Wednesday, November 7, 2007

New Features in Google AdSense

Few days ago, AdSense had added new feature to Google AdSense. Now, all AdSense Publishers can enjoy the new feature called the "Resources" tab.

Look at the picture below, the new AdSense feature. You can find it in your AdSense Account too. Click the picture for a larger view.

The Resources tab include a lot of articles and optimization guides to better performance of Google AdSense Ads. The new feature is very useful and you can find a lot of information regarding problems and troubleshooting of Google AdSense Ads. Check it out today and read more about Google AdSense.

***How is your Google AdSense earnings lately? Is it working correctly and make a lot of money for you?

Today I receive a check from Google AdSense again (^-^). I'm going to show it soon. Enjoy and happy AdSense+ing !!!

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