Thursday, July 3, 2008

Sponsored Review VS PayPerPost

I am using Sponsored Review and PayPerPost on my blog to make some money but it seems that there are good and bad for both of the programs.

I have joined PayPerPost for quite a long time. The problems I have with PayPerPost is the extremely slow page loading of PayPerPost and ultra-less opportunities I can find in PayPerPost.

The best part of PayPerPost is the referral programs. I can refer people and make money and other people can make money too.

PayPerPost does not have minimum payout to reach and so we can get payment when PayPerPost is ready to pay us. If you are a new member of PayPerPost, you can take the opportunity to write about PayPerPost on your blog. That opportunity is worth $20.00. So, it is quite easy to make money using your blog.

Sponsored Review:

Lately, I received some great sponsored reviews from the site. I bid on opportunities of advertisers and I get accepted for some of my bids. I can say that Sponsored Review is great.

Sponsored Review is fast to pay members too. The problem of Sponsored Review is that they will deduct your earning per post as the revenue of Sponsored Review.

For example:
You get a post of $10.00. You will only make $6.50 because Sponsored Review will deduct $3.50 as their own revenue. Anyway, it is a great site to make money.

Both of the sites are great sites to make money. Of course, both of the programs have their advantages and disadvantages. So, the best way is to join both of them to make money because it is a way to reduce disadvantages and enhance advantages.

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