Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Getting PR3 within 4 months

This will be a post especially for my reader, life is beautiful. She asked about "How I get PR3 in short span of time and unblock the robot.txt".

Question 1:
So, I will try to answer the first question. As you can see here, my blog has reach PR3 in around 3 or 4 months time. The technique I used to reach PR3 in such a short time is by frequently updating my blog and submit my blog's posts to plenty of pinging sites and social bookmarking sites. Other than that, I tried to make use of SEO(Search engines optimization) and also try to get a lot of backlinks from fellow bloggers and friends. Maybe it is due to these simple steps that help me get PR3 for my blog.

Question 2:
About the restricted URL by the robot.txt. I think that you might be using the robot.txt in your blog. If you do so, some problem might happen because it is quite hard to use robot.txt. If you use wrong command in the robot.txt, it will be a problem to your blog. So, I recommend that you remove the robot.txt and it moght solve your problem.

About the sitemap question, if you are having problem to insert it into Google Webmaster Tools, you can refer to my post about it.

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