Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Creating Blog Template Less than 5 minutes

Creating a blog template is very tiring. I experienced it myself, I spent hours and hours, sitting in front of my computer, writing CSS codes, previewing the template for more than hundred times and still can't get the look I want. This is the problem when we have insufficient knowledge about web design.

There is a lot of sites that we can use to create simple CSS web design. I found one of the sites.

I came across a very nice web design tool on the web. It is called Firdamatic. It is an online tableless layout generator that allows you to create and customise layouts easily only by completing forms, making creating skins for your Firdamatic-based layout a breeze. This tool is available for free for personal/non-commercial use only. It is FREE!!!

The tool is very simple to use. Fill in the form at the website and click generate, your new template will be generated in less than 1 minute.

Check out the tool by using the link below:

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