Sunday, September 30, 2007

Text Link Ads and LinkWorth the AdSense Alternatives

I joined Google AdSense Publishers program for 2 years now, I work very hard towards making money from my blog using Google AdSense. It is tough and honestly not easy. In order to make money from Google AdSense, I need a lot of hard work and of course a lot of traffic to my blog. Getting traffic is the hardest part of all.

Today, I'm going to introduce to all my fellow readers 2 alternatives for Google AdSense. They are Text Link Ads and LinkWorth.

1. Text Link Ads (TLA):
This program gives several features lie Publisher Programs, Advertisers Program and Affiliates Program. In order to participate in the Publishers program, you need to have a blog or website that have at least PageRank 4 (PR4 in Google Search Engines). This is quite hard for beginners and new websites.

So, my suggestion is to join their Affiliates Program. It is a great program. Joining their affiliates program is Free and it pays a GREAT amount of money from affiliates.

Affiliates make $25.00 per Sign Up for Publishers or Advertisers account.

2. LinkWorth:
LinkWorth also offers a bunch of features. I had mentioned some in the previous post. LinkWorth offers Publisher Account, Advertisers Account and Affiliates Account. This means that you can mke money from your blog easily using some of the features offered.

LinkWorth has features like Text Link, Link Posts, Link Sura, LinkInText, LinkWords and so on. It can really help Bloggers make a lot of money because you can embed the Text Link in your posts and get a lot of clicks and earnings fast.

That's some of the goodies of LinkWorth. Here comes the big thing, the Affiliates Program. LinkWorth affiliates program help Bloggers or Webmasters make money very fast. Why I say that? It is because the payment per Sign Up is double payment of TLA.

LinkWorth pays affiliates $50.00 per Sign Up. So, join today and supercharge your income.

Related AdSense Alternatives:

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