Thursday, June 28, 2007

Good News: AdSense Referrals 2.0

Google AdSense is launching new features for all AdSense Publishers called Referrals 2.0. So, what is the new excitements are we going to see in the new features, let's check it out.

Some of the new features and benefits of AdSense Referrals 2.0:
  • Expanded product inventory: Some of us here find that the referrals products of Google AdSense doesn't suit the topics of our sites. So, the new referrals features will have thousands of products from AdWords Advertisers and we (AdSense Publishers) can choose from a wide range of products and place it on our site.

  • Category and keyword targeting: It is impossible for us ti browse through the products lists and search for the suitable products for our site. Google AdSense makes it easier for AdSense Publishers to find for suitable products to be displayed. So, Google AdSense give us the option to refer products by category and keyword. We can narrow down and let AdSense to figure out which ones will perform best on our site.

  • Ad unit optimization: It can be tricky to pick the best ads for your site, so a special features called ad unit optimization for referrals is included. When we setup the referrals, we can simply click on Pick best performing ads option. AdSense will then compare our selected ads to other relevant ads, and serve the ads that is expected to perform best on our site.

  • Better targeting for pages with multiple themes: With standard contextual targeting, ads may not match up directly or completely with the text around them if there are a number of themes or topics on the page. With Referrals 2.0, we can select unique “keywords” for each ad unit to narrow the Ads and target directly to the theme or topics of our site. With better targeting, we can get even higher earnings for our site.

  • Greater compensation for high-quality traffic: Since referrals are paid on a cost-per-action (CPA) basis, traffic to our site really matters. If the traffic we send to advertisers is more likely to turn into a completed sale or lead, we will earn more with referrals.
To get started with Referrals 2.0:
1. Go to the AdSense Setup tab in our AdSense Account, then click Referrals.
2. If you don't see Referrals 2.0, check back a few days later.
3. The feature will gradually become available for all AdSense Accounts over the next few weeks.

**You can read more about AdSense Referrals 2.0 at Inside AdSense (The Official Blog of Google AdSense).

Check our AdSense Account more often and use Referrals 2.0 to make the most money from your site.

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