Monday, April 30, 2007

What is Google Page Rank(PR)

PageRank is a numeric value that represents the importance a page on the web. The way Google decide the importance of a page on the web is using Google Page Rank. Page Rank is very important because it plays an important roles when showing the Search Results in Google. This page with high page rank will appear at the to of the Search Results.

The page rank of a site can be increased by adding plenty of internal links and outbound links(Links from other sites). Google will base on the number of links and determine the Page Rank of the site. The NEGATIVE things about Page Rank is that it doesn't base on the quality of contents of the site.

*Therefore, PR doesn't give a clear indication of the contents of the site.

You can try to increase your site's PR by adding your links to Web Directories which have High PR or ask for Links Exchange from friends.

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