Monday, October 8, 2007

Forget about Free Traffic

What is the purpose we write posts for our blogs and why all the people around the world is creating blogs? The reasons for these two questions are really a lot and unpredictable.

Some people blog about their life, some people create blog to connect with friends, some people blog to teach and share their knowledge, some people just blog for fun and some people create blogs because they like to blog. For me, I create blog because I like to blog and I like to use my blog to share my experience and a bit knowledge about making money from my blogs.

Do you want to create a blog and leave it there without visitors and without traffic? In my personal experience, I learn from a lot of friends and people around me that most of them started their blogs for personal diaries. People get bored very easily especially when they are blogging without audiences and the only audience is themselves.

People start to seek for audiences and of course they use a lot of ways to do so. Let me give you a few examples:
1. Pinging services.
2. Leave comments in other blogs.
3. Tell their friends that they have a blog.
4. Link Exchange.
and so on.

Some might use "Free traffic" website to help them to get a lot of traffic to their blog. This is not a good way especially for AdSense Publishers.

Google AdSense does not allow Publishers to use "Free traffic" or any traffic generating websites to generate traffic to their site/blog. This is because Google AdSense wants "pure" traffic which have true interest about the topic of your site/blog. That's why the term "invalid clicks" is created to prevent clicks that are done purposely on AdSense Ads.

So, to all AdSense Publishers, please do avoid all "Free traffic" or traffic generating sites and forget about free traffic. This is wise to protect your AdSense Account and protect your AdSense earnings.

If you really want to get traffic, please use the traditional methods like link exchange with friends, pinging, leaving comments and so on. If you would like to link exchange with me, I would love to do so. Let's get more traffic the proper way.

I have several posts about getting traffic
Text Link Ads

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