, and I'm not very sure whether the software has not been updated for a certain not fully clear the Firefox 4 browser and other new information?

However, the official release CCleaner article of view, the new version CCleaner 3.05 does claim to support the new browser on the more complete the clean-up. Apart from this, new version of CCleaner can also clean up the registry to better remove unwanted software, information, and add support for iTunes , Steam, Adobe Air , Skype, Pidgin, Yahoo Messenger, uTorrent, etc. software to clean up work is really worth in the use of friends up there to update Hello!

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Yeah! I got Paid by Again!

I am very happy to inform all that I got paid again by This time, the payment is USD$25.16. It is my January 2011 earnings in Now, will be sending out payments every 3 months. So, January 2011 earnings will be sent out in March 2011.

So far, I have been paid by 2 times and this is the 3rd time I got paid. I would say is great because it is a site for us to share the product we use, write reviews for the products we use and make money from our reviews. 

You can read about in my preview post about A Great Sites to Make Money by Writing Reviews.

You can read about my 1st and 2nd payments in the later part of this post. 

LinkWorth Payment Received: USD$56.06

Dear all readers,

I have got paid again by LinkWorth. It is my February 2011 payment from LinkWorth. The total payment this time is USD$56.06. For your information, I have been paid by LinkWorth 10 times and now it is the 11th time I got paid by LinkWorth!!!

LinkWorth is by far the best AdSense alternative for me. LinkWorth works really well in Earn Money From Blog and it keeps helping me rack in money months after months. If you have not join LinkWorth, I reall hope that you can join and make extra income from LinkWorth.

I have personally created an ebook to guide you to Make Money From LinkWorth. You can get the LinkWorth Ebook by Subscribing to Earn Money From Blog or download it directly here

Look at all my earnings from LinkWorth below:

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Google "content farm" algorithm to adjust has begun to take effect

Google's actions did not think so quickly, on February 25 announced plans to network the time to fight spam, and today March 1, has been part of the website claims site traffic, ranking all of the fallen. Now Google may also continue to adjust, perhaps not over yet.

Thinking billion euros originally estimated that Google is mainly forms of content for those articles, to combat. But now from the results, a lot of e-commerce sites have also been affected to varying degrees. Therefore, any low-quality content may be in the scope of the fight against Google, not just a mean article.

The scope of this adjustment, not just for some small sites, and even well-known sites are within this range. According to this point can also be seen, Google's algorithm for the adjustment may only be conducted from the perspective of the contents of a single judge. Adjustment of the previous algorithm, the vast majority are comprehensive adjustment of various factors, many of the sites because they have a lot of quality links and avoid the algorithm.

Matt Cutts said that continuing to provide the depth of original content sites, ranking will be improved. The current adjustment range is mainly in the United States, will be gradually extended to the outside of the U.S. search requests. 

Google "content farm" algorithm to adjust has begun to take effect

Google's actions did not think so quickly, on February 25 announced plans to network the time to fight spam, and today March 1, has been part of the website claims site traffic, ranking all of the fallen. Now Google may also continue to adjust, perhaps not over yet.

Thinking billion euros originally estimated that Google is mainly forms of content for those articles, to combat. But now from the results, a lot of e-commerce sites have also been affected to varying degrees. Therefore, any low-quality content may be in the scope of the fight against Google, not just a mean article.

The scope of this adjustment, not just for some small sites, and even well-known sites are within this range. According to this point can also be seen, Google's algorithm for the adjustment may only be conducted from the perspective of the contents of a single judge. Adjustment of the previous algorithm, the vast majority are comprehensive adjustment of various factors, many of the sites because they have a lot of quality links and avoid the algorithm.

Matt Cutts said that continuing to provide the depth of original content sites, ranking will be improved. The current adjustment range is mainly in the United States, will be gradually extended to the outside of the U.S. search requests.