Friday, February 2, 2007

Steps to Get Started with Adsense.

Step 1:
--> Decide what contents will you want to post in your blog/site. Conentrate
on ONLY 1 topic and write everything about it. You may write about your
interest, hobbies, or anything you are expert in. Giving services such as
advice, information(loans, education, real estate), and others. If you are
going to write Diary then it is quite difficult to earn from Adsense.

Step 2:
--> Building your blog/site. One of the very user-friendly blog builder is
Blogger ( Blogger provides several choices of
template to choose from and it is a FREE service. It is now updated with drag
and drop function where users don't need to mess with HTML code.

Step 3:
--> Sign Up for Adsense. Setup the Ads, Copy and paste the code to your site
HTML. DONE!!!You can now start earn money from Adsense.

Step 4:
--> Getting traffic. This is the toughest part. Getting a lot of traffic need
a lot of works. You need to join plenty of community on the web. But if you
have plenty of friends, do introduce your site/blog to them. This will help
you get traffic too.
How To Get More Traffic:

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