Saturday, January 1, 2011

Infolinks: Is Not Performing Up to My Expectation

Hi guys and girls, I have been doing testing by using Infolinks ads on Earn Money From Blog for more than 1 months and the earnings from is very little. So, I decided to share with you about the performance of ads on Earn Money From Blog in this post.

If in case you are also monetizing your blog using ads on your blog, then I would recommend that you can try out other advertising platform to make money money from your blog. 

Read on to learn about my earnings so far. 

I have been using for almost 2 months and this is the end result of my trial to use ads on my blog. I only managed to make USD$2.09 in a period of almost 2 months. 

I decided to stop using ads on my blog for the time being and try to use other advertising to see whether I can make more money from Earn Money From Blog. 

So, I would advice you to check your account and see whether it is performing good or not. Do not waste the advertising spaces and chance to make more money from your blog.

If you are aiming to make more money other than your blog, you might want to have a look at Triond and Bukisa. Both are good source of extra income online. 

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