Saturday, October 27, 2007

Google Page Rank Update

Today, I check my blog and to my surprise, my blog has reached PR4. That is a great news for me because I hope to get PR4 for quite a long time already. I feel very proud and decided to place a Google Page Rank checker in my blog. You can see it at the sidebar.

I received some compliments from my fellow readers and hear from them that they have successfully achieve higher PR too. Congrats to all and let's keep up the good job to get higher PR for our blog. Anyone who wants Link Exchange is very welcome, please tell me in "Comments".

"Guys & Girls,
Congrats on our success!!!"

If you want a PR checker like mine, you can get it for FREE at BlogFlux.

~~Template Collections Update~~
Enjoy and let's continue our journey in blogging.

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