Monday, June 25, 2007

Make Money From Your Blog (Part 3)

This is Part 3 of Make Money From Your Blog. This part contains a powerful money making program called Bidvertiser. Read on and make money using it.

Part 3:
i) Review Me:
Do you like to do researches and write reviews to earn some money using your blog? If you are willing to do so, you can make great income using ReviewME.

ReviewMe pays you to review services and websites. ReviewMe will sent mails to your email and ask for Review on your blog. They will pay you according to your Alexa Rank, Technorati Rank and the number of RSS readers you have. So, if your blog has high Alexa Rank, high Technorati Rank and great amount of RSS readers, you will get a lot of payments for a single Review. You can set the review price too.

Another simple earn money program is called BlogAds. In BlogAds, advertisers can choose to place simple text ads or flashy ads on your blog. The prices will depends on the Ads Format used. You can set your own price and you will need an invitation to join BlogAds.

iii) BidVertisers

Bidvertisers is another program like Google AdSense. It works like Google AdSense. They display contextual ads in your blog according to the topic you write.

The system is also PPC (Pay per click) which means that you get paid when people click on the Bidvertiser Ads display on your blog.

Some people are making great income from Bidvertiser. According to Bidvertiser, they display the most expensive Ads on your blog according to your topics. So, you can earn the most per click.

"For Example:
If your blog is about "Pets". Then, Bidvertiser will show Ads that are about "Pets" and they will show the most high paying Ads on your blog. So, you can make more money per click."

Success Story:
I heard from people that they are making $3.00 per click using Bidvertiser Publisher Program.

Bidvertiser pays using PayPal. So, you will need to Sign Up for a PayPal account to receive payments.

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