Friday, August 3, 2007

AdSense Basic: Things You Need To Know About AdSense

Since I have posted a lot about advance tips and tricks you can use to make money from your blog. Let's have a break and back to the AdSense Basic. This post is for beginners in AdSense.

What is Google AdSense?
Google AdSense is a publisher program that enable Bloggers and webmasters to make money from their blogs or sites. It is very simple and easy to setup. All you need is an AdSense Account and a blog/site.

Getting Started with AdSense:
To get started with AdSense, you need an AdSense Account. You can apply for it Free at the Homepage or you can apply for it using referral links which can be found on blogs and sites.

Getting Paid:
Getting payment from AdSebse is simple too. Once your AdSense Account reach $100.00 or more, AdSense will sent you a check by the end of the month and when you receive it, you can cash the check easily.

AdSense Maintenance:
You do not need to worry about what Ads will appear on your site because it is controlled by AdSense. AdSense Ads will show relevant Ads according to your contents.

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