Saturday, August 11, 2007

AdSense Basic: Where does the Ads come from.

Some are still unsure where the AdSense Ads comes from. It is quite simple. Remember that Google has a program called AdWords. That is the program for Advertisers. People who want to create their own advertisements in Google can Sign Up for Google AdWords. AdWords is not free because Google will charge Advertisers for every click done on their ads.

Look at the picture to have a clearer idea.

Therefore, in Google AdSense, we will receive the Ads from AdWords and show those Ads on our sites. Once there are clicks done on the Ads, AdWords Advertisers will pay Google and Google will use part of the money to pay AdSense Publishers(people like us).

So, it is quite simple, the AdSense Ads come from Advertiser's Ads at AdWords.

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