Saturday, June 30, 2007

Make Money From Your Blog (Part 4)

Part 4 of "Make Money From Your Blog" will discuss about Blogvertise and Slash My Search. Make more money from your blog using all my tips. Part 5 will be posted soon.

i) Blogvertise:
Blogvertise is an advertising program for Bloggers to make some money from their blog. Once you sign up for Blogvertise, Blogvertise will review your site and you need to wait for approval. Blogvertise is like a site reviewing program.

Blogvertise will send you e-mail with short notes for you to write and review websites in your blog. You will get paid for the review done.

Blogvertise pays through PayPal. So, you need a PayPal account to receive payment from Blogvertise.

ii) Slash My Search:Slash My Search is another money making program. Using Slash My Search, you can make money while you use the search bar to search the web. The more you search, the more you earn.

Slash My Search has a pyramid system. The earnings are accumulated as below:

When you have more referrals, you can earn even more from Slash My Search.

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