Saturday, February 28, 2009

What Should We Do If Our Source of Income is Banned

Some of us are having bad experience to make money online especially to make money using Google AdSense. I know that a lot of bloggers felt disappointed when their AdSense account are being banned and some even given up blogging because the number one (Google AdSense) source of income from their blog is gone.

Should You Give Up Blogging?
From my experience, I found that Google AdSense is not the only way to make money from blog. As long as you still have your blog and you still keep it, you are still having the chance to make money from your blog. There are a lot of money making opportunities for your blog. Some programs are performing much much more better than Google AdSense.

I understand the feeling of being banned by Google AdSense, seeing our only money making opportunities vanish in a just a few seconds, that hurts a lot but do not feel down or sad, do not give up. There are still hope and there are a lot of money waiting for your blog.

Don't believe me?
If you are in doubt or you still believe that Google AdSense is your #1 income source for your blog, then you will need to change your believe because the small list below will open your mind to much better and higher performance income opportunities for you.

The small list below is a great way to monetize your blog. So, check them out.

Advertising on Your Blog:

Getting advertisers on our blog is the most important and consider the compulsory part if you really want to make money using your blog. If we are to find advertisers ourselves, then I think it would be extremely hard. So, the list above is a great list because these programs will automatically assign advertisements on your blog according to the contents of your blog.

Make Money From Our Writing Skill:
Basically, writing article and get paid is by far the easiest and fastest way to make money from blog. I know that a lot of bloggers are using this method to make money from their blog. This is the fastest way to make money but the weakness is that it will harm your Page Rank and harm your Google AdSense.

Personal Advertising:

You can sell ads space on your blog. You can set a price for ads space on your blog and hopefully, sell it to earn monthly income from it. Personal advertising requires luck and your blog need to be a very famous blog. Advertisers will advertise on your blog only if your blog is very high traffic blog. The problem of this method is that you will need to find advertisers yourself or you need to place a section on your blog so that advertisers can contact you to buy ads space on your blog.

Affiliate Marketing:
  • CommisionJunction
  • Clickbank
Affiliate marketing is not an easy task but it would be very profitable if you know how to use it to make money. Most affiliate marketing programs offer high payment. For example, if you are an affiliate of an ebook product and you successfully sell an ebook on your blog, normally you would get high commission as high as USD$40 per sale. The commission payout depends on the programs you join.

In short, there are thousands of money making opportunities available for your blog. So, do not give up your blog.

Blogging and Making Money from it is fun and exciting ONLY if you enjoy it.

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