Tuesday, April 29, 2008

USD$18.00 Smorty Payment Received

On Monday(28 April 2008), I received my first ever Smorty payment of USD$18.00 for completing 3 very simple tasks that all Bloggers like to do--write posts/articles. Below is the payment to my PayPal account, click to see a larger picture.

I joined Smorty for only 2 weeks and I completed 3 tasks to write posts and get paid. It is simple and very easy. For each task, I get paid USD$6.00 and the first time I login my Smorty Account, I saw 6 tasks awaiting my approval. And I pick only 3 tasks that suit my blog. After completing the task, the tasks will be sent for approval and wait around 2 or 3 days.

The payment is very fast. I waited for only 1 week. I completed 3 tasks last week and this week, on Monday, I got paid by Smorty.

Great job for Smorty and Smorty is a great program to join. I had completed another USD$6.00 task and awaiting approval. Probably I will get another payment next Monday.

So stay tune for my Smorty good news.
Blog Advertising - Get Paid to Blog

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Top ten Cyber security tips

For Teens, their teachers and families

Be a responsible cyber citizen-

  • If you use the Internet, you're a citizen of a global community—a cyber citizen. Just like being a citizen of your local community, being a cyber citizen has responsibilities. Use the Internet to share knowledge that makes people's lives better. Keep safe, use good manners and respect the laws.
Use anti-virus software

  • A computer virus is a program that can invade your computer and damage or destroy information. Anti-virus software is designed to protect you and your computer against known viruses. But with new viruses emerging daily, anti-virus programs need to be updated regularly. Check with the web site of your anti-virus software company to see some sample descriptions of viruses and to get regular updates for your software. Stop viruses in their tracks!
Do not open email from unknown sources-

  • Delete email from unknown sources. Watch out for files attached to e-mails, particularly those with an "exe" extension—even if people you know sent them to you. Some files transport and distribute viruses and other programs that can permanently destroy files and damage computers and Web sites. Do not forward e-mail if you are not completely sure that any attached files are safe.
Use hard-to-guess passwords and keep them private-

  • Do not write passwords down on small pieces of paper taped to your computer. You would be surprised how many people are sloppy about keeping their passwords private. Passwords that are easy to-guess are a bad choice. In other words, if your name is "Dan" do not make your password "Dan." Change your passwords regularly and don’t give your passwords to anyone! Tell your family that combinations of letters, numbers and symbols are harder to crack than just words.
Protect computers with firewalls-

  • Install firewalls for your family-it is not difficult. A firewall helps prevent hackers from breaking into your computer or the computers that belong to your family. Firewalls help prevent thieves from stealing and using private information including your phone number and credit card numbers, which may be stored on a family computer.
Do not share access to your computers with strangers. Learn about file sharing risks -

  • Your computer operating system may allow other computers on a network, including the Internet, to access the hard-drive of your computer in order to "share files". This ability to share files can be used to infect your computer with a virus or look at the files on your computer if you do not pay close attention. Check your operating system and other
    program help files to learn how to disable file sharing. Do not share access to your computer with strangers!
Disconnect from the Internet when not in use-

  • The Internet is a two-way road. You get information and also send information. Turning off the Internet makes sure that someone else on the Internet can’t enter your computer and cause harm. Disconnecting your computer from the Internet when you are not online lessens the chance that someone will be able to access your computer.
Back-up your computer regularly-

  • Help your family back up all household computers onto external media such as CD’s or diskettes.
Regularly download security protection update “patches”-

  • Security flaws are regularly found in operating systems and application software. Companies that make software release quick fixes called "patches" that you should install to correct the latest software flaw. It is a good idea to check for security updates on the publisher's Web site for all the software you own.
Help your family to check computer security on a regular basis.-

  • Evaluate computer security at least twice a year. To help remember, do it when you change the clocks for daylight-savings time! Check for all of the items listed previously.

Top ten Cyber security tips

For Teens, their teachers and families

Be a responsible cyber citizen-

  • If you use the Internet, you're a citizen of a global community—a cyber citizen. Just like being a citizen of your local community, being a cyber citizen has responsibilities. Use the Internet to share knowledge that makes people's lives better. Keep safe, use good manners and respect the laws.
Use anti-virus software

  • A computer virus is a program that can invade your computer and damage or destroy information. Anti-virus software is designed to protect you and your computer against known viruses. But with new viruses emerging daily, anti-virus programs need to be updated regularly. Check with the web site of your anti-virus software company to see some sample descriptions of viruses and to get regular updates for your software. Stop viruses in their tracks!
Do not open email from unknown sources-

  • Delete email from unknown sources. Watch out for files attached to e-mails, particularly those with an "exe" extension—even if people you know sent them to you. Some files transport and distribute viruses and other programs that can permanently destroy files and damage computers and Web sites. Do not forward e-mail if you are not completely sure that any attached files are safe.
Use hard-to-guess passwords and keep them private-

  • Do not write passwords down on small pieces of paper taped to your computer. You would be surprised how many people are sloppy about keeping their passwords private. Passwords that are easy to-guess are a bad choice. In other words, if your name is "Dan" do not make your password "Dan." Change your passwords regularly and don’t give your passwords to anyone! Tell your family that combinations of letters, numbers and symbols are harder to crack than just words.
Protect computers with firewalls-

  • Install firewalls for your family-it is not difficult. A firewall helps prevent hackers from breaking into your computer or the computers that belong to your family. Firewalls help prevent thieves from stealing and using private information including your phone number and credit card numbers, which may be stored on a family computer.
Do not share access to your computers with strangers. Learn about file sharing risks -

  • Your computer operating system may allow other computers on a network, including the Internet, to access the hard-drive of your computer in order to "share files". This ability to share files can be used to infect your computer with a virus or look at the files on your computer if you do not pay close attention. Check your operating system and other
    program help files to learn how to disable file sharing. Do not share access to your computer with strangers!
Disconnect from the Internet when not in use-

  • The Internet is a two-way road. You get information and also send information. Turning off the Internet makes sure that someone else on the Internet can’t enter your computer and cause harm. Disconnecting your computer from the Internet when you are not online lessens the chance that someone will be able to access your computer.
Back-up your computer regularly-

  • Help your family back up all household computers onto external media such as CD’s or diskettes.
Regularly download security protection update “patches”-

  • Security flaws are regularly found in operating systems and application software. Companies that make software release quick fixes called "patches" that you should install to correct the latest software flaw. It is a good idea to check for security updates on the publisher's Web site for all the software you own.
Help your family to check computer security on a regular basis.-

  • Evaluate computer security at least twice a year. To help remember, do it when you change the clocks for daylight-savings time! Check for all of the items listed previously.

How you can add a Shortcut Key to Your Internet Connection?

This basic and common way to dial the internet connection using giving path:

  • Click on Start Button > sittings then click on Network and dial-up connections option, here you can dial your internet connection.

  • Another way to dial your internet connection if you have a shortcut to your internet connection on your desktop. Simply boot your system and dial your internet connection from your desktop shortcut.
  • A new cool tip to dial internet connection with out using the mouse, simply add a shortcut key that will allow you to do this.Just right-click on your Internet connection and go to Properties option. Click in the Shortcut Key box and then press a key combination that you would like to use here like (Ctrl-Alt-I). When you have a combination you like, click OK. Next time no need to use mouse to run your internet connection simply use this shortcut from your keyboard, you can just press your shortcut key combination (Ctrl-Alt-I) to launch your Internet connection.

How you can add a Shortcut Key to Your Internet Connection?

This basic and common way to dial the internet connection using giving path:

  • Click on Start Button > sittings then click on Network and dial-up connections option, here you can dial your internet connection.

  • Another way to dial your internet connection if you have a shortcut to your internet connection on your desktop. Simply boot your system and dial your internet connection from your desktop shortcut.
  • A new cool tip to dial internet connection with out using the mouse, simply add a shortcut key that will allow you to do this.Just right-click on your Internet connection and go to Properties option. Click in the Shortcut Key box and then press a key combination that you would like to use here like (Ctrl-Alt-I). When you have a combination you like, click OK. Next time no need to use mouse to run your internet connection simply use this shortcut from your keyboard, you can just press your shortcut key combination (Ctrl-Alt-I) to launch your Internet connection.

A Quick way to print a Document

There are many ways to prints a document, but you can print a document quickly if you put a shortcut to the printer on your desktop and drag a document icon to it, no need to open file for printing just drag a file to printer icon and get your print.

To do this, first click Start button, Settings, then Printers ( first make sure you installed your printer driver). When the Printers window opens, hold down Ctrl and drag the printer icon to your system desktop.

Now you can drag a document icon and drop it in printer icon on your desktop. Here you will get a print quickly and with out open a file.

A Quick way to print a Document

There are many ways to prints a document, but you can print a document quickly if you put a shortcut to the printer on your desktop and drag a document icon to it, no need to open file for printing just drag a file to printer icon and get your print.

To do this, first click Start button, Settings, then Printers ( first make sure you installed your printer driver). When the Printers window opens, hold down Ctrl and drag the printer icon to your system desktop.

Now you can drag a document icon and drop it in printer icon on your desktop. Here you will get a print quickly and with out open a file.

Computer Tips and Tricks

Computer training is possible through formal education like online Computer tips, Networking Tips , Hardware Tips , Registry Tricks and other computer science programs also.

It is no great mystery that major shifts in cultural and societal processes are marked with new advances in technology. This is also true of information technology. The printing press, the camera, the telephone, the computer, the Internet and the cell phone, are all inextricably linked to major changes in human culture. The printing press is linked to the rise of social movements. The photograph and telephone are linked to the birth of the Industrial Revolution. The advent of early computers and television coincides with the first steps towards global consortiums like the League of Nations. Information media changes how we perceive the world around us. The following profiles are two examples of current media that are expected to make a difference in how information is generated and perceived.

ComputerBigLab.com has been designed as a free introductory level, online computer related website, providing tutorials on computer hardware, software, operating systems, and basic troubleshooting, IT glossary, IT certifications and IT interview questions and answers.

If you just want to learn more about your computer's hardware, networking, Certifications and other IT related information, here's a good place to start! Read the tutorials, then try the exercises and computer Tests provided. If you have trouble with the review questions, tutorials or any other please let us know.

The computer computer tips, Interview questions, networking and Free tests may also be helpful for those preparing for Certifications exams, preparing for the interview of computer related jobs, and for students, teachers and the IT professionals.

ComputerBigLab.com intended to help all the students, teachers, & other computer / IT professionals of the Computer Science & Computer Technology Field. We have sorted out much information to help them all.

We are continuously updating our website. If you have any questions, suggestions and feedback please let us know.

We can improve our website in a very progressive way with your help. Your feedback is always welcomed.

Computer Science and Computer Technology has become the vital part of the education throughout the world.

Computer training is possible through formal education attending one of the many colleges or university offering both IT and computer science programs.

The study skills lesson plans should be so structured that it is dynamic and capable of being altered to suit the student’s growing and changing needs. This helps to make the students more focused in their approach, as they are continually involved in the process of change. After all the students are the ultimate beneficiaries. This however does not mean that the content can be ignored. There should be adequate coverage of any topic so that a certain degree of mastery is indicated.

Whatever study skills lesson plans are drawn up, remember there is no end to it. All plans have only beginnings, for human beings are unique, and it is this uniqueness, which is conceptually infinite. Whatever plan we draw up will be inadequate, but we do require a basic framework from which to operate.

Computer Tips and Tricks

Computer training is possible through formal education like online Computer tips, Networking Tips , Hardware Tips , Registry Tricks and other computer science programs also.

It is no great mystery that major shifts in cultural and societal processes are marked with new advances in technology. This is also true of information technology. The printing press, the camera, the telephone, the computer, the Internet and the cell phone, are all inextricably linked to major changes in human culture. The printing press is linked to the rise of social movements. The photograph and telephone are linked to the birth of the Industrial Revolution. The advent of early computers and television coincides with the first steps towards global consortiums like the League of Nations. Information media changes how we perceive the world around us. The following profiles are two examples of current media that are expected to make a difference in how information is generated and perceived.

ComputerBigLab.com has been designed as a free introductory level, online computer related website, providing tutorials on computer hardware, software, operating systems, and basic troubleshooting, IT glossary, IT certifications and IT interview questions and answers.

If you just want to learn more about your computer's hardware, networking, Certifications and other IT related information, here's a good place to start! Read the tutorials, then try the exercises and computer Tests provided. If you have trouble with the review questions, tutorials or any other please let us know.

The computer computer tips, Interview questions, networking and Free tests may also be helpful for those preparing for Certifications exams, preparing for the interview of computer related jobs, and for students, teachers and the IT professionals.

ComputerBigLab.com intended to help all the students, teachers, & other computer / IT professionals of the Computer Science & Computer Technology Field. We have sorted out much information to help them all.

We are continuously updating our website. If you have any questions, suggestions and feedback please let us know.

We can improve our website in a very progressive way with your help. Your feedback is always welcomed.

Computer Science and Computer Technology has become the vital part of the education throughout the world.

Computer training is possible through formal education attending one of the many colleges or university offering both IT and computer science programs.

The study skills lesson plans should be so structured that it is dynamic and capable of being altered to suit the student’s growing and changing needs. This helps to make the students more focused in their approach, as they are continually involved in the process of change. After all the students are the ultimate beneficiaries. This however does not mean that the content can be ignored. There should be adequate coverage of any topic so that a certain degree of mastery is indicated.

Whatever study skills lesson plans are drawn up, remember there is no end to it. All plans have only beginnings, for human beings are unique, and it is this uniqueness, which is conceptually infinite. Whatever plan we draw up will be inadequate, but we do require a basic framework from which to operate.

Restore Show Desktop on taskbar

It's a common issue when you are dealing with spyware or other software unistallation on Windows XP your favorite Show Desktop icon to disappear from taskbar. Here is one relatively simple way how you can restore this useful icon:
  • Create file named: Show Desktop.scf
  • Open notepad and paste this content:
  • Save the file
  • Go to C:\Documents and Settings\your_username\Application Data\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Quick Launch
  • Paste the file there.

Restore Show Desktop on taskbar

It's a common issue when you are dealing with spyware or other software unistallation on Windows XP your favorite Show Desktop icon to disappear from taskbar. Here is one relatively simple way how you can restore this useful icon:
  • Create file named: Show Desktop.scf
  • Open notepad and paste this content:
  • Save the file
  • Go to C:\Documents and Settings\your_username\Application Data\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Quick Launch
  • Paste the file there.

The Great Browser Question - Which to use?

What is a browser? Simplest possible terms it's the program that allows you to surf web pages. For most people that use Windows their browser of choice is Internet Explorer, but why? Well, simple answer to that is that it comes built in with your Windows system and it's highly integrated (perhaps too much so) into the Windows operating system. For most people IE is just fine and you don't really need another browser, but did you know that there are other browsers out there? Did you know some of them have really cool features? Well, there is this brave new world of browsers out there and it's time that you take a look and test drive other browsers, after all, just because you have Windows doesn't mean that you have to use IE. Here is the breakdown of what's out there at the moment

Mozilla - Oh, you gotta love open source, it sometimes produces the best programs out there and Mozilla is a happy result of this open source community. So, let's do a brief little history on Mozilla...many years ago in a galaxy far far away there was a browser that competed with Dark Empire (also known as Microsoft)...this brave browser was called Netscape Navigator. Well, years of struggle, and finally Netscape on deaths door does something that few expected, it gave away its source code and made it open source and asked a band of rebels to take the challenge of making a better browser than IE...lo and behold MOZILLA was born...yes Mozilla, the first distribution of it basically made this loud thudding sound...oh god was it bad, but still it kept growing, getting better, and soon became THE BEST BROWSER. Yes, it's grown so big now that it will be stepping on Tokyo soon and the cries of, "Mozilla is coming, Mozilla is coming" will be dubbed with an out of sync English accent. Seriously though, Mozilla is faster than any browser out there, it meets almost all the internet standards perfectly, and it's a very stable browser. For my money it's the best value, oh and it's free, yes I mentioned that right? Yes, well it is free. You can download Mozilla here www.mozilla.org . Many Linux users will be familiar with this browser since it comes as standard fair in most of the Linux distributions now.

Internet Explorer - Okay, so, this is the one most people use. Internet Explorer has come a long way and it's in many ways one of the things Microsoft succeeded with by paying attention to the internet standards that are currently out there. I find that Internet Explorer meets many of the HTML, CSS, XML, ASP, PHP, and pretty much any other webpage standard you want to throw at it...why is this good? Well, it means that the webpage will be displayed as the author intended it to be displayed. So, it is a very good web browser, however, I find on older systems like Win 95, 98, ME, if you screw up your IE, you screw up your whole damn operating system. This is where IE is just too integrated into the operating system and this is where you could end up in a little bit of trouble.

Opera - The innovative little browser that could. What makes this browser interesting is the features it adds beyond the basics of web browsing. One thing I like is the popup blocker included in the program. Yes those annoying popup ads are bye bye and they stay that way. It's a small, relatively fast browser, and generally I like it. It is web compliant, umm, mostly compliant, okay so I have used it and gotten some funky looking pages from time to time. The Con's of this browser - It costs, umm, $30 the last time I checked...if you don't pay you can have a freeware version that's supported with advertising. It sort of makes me cringe to pay anything for a web browser, mainly because the best browser is free, but I can't fault Opera for wanting to make money, not every program can be open source. I think Opera will have it's market in Palm devices because of it's ability to render pages small and to still make them look like web pages. Give it a download here www.opera.com if you want to give it a try.

Avant - This is more of an add-on to Internet Explorer, so it won't get really that big of a write up. Originally it was called IE Opera, umm, yeah good name considering there was already a browser named Opera, but anyway, so they became Avant. Pluses about this browser, it has a very effective popup blocker and some quick mouse gesture things, so it's more of an add-on to IE and it does work rather nice, but, it's still basically Internet Explorer.

Netscape Navigator - I put this browser last, because, well, basically Mozilla and Netscape are indistinguishable at the moment. Netscape is basically Mozilla only they make you register to use the browser, which isn't that bad, but still it's basically Mozilla or is Mozilla basically Netscape. The line is getting blurred a bit. The positives about Netscape, well, I used them loyally for years, so I'll always have a bit of loyalty towards them. Second, I liked that they knew when they needed help and opened their source code. One other pro is that their email client that comes attached with the browser will accept AOL mail, so if you want an email client for you AOL account this is the way to go (AOL bought out Netscape a few years ago). Basically Netscape is Mozilla that you have to register to use...but still, it is a good browser and has some interesting integrations in it, like ICQ, AIM, etc.

So that's the list, did I miss some browsers, umm, yeah, probably I did, but I'll make this list longer as new browsers come out. Which browsers do I use, I like Mozilla, it is the fastest most stable...that would be my choice, but any of the browsers listed will do a good job, you just have to pick a browser that's best for you. Mozilla is coming...oops, sorry, I couldn't resist.

The Great Browser Question - Which to use?

What is a browser? Simplest possible terms it's the program that allows you to surf web pages. For most people that use Windows their browser of choice is Internet Explorer, but why? Well, simple answer to that is that it comes built in with your Windows system and it's highly integrated (perhaps too much so) into the Windows operating system. For most people IE is just fine and you don't really need another browser, but did you know that there are other browsers out there? Did you know some of them have really cool features? Well, there is this brave new world of browsers out there and it's time that you take a look and test drive other browsers, after all, just because you have Windows doesn't mean that you have to use IE. Here is the breakdown of what's out there at the moment

Mozilla - Oh, you gotta love open source, it sometimes produces the best programs out there and Mozilla is a happy result of this open source community. So, let's do a brief little history on Mozilla...many years ago in a galaxy far far away there was a browser that competed with Dark Empire (also known as Microsoft)...this brave browser was called Netscape Navigator. Well, years of struggle, and finally Netscape on deaths door does something that few expected, it gave away its source code and made it open source and asked a band of rebels to take the challenge of making a better browser than IE...lo and behold MOZILLA was born...yes Mozilla, the first distribution of it basically made this loud thudding sound...oh god was it bad, but still it kept growing, getting better, and soon became THE BEST BROWSER. Yes, it's grown so big now that it will be stepping on Tokyo soon and the cries of, "Mozilla is coming, Mozilla is coming" will be dubbed with an out of sync English accent. Seriously though, Mozilla is faster than any browser out there, it meets almost all the internet standards perfectly, and it's a very stable browser. For my money it's the best value, oh and it's free, yes I mentioned that right? Yes, well it is free. You can download Mozilla here www.mozilla.org . Many Linux users will be familiar with this browser since it comes as standard fair in most of the Linux distributions now.

Internet Explorer - Okay, so, this is the one most people use. Internet Explorer has come a long way and it's in many ways one of the things Microsoft succeeded with by paying attention to the internet standards that are currently out there. I find that Internet Explorer meets many of the HTML, CSS, XML, ASP, PHP, and pretty much any other webpage standard you want to throw at it...why is this good? Well, it means that the webpage will be displayed as the author intended it to be displayed. So, it is a very good web browser, however, I find on older systems like Win 95, 98, ME, if you screw up your IE, you screw up your whole damn operating system. This is where IE is just too integrated into the operating system and this is where you could end up in a little bit of trouble.

Opera - The innovative little browser that could. What makes this browser interesting is the features it adds beyond the basics of web browsing. One thing I like is the popup blocker included in the program. Yes those annoying popup ads are bye bye and they stay that way. It's a small, relatively fast browser, and generally I like it. It is web compliant, umm, mostly compliant, okay so I have used it and gotten some funky looking pages from time to time. The Con's of this browser - It costs, umm, $30 the last time I checked...if you don't pay you can have a freeware version that's supported with advertising. It sort of makes me cringe to pay anything for a web browser, mainly because the best browser is free, but I can't fault Opera for wanting to make money, not every program can be open source. I think Opera will have it's market in Palm devices because of it's ability to render pages small and to still make them look like web pages. Give it a download here www.opera.com if you want to give it a try.

Avant - This is more of an add-on to Internet Explorer, so it won't get really that big of a write up. Originally it was called IE Opera, umm, yeah good name considering there was already a browser named Opera, but anyway, so they became Avant. Pluses about this browser, it has a very effective popup blocker and some quick mouse gesture things, so it's more of an add-on to IE and it does work rather nice, but, it's still basically Internet Explorer.

Netscape Navigator - I put this browser last, because, well, basically Mozilla and Netscape are indistinguishable at the moment. Netscape is basically Mozilla only they make you register to use the browser, which isn't that bad, but still it's basically Mozilla or is Mozilla basically Netscape. The line is getting blurred a bit. The positives about Netscape, well, I used them loyally for years, so I'll always have a bit of loyalty towards them. Second, I liked that they knew when they needed help and opened their source code. One other pro is that their email client that comes attached with the browser will accept AOL mail, so if you want an email client for you AOL account this is the way to go (AOL bought out Netscape a few years ago). Basically Netscape is Mozilla that you have to register to use...but still, it is a good browser and has some interesting integrations in it, like ICQ, AIM, etc.

So that's the list, did I miss some browsers, umm, yeah, probably I did, but I'll make this list longer as new browsers come out. Which browsers do I use, I like Mozilla, it is the fastest most stable...that would be my choice, but any of the browsers listed will do a good job, you just have to pick a browser that's best for you. Mozilla is coming...oops, sorry, I couldn't resist.

Closing Error Reporting (Win XP)

Error reporting, what is it and why does Microsoft want you to have it on? Basically whenever your computer crashes Win XP makes a little report of what went wrong and then sends it to Microsoft so they can improve the Windows Operating System. Generally it sounds like a nice idea, but do you really want to be sending reports about your computer to Microsoft? I personally don't and they allow you to shut off this feature. Here's how you do it:

  • Open your control panel
  • Click on Performance and Maintenance
  • Then click on System
  • Go to the Advance Tab
  • Click on the Error Reporting button at the bottom
  • Select Disable Error Reporting
  • Click the "But notify me when a critical error occurs"
  • Click Ok Twice.

You can leave out step 7, but I like my operating system to tell me when its had a major error, mainly because I can look up the cause of the error and hopefully find a solution to it on the net or at Microsoft. There you have it, error reporting to Microsoft is off and you don't have to worry about sending a report to Bill Gates.

Closing Error Reporting (Win XP)

Error reporting, what is it and why does Microsoft want you to have it on? Basically whenever your computer crashes Win XP makes a little report of what went wrong and then sends it to Microsoft so they can improve the Windows Operating System. Generally it sounds like a nice idea, but do you really want to be sending reports about your computer to Microsoft? I personally don't and they allow you to shut off this feature. Here's how you do it:

  • Open your control panel
  • Click on Performance and Maintenance
  • Then click on System
  • Go to the Advance Tab
  • Click on the Error Reporting button at the bottom
  • Select Disable Error Reporting
  • Click the "But notify me when a critical error occurs"
  • Click Ok Twice.

You can leave out step 7, but I like my operating system to tell me when its had a major error, mainly because I can look up the cause of the error and hopefully find a solution to it on the net or at Microsoft. There you have it, error reporting to Microsoft is off and you don't have to worry about sending a report to Bill Gates.

Work in On-screen Keyboard

This might seem like a silly tip or even a silly function, but I've already found a use for it once and I'm sure that you'll be able to use it at some point. Windows XP comes with a built in on screen keyboard. Basically a graphic of a keyboard comes up and acts like your keyboard, you can use your mouse to hunt and peck around. What uses does this have and what did I use it for? Well, it's good for people with disabilities, where it would be easier to use a mouse than trying to type or it's great to use when your keyboard goes loco on you. Yes, we've all had our keyboard go nuts. Here is how you launch it:

  • Go to start
  • Go to run and type OSK
  • Then the keyboard comes on

It's just that simple. It's best to make a desktop icon for it or a shortcut, because if your keyboard should go out on you, it would be handy to have it. All you do to create the shortcut is to:

  • Right click on the desktop
  • Click the new shortcut button
  • Type osk, click next twice, and there you have it.

Work in On-screen Keyboard

This might seem like a silly tip or even a silly function, but I've already found a use for it once and I'm sure that you'll be able to use it at some point. Windows XP comes with a built in on screen keyboard. Basically a graphic of a keyboard comes up and acts like your keyboard, you can use your mouse to hunt and peck around. What uses does this have and what did I use it for? Well, it's good for people with disabilities, where it would be easier to use a mouse than trying to type or it's great to use when your keyboard goes loco on you. Yes, we've all had our keyboard go nuts. Here is how you launch it:

  • Go to start
  • Go to run and type OSK
  • Then the keyboard comes on

It's just that simple. It's best to make a desktop icon for it or a shortcut, because if your keyboard should go out on you, it would be handy to have it. All you do to create the shortcut is to:

  • Right click on the desktop
  • Click the new shortcut button
  • Type osk, click next twice, and there you have it.

Moving The Taskbar

I bet you didn't know that you could move your taskbar if you wanted. Mostly I leave mine at the bottom, like the rest of the population, but occasionally I feel like going wild and have the taskbar at the top of my computer. The Taskbar is that thin bar at the bottom where you can see all your open programs, the start menu, the clock, etc. Now, in WinXP they made it very nice to move it. This is how:

* Right Click on the Taskbar
* Click, Lock the Taskbar, until there is no check there
* Left Click on the task bar and move it to where you want it...it will always rest up against an edge, so top, left or right.
* Then click, Lock the Taskbar, again and it won't move from that spot.

These are the same instructions for Windows 98, ME, 2k, only you don't have to unlock the taskbar, you just left click on it and move...this was easier, but also you sometimes accidentally moved the task bar when you didn't want it to move, ugh. Well, there you have it, now put your taskbar to the top and see if you like it.

Moving The Taskbar

I bet you didn't know that you could move your taskbar if you wanted. Mostly I leave mine at the bottom, like the rest of the population, but occasionally I feel like going wild and have the taskbar at the top of my computer. The Taskbar is that thin bar at the bottom where you can see all your open programs, the start menu, the clock, etc. Now, in WinXP they made it very nice to move it. This is how:

* Right Click on the Taskbar
* Click, Lock the Taskbar, until there is no check there
* Left Click on the task bar and move it to where you want it...it will always rest up against an edge, so top, left or right.
* Then click, Lock the Taskbar, again and it won't move from that spot.

These are the same instructions for Windows 98, ME, 2k, only you don't have to unlock the taskbar, you just left click on it and move...this was easier, but also you sometimes accidentally moved the task bar when you didn't want it to move, ugh. Well, there you have it, now put your taskbar to the top and see if you like it.

Friday, April 25, 2008

Adsense tips and tricks

Adsense tips and tricks
Many webmasters have made very successful websites by using Google's Adsense and for some, it is now their sole job. When you are running a large site, a small change in the way that the Adsense code is placed on your site can make a substantial difference in your income.
The best way to find out where to place your Adsense banner, what colour and what type of banner to use is to try different combinations. Though it does not harm if you start out with the methods that another webmaster find good.

Never click your own Adsense Banner
If you can see the Adsense banner, it will work. Do not test if it, as Google is quite against this.

Never explicitly encourage Adsense Banner clicking
Do not ask friends or family to click your ads. Google not only dislikes it, but it can sometimes confuse the intelligence used to select advertisements.

Ad placement
The best location for the ads are within the content, but still visible without scrolling down the page.

Adsense banners perform better when the border and background are the same colour as your page.

Blend with navigation
As an alternative placement, Adsense ads do well if they are blended in and look like your normal site navigation.

The large 336x280 rectangle banner or 160x600 wide skyscraper seems to perform best.

Drawing the eye
Placing images next to ads or above ads helps in attracting user attention.

Ad overload
It is often said that more is less, and the same goes for placing ads on websites. If a website has too many ads, the user just ignores them and they all perform poorly. If a website has a few well placed ads, they can get a better click through.
Adsense banners perform better when the border and background are the same colour as your page.

Search Box
If you are going to use the search box, place it on the top right corner of every page. This is where people expect it to be.

Focus on content
Don't forget why users are visiting your site. They are there for the content and only the content. Why spend a week improving your Adsense click through then you can spend a week improving your site content and number of clicks as a result.

Be different
If your site is similar to many other sites, users will be used to ignoring your Adsense banner.

Moderate to low priced keywords
Do not create a site that targets the highest paying keywords as they often have the worst click through rates. Find a niche topic and don't care if your ads are getting $0.03 or $0.50. It all comes down to getting more traffic and a better click through rate, not more per click.

Make sure that your site is not cluttered and there is sections of your site with clear space. This can be achieved just by having a wide margin between page items. With skill, whitespace can be used to guide the users eyes to the Adsense banners.

One topic per page
If you have only one topic per page, it will help Adsense find the best ads to show

Simple design
Keep the design of your site simple. It will give the user less design elements or eye candy to look at.

No moving / blinking page elements
All moving and blinking pages elements attract the users eye and stop the user from seeing the Adsense ad. No matter how small it is, if it moves it will attract the users eye.

Monitor your website statistics
Watch your website statistics to see what pages are attracting the users and what is not. Create more pages similar to your high traffic pages.

Try many different styles and methods of placing your ads. Never settle on just one style until you are sure it is the best.

What to do next
Create more content. Content is the biggest key to create a site that earns good money with Adsense.

Adsense tips and tricks

Adsense tips and tricks
Many webmasters have made very successful websites by using Google's Adsense and for some, it is now their sole job. When you are running a large site, a small change in the way that the Adsense code is placed on your site can make a substantial difference in your income.
The best way to find out where to place your Adsense banner, what colour and what type of banner to use is to try different combinations. Though it does not harm if you start out with the methods that another webmaster find good.

Never click your own Adsense Banner
If you can see the Adsense banner, it will work. Do not test if it, as Google is quite against this.

Never explicitly encourage Adsense Banner clicking
Do not ask friends or family to click your ads. Google not only dislikes it, but it can sometimes confuse the intelligence used to select advertisements.

Ad placement
The best location for the ads are within the content, but still visible without scrolling down the page.

Adsense banners perform better when the border and background are the same colour as your page.

Blend with navigation
As an alternative placement, Adsense ads do well if they are blended in and look like your normal site navigation.

The large 336x280 rectangle banner or 160x600 wide skyscraper seems to perform best.

Drawing the eye
Placing images next to ads or above ads helps in attracting user attention.

Ad overload
It is often said that more is less, and the same goes for placing ads on websites. If a website has too many ads, the user just ignores them and they all perform poorly. If a website has a few well placed ads, they can get a better click through.
Adsense banners perform better when the border and background are the same colour as your page.

Search Box
If you are going to use the search box, place it on the top right corner of every page. This is where people expect it to be.

Focus on content
Don't forget why users are visiting your site. They are there for the content and only the content. Why spend a week improving your Adsense click through then you can spend a week improving your site content and number of clicks as a result.

Be different
If your site is similar to many other sites, users will be used to ignoring your Adsense banner.

Moderate to low priced keywords
Do not create a site that targets the highest paying keywords as they often have the worst click through rates. Find a niche topic and don't care if your ads are getting $0.03 or $0.50. It all comes down to getting more traffic and a better click through rate, not more per click.

Make sure that your site is not cluttered and there is sections of your site with clear space. This can be achieved just by having a wide margin between page items. With skill, whitespace can be used to guide the users eyes to the Adsense banners.

One topic per page
If you have only one topic per page, it will help Adsense find the best ads to show

Simple design
Keep the design of your site simple. It will give the user less design elements or eye candy to look at.

No moving / blinking page elements
All moving and blinking pages elements attract the users eye and stop the user from seeing the Adsense ad. No matter how small it is, if it moves it will attract the users eye.

Monitor your website statistics
Watch your website statistics to see what pages are attracting the users and what is not. Create more pages similar to your high traffic pages.

Try many different styles and methods of placing your ads. Never settle on just one style until you are sure it is the best.

What to do next
Create more content. Content is the biggest key to create a site that earns good money with Adsense.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

AdBrite: The Internet's Ad Marketplace

Today, I join AdBrite as a Publisher. Joining AdBrite to try out how it works and how it can make more money from my blog.

Introduction to AdBrite:
A site offering ads the you can customize to match your site, you can approve or reject ads to maximize your income and the best part is that it works with other Ads programs.

AdBrite is offering wide variety of Ads format such as Text Ads, Banners, Full Page Ads, InlineAds, InVideo and BritePic. All these formats can help Bloggers to make higher income from AdBrite.

Explanations of the Ads Formats:
  • Text Ads: Normal ads that look like AdSense Ads.
  • Banners: It is banners Ads.
  • Full Page Ads: This ads will show in full page for a few seconds and site visitors can click "Skips Ads" to go to your site.
  • InlineAds: The Ads looks like a link in your post and it will show Ads when mouse hover over the link.
  • InVideo: Video Ads that can add interactive and entertain your visitors and you can make money from it.
  • BritePic: Transform your pictures into money making opportunities.
You can see th Ads Format in action here. Below is a BritePic example, move your mouse over it to try BritePic:

Overall, I like the BritePic Ads format because it transforms all the pictures in my blog into money making opportunities. I have high expectation from AdBrite and I hope it is a great income source for you and me, Bloggers.

How to place AdSense Ads after posts?

I receive a request from a reader about AdSense Ads after posts. This post will guide you to place AdSense Ads after your blog posts.

Some reminder and limitations:
>> AdSense Ads only shows up to 3 blocks on a single page.
>> If you place AdSense Ads after posts, then only maximum of 3 Ads blocks will show.
>> Blank spaces will appear after 3 blocks are shown.

Step-by-step guides:
1. Parse Your AdSense Code.
Parsing can be done at BlogCrowds, Parse HTML Code. After parsed, copy the code and follow the steps below.

*This parse code modification is allowed by Google AdSense, I had asked them.

2. Locate the following code in your blog HTML. Click the picture to enlarge.

3. Then, paste the code below after the "post-footer-line-3".

4. Save template.

Reminder: the implementation guide above is only valid for blogs of Blogger.com. Goodluck in your AdSense earnings.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

LinkWorth: All in One Publisher Program

I'm currently using LinkWorth to monetize my blog. LinkWorth is quite a good place to make money. Although LinkWorth is not a famous as Google AdSense or any other Publisher Programs, it is a great site that helps bloggers make money.

LinkWorth offers high payout for pay-per-click (PPC) which is called LinkWords. LinkWorth give 70% of the PPC to Bloggers and 30% as LinkWorth earning. This is quite a good system as we can know what value of earning per clicks are we making from one single click.

"Make Money Using
is Quite Easy!!!"

Personally, I made USD$0.25 per click yesterday. This is quite a high payout for one single click and it can help to make money fast. I just check my LinkWorth account and today, I'm making USD$0.50. It gives me a surprise and I'm quite happy with the performance.

LinkWorth also offers other income source for Bloggers. Other income sources are LinkPost, LinkAds, LinkInTxt and so on.
  • LinkPost is pay-per-post income source where bloggers can get task and make money by writing post on their blogs.
  • LinkAds are Text Link Advertisements that are approved and placed on your blog. It is like the function of Text Link Ads.
  • LinkInTxt transform the link or certain words in your posts into advertisement. It looks like a normal link but when people click on it, you are making money from the click.
By using LinkWorth, I'm having a wide variety of choices to make money and it helps me to diversify my income source of my blog.

*If you are interested, you can sign up using the button at the right had sidebar of my blog and try LinkWorth yourself.

**Visit LinkWorth to explore more about it...

Monday, April 21, 2008

Template Rush: A huge Collection of Blogger Templates

If you ever visited my blog called GeeKoo Blog, then you might know that it is a blog of Blogger Templates. Now, GeeKoo Blog is being upgraded and its name is changed to TemplateRush.

TemplateRush will be a blog full of my favorite templates and other templates that I manage to found on the internet. TemplateRush will be a useful site for you if you are having headeache to find the best template for your blog.

All the templates on TemplateRush will be Free and you can easily download it from TemplateRush. Check out TemplateRush to get best blogger templates for your blog.

Make money from your blog using

Backing Up Your Data - Easy As USB

Why is it that simple steps often are overlooked? A great example is backing up all that data on your hardrive. From flash drives to external USB drives, backing up gigabytes of your most important files, digital photos, mp3 music, etc… has become easy and cost effective thanks to USB.

Why USB?

Because it's simple to connect and easy to drag and drop directories or files to the USB drive. When you're finished, just unplug the drive and keep it in a safe place. No more excuses NOT to backup your data.

You just can't beat the price. From 1GB flash memory to 250GB of storage, prices can range from $20 - $250. A small investment that will pay dividends when you discover your PC hard drive just died.

High speed connection. USB 2.0 data transfer speeds are blazing fast, as much as 450Mbps (mega bits per second). Gone are the days of the slow moving flying folders across your monitor.

Portability. From storing 1byte to hundreds of Gigabytes, you now have no more excuses that the dog ate your report.

Plug and Play. USB drives are fully compatible with Windows, Macintosh and Linux operating systems. Depending on the format of the drive, the possibility exists to copy data from one OS and connect to another without needing to be a Computer expert.

Simple. Ahhh yes, we as human love simple things. So why is that we never have time to backup what we consider important data. If you took inventory of the type data you keep on your PC, it will probably surprise you. Losing that data is like losing everything if your house burnt down to the ground. Sure, your USB drive will also be gone, but you probably take precautions with important paperwork by keeping them in a fireproof safe or at another location. Isn't time that you add digital data to that same thinking?

Backing Up Your Data - Easy As USB

Why is it that simple steps often are overlooked? A great example is backing up all that data on your hardrive. From flash drives to external USB drives, backing up gigabytes of your most important files, digital photos, mp3 music, etc… has become easy and cost effective thanks to USB.

Why USB?

Because it's simple to connect and easy to drag and drop directories or files to the USB drive. When you're finished, just unplug the drive and keep it in a safe place. No more excuses NOT to backup your data.

You just can't beat the price. From 1GB flash memory to 250GB of storage, prices can range from $20 - $250. A small investment that will pay dividends when you discover your PC hard drive just died.

High speed connection. USB 2.0 data transfer speeds are blazing fast, as much as 450Mbps (mega bits per second). Gone are the days of the slow moving flying folders across your monitor.

Portability. From storing 1byte to hundreds of Gigabytes, you now have no more excuses that the dog ate your report.

Plug and Play. USB drives are fully compatible with Windows, Macintosh and Linux operating systems. Depending on the format of the drive, the possibility exists to copy data from one OS and connect to another without needing to be a Computer expert.

Simple. Ahhh yes, we as human love simple things. So why is that we never have time to backup what we consider important data. If you took inventory of the type data you keep on your PC, it will probably surprise you. Losing that data is like losing everything if your house burnt down to the ground. Sure, your USB drive will also be gone, but you probably take precautions with important paperwork by keeping them in a fireproof safe or at another location. Isn't time that you add digital data to that same thinking?

Pop-Ups Something To Be Worried About

Pop-ups are the annoying ads and other things on the Internet that open on your monitor as you're surfing the web. Their main goal is to either get you to visit a certain website or to collect your name and email address for marketing purposes.

These pop-ups are usually caused by something called Javascript, which is a simple programming language built into the web page you're visiting.

Sometimes these pop-ups can be useful. It may ask you for your login information or something else to log you into the website, or it might give you more information on something without taking you away from the page you're looking at. Music sites, for example, often use a pop-up for their players. These reasons are all legitimate uses and are quite a bit more acceptable than some of the advertising pop-ups.

The Javascript language can set the size of the window, where it's displayed on the screen and even whether or not the close button gets displayed. If the menu bars and close button are hidden, it can be next to impossible to get rid of the pop-up, unless you either enter what it's asking for or close your browser completely.

Some of these pop-ups can cause other problems as well. They may be poorly programmed, or they may be intentionally malicious and can cause many windows to be opened. And when you close one, several more open to replace it. When this happens, the only way to get rid of them is to close the browser.

A recent type of pop-up is created using software called Flash and can even be made to follow your mouse around the screen as you move it.

One of the more notorious uses of pop-ups is in adware, which often opens pop-ups related to the web pages you're looking at, even if it's not from that website. This adware is supported by advertising, which is why it uses these pop-ups to get your attention. It usually comes along with some other program, which may actually be useful, and gets installed at the same time. If you don't read the license agreement closely when you install it, you might miss the fact that this is going to happen even though they tell you (although it's usually hidden somewhere in the middle of the agreement, where most people never see it).

Another form of pop-up is called the pop-under. It opens a window behind the main window and you won't see it until you close your main browser window. These types are less annoying, but can still be a pain.

The main problem with pop-ups is the nuisance they cause, and almost every web browser has some kind of pop-up killer included these days.

You can also get specialized pop-up killer software that will catch most of the pop-ups that the browsers miss, giving you an almost 100% pop-up free internet experience.

Pop-Ups Something To Be Worried About

Pop-ups are the annoying ads and other things on the Internet that open on your monitor as you're surfing the web. Their main goal is to either get you to visit a certain website or to collect your name and email address for marketing purposes.

These pop-ups are usually caused by something called Javascript, which is a simple programming language built into the web page you're visiting.

Sometimes these pop-ups can be useful. It may ask you for your login information or something else to log you into the website, or it might give you more information on something without taking you away from the page you're looking at. Music sites, for example, often use a pop-up for their players. These reasons are all legitimate uses and are quite a bit more acceptable than some of the advertising pop-ups.

The Javascript language can set the size of the window, where it's displayed on the screen and even whether or not the close button gets displayed. If the menu bars and close button are hidden, it can be next to impossible to get rid of the pop-up, unless you either enter what it's asking for or close your browser completely.

Some of these pop-ups can cause other problems as well. They may be poorly programmed, or they may be intentionally malicious and can cause many windows to be opened. And when you close one, several more open to replace it. When this happens, the only way to get rid of them is to close the browser.

A recent type of pop-up is created using software called Flash and can even be made to follow your mouse around the screen as you move it.

One of the more notorious uses of pop-ups is in adware, which often opens pop-ups related to the web pages you're looking at, even if it's not from that website. This adware is supported by advertising, which is why it uses these pop-ups to get your attention. It usually comes along with some other program, which may actually be useful, and gets installed at the same time. If you don't read the license agreement closely when you install it, you might miss the fact that this is going to happen even though they tell you (although it's usually hidden somewhere in the middle of the agreement, where most people never see it).

Another form of pop-up is called the pop-under. It opens a window behind the main window and you won't see it until you close your main browser window. These types are less annoying, but can still be a pain.

The main problem with pop-ups is the nuisance they cause, and almost every web browser has some kind of pop-up killer included these days.

You can also get specialized pop-up killer software that will catch most of the pop-ups that the browsers miss, giving you an almost 100% pop-up free internet experience.

Secure A Home Wireless Network - 10 Tips

Just as you secure your home by locking your doors and windows, you should also take precautions of securing your home wireless network. For the average home user this can be frustrating and confusing to say the least. To help make the process simple, the following 10 tips will help you with securing your home wireless network.

Remember no network will be completely secure, but following the recommendations and providing multiple layers of security, will lessen the risk from someone breaking into your network. Some of the tips include technical terms. Always consult your wireless router vendor documentation or website support as needed. Before making any changes, backup the router configuration or write down all configured settings.

All tips are for home use. If you are connecting to your Company network with your wireless router, contact your Company I.T. department for assistance.

  1. Change Your Router Default Password - A must in the first line of defense. Create a strong password with a mix of numeric, alpha and symbolic characters. Password length should be between 8 and 15 characters, or longer in length, and should not be obvious to you (such as kids or wife name, birthdays, favorite cars or sports teams, etc). If your wireless router includes a user name, it's a good idea to change it to another name other than the default name.
  2. Rename and Disable SSID Broadcast on your Wireless Router - SSID (Service Set Identifier) is the network name or identifier for the wireless router. SSID's broadcast a beacon signal (usually about 10 times each second) which announces to the world that the network is live and ready to go.
    With broadcasting off, wireless clients must first know the SSID before they can connect. If you have multiple PC's on your home network simply type the new name in your wireless client's setup to connect to your router when SSID is disabled.
    Remember to always change the SSID name to something other than the default.
  3. Enable Infrastructure Mode - When using the "ad-hoc" mode, which lets clients set up peer-to-peer networks, rogue users will be able to connect to your network through a legitimate wireless client. This setting configuration can be found on your PC wireless network card.
  4. Use MAC Addressing Filter On Your Wireless Router - Many routers let you restrict access to known MAC (Media Access Control) addresses. Each network device, such as a computer network card (NIC) has a unique MAC address. By allowing access only to pre-defined MAC addresses you can reduce the risk of rogue clients connecting to your home network.
  5. Change the Default Router IP Address Setting - Router manufacturers set every router with an IP address. For example, Linksys routers are configured with an IP address of These address settings are well known and published, and can be easily discover by hackers if they know the router manufacturer and type.
    Changing the IP address during the setup process, for example to does not secure the router, but will make any attackers guessing for the IP address. Changing this setting, will automatically change the DHCP IP addresses handed out by your router to PC's allowed on your network.
  6. Use WPA or WPA2 PSK (Wi-Fi Protected Access with Pre Shared Key) Encryption - When possible use WPA or WPA2 PSK over WEP (Wired Equivalent Privacy). Both Windows XP and Mac OS X support them, along with any access point manufactured within the past few years. WPA and WPA2 both have a mode called the PSK mode that will allow you to use a password in lieu of using a full-blown 802.1X setup, which is perfect for the home user.
    If your hardware does not support WPA2 use WPA. Creating a strong shared key (PSK) will lessen the chance of attackers successfully breaking in to your network. If you router only supports WEP, and your concerned about security, considered upgrading to a new router along with your PC NIC cards.
  7. HTTPS, Firewall and Remote Access Settings On Your Wireless Router - Make sure HTTPS is enable for connecting to the router administration setup over your local network. Verify the firewall is enabled and all incoming ports are blocked. Disable remote access over the Internet setting.
    If for any reason you need to provide remote access via the Internet, enable it only when needed and change the default management port setting to something other than 8080.
  8. Enable And Monitor Your Wireless Access Logs - Check your logs frequently for rogue access points (AP) or clients attached to the network. If you spot unknown clients or AP's connected to your network, change your WEP or WPA code, and do a little detective work in identifying unknown connections to your network.
    Also check the status screen that shows the MAC addresses of all clients currently connected to the network and verify they are known devices.
  9. Backup Your Router Configuration Settings - Although, not considered a security setting, backing up the router configuration before making changes will allow you to easily restore the settings in the event you make a mistake. This will prevent your router from being vulnerable if you are unsure about any changes you have made.
  10. Turn off Your Wireless Router When Not In Use - Why would you want to do this? When your router is powered off, your network cannot be compromised. Consider doing this when you go on vacation or you will not be using you network for extended periods of time. Just turning off your PC may prevent the PC from being attacked, but it will not prevent someone from breaking into your network via your router if it is powered on.
Bonus Security Tip - Get in the habit of changing your router password every 30 to 60 days. Also change your PSK several times a year. Changing these two settings may just kick that un-detected guest off your network (take that neighbor!). Limit the maximum number of DHCP users allowed on your network to just the known number of PC's in your house. Limiting this setting can be an indication of someone on your network to you if one of your PC's cannot obtain an IP address from your router.

Secure A Home Wireless Network - 10 Tips

Just as you secure your home by locking your doors and windows, you should also take precautions of securing your home wireless network. For the average home user this can be frustrating and confusing to say the least. To help make the process simple, the following 10 tips will help you with securing your home wireless network.

Remember no network will be completely secure, but following the recommendations and providing multiple layers of security, will lessen the risk from someone breaking into your network. Some of the tips include technical terms. Always consult your wireless router vendor documentation or website support as needed. Before making any changes, backup the router configuration or write down all configured settings.

All tips are for home use. If you are connecting to your Company network with your wireless router, contact your Company I.T. department for assistance.

  1. Change Your Router Default Password - A must in the first line of defense. Create a strong password with a mix of numeric, alpha and symbolic characters. Password length should be between 8 and 15 characters, or longer in length, and should not be obvious to you (such as kids or wife name, birthdays, favorite cars or sports teams, etc). If your wireless router includes a user name, it's a good idea to change it to another name other than the default name.
  2. Rename and Disable SSID Broadcast on your Wireless Router - SSID (Service Set Identifier) is the network name or identifier for the wireless router. SSID's broadcast a beacon signal (usually about 10 times each second) which announces to the world that the network is live and ready to go.
    With broadcasting off, wireless clients must first know the SSID before they can connect. If you have multiple PC's on your home network simply type the new name in your wireless client's setup to connect to your router when SSID is disabled.
    Remember to always change the SSID name to something other than the default.
  3. Enable Infrastructure Mode - When using the "ad-hoc" mode, which lets clients set up peer-to-peer networks, rogue users will be able to connect to your network through a legitimate wireless client. This setting configuration can be found on your PC wireless network card.
  4. Use MAC Addressing Filter On Your Wireless Router - Many routers let you restrict access to known MAC (Media Access Control) addresses. Each network device, such as a computer network card (NIC) has a unique MAC address. By allowing access only to pre-defined MAC addresses you can reduce the risk of rogue clients connecting to your home network.
  5. Change the Default Router IP Address Setting - Router manufacturers set every router with an IP address. For example, Linksys routers are configured with an IP address of These address settings are well known and published, and can be easily discover by hackers if they know the router manufacturer and type.
    Changing the IP address during the setup process, for example to does not secure the router, but will make any attackers guessing for the IP address. Changing this setting, will automatically change the DHCP IP addresses handed out by your router to PC's allowed on your network.
  6. Use WPA or WPA2 PSK (Wi-Fi Protected Access with Pre Shared Key) Encryption - When possible use WPA or WPA2 PSK over WEP (Wired Equivalent Privacy). Both Windows XP and Mac OS X support them, along with any access point manufactured within the past few years. WPA and WPA2 both have a mode called the PSK mode that will allow you to use a password in lieu of using a full-blown 802.1X setup, which is perfect for the home user.
    If your hardware does not support WPA2 use WPA. Creating a strong shared key (PSK) will lessen the chance of attackers successfully breaking in to your network. If you router only supports WEP, and your concerned about security, considered upgrading to a new router along with your PC NIC cards.
  7. HTTPS, Firewall and Remote Access Settings On Your Wireless Router - Make sure HTTPS is enable for connecting to the router administration setup over your local network. Verify the firewall is enabled and all incoming ports are blocked. Disable remote access over the Internet setting.
    If for any reason you need to provide remote access via the Internet, enable it only when needed and change the default management port setting to something other than 8080.
  8. Enable And Monitor Your Wireless Access Logs - Check your logs frequently for rogue access points (AP) or clients attached to the network. If you spot unknown clients or AP's connected to your network, change your WEP or WPA code, and do a little detective work in identifying unknown connections to your network.
    Also check the status screen that shows the MAC addresses of all clients currently connected to the network and verify they are known devices.
  9. Backup Your Router Configuration Settings - Although, not considered a security setting, backing up the router configuration before making changes will allow you to easily restore the settings in the event you make a mistake. This will prevent your router from being vulnerable if you are unsure about any changes you have made.
  10. Turn off Your Wireless Router When Not In Use - Why would you want to do this? When your router is powered off, your network cannot be compromised. Consider doing this when you go on vacation or you will not be using you network for extended periods of time. Just turning off your PC may prevent the PC from being attacked, but it will not prevent someone from breaking into your network via your router if it is powered on.
Bonus Security Tip - Get in the habit of changing your router password every 30 to 60 days. Also change your PSK several times a year. Changing these two settings may just kick that un-detected guest off your network (take that neighbor!). Limit the maximum number of DHCP users allowed on your network to just the known number of PC's in your house. Limiting this setting can be an indication of someone on your network to you if one of your PC's cannot obtain an IP address from your router.

Important Notice to All AdSense Publishers: Must Read AdSense Policies Again

Few days ago, all the AdSense Ads on my blog is disabled by Google AdSense due to my mistakes to write posts about paid to click programs. I have accidentally break the rules of Google AdSense.

However, Google AdSense only disables the AdSense Ads on Earn Money From Blog and they do not ban my AdSense Account and I'm very thankful about that. A million thanks to Google AdSense.

Today, I'm going to re-post the most recent Google AdSense Policies on my blog again as a reminder to all my readers and all AdSense Publishers.

"Never Break The AdSense Policies or else We will Lose Our Golden AdSense Eggs!"

Please read a part of the AdSense Policies below:

Invalid Clicks and Impressions

Clicks on Google ads must result from genuine user interest. Any method that artificially generates clicks or impressions on your Google ads is strictly prohibited. These prohibited methods include but are not limited to repeated manual clicks or impressions, using robots, automated click and impression generating tools, third-party services that generate clicks or impressions such as paid-to-click, paid-to-surf, autosurf, and click-exchange programs, or any deceptive software. Please note that clicking on your own ads for any reason is prohibited. Failure to comply with this policy may lead to your account being disabled.

Encouraging clicks

In order to ensure a good experience for users and advertisers, publishers may not request that users click the ads on their sites or rely on deceptive implementation methods to obtain clicks. Publishers participating in the AdSense program:

  • May not encourage users to click the Google ads by using phrases such as "click the ads," "support us," "visit these links," or other similar language
  • May not direct user attention to the ads via arrows or other graphical gimmicks
  • May not place misleading images alongside individual ads
  • May not promote sites displaying ads through unsolicited mass emails or unwanted advertisements on third-party websites
  • May not compensate users for viewing ads or performing searches, or promise compensation to a third party for such behavior
  • May not place misleading labels above Google ad units - for instance, ads may be labeled "Sponsored Links" but not "Favorite Sites"
Site Content

While Google offers broad access to a variety of content in the search index, publishers in the AdSense program may only place Google ads on sites that adhere to our content guidelines, and ads must not be displayed on any page with content primarily in an unsupported language. View a list of supported languages.

Sites displaying Google ads may not include:

  • Violent content, racial intolerance, or advocacy against any individual, group, or organization
  • Pornography, adult, or mature content
  • Hacking/cracking content
  • Illicit drugs and drug paraphernalia
  • Excessive profanity
  • Gambling or casino-related content
  • Content regarding programs which compensate users for clicking on ads or offers, performing searches, surfing websites, or reading emails
  • Excessive, repetitive, or irrelevant keywords in the content or code of web pages
  • Deceptive or manipulative content or construction to improve your site's search engine ranking, e.g., your site's PageRank
  • Sales or promotion of weapons or ammunition (e.g., firearms, fighting knives, stun guns)
  • Sales or promotion of beer or hard alcohol
  • Sales or promotion of tobacco or tobacco-related products
  • Sales or promotion of prescription drugs
  • Sales or promotion of products that are replicas or imitations of designer goods
  • Sales or distribution of term papers or student essays
  • Any other content that is illegal, promotes illegal activity, or infringes on the legal rights of others
I hope that Google AdSense can allow my blog to diaplay AdSense Ads again. Read the whole AdSense Policies here...

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Bidvertiser Ads VS Google AdSense

Google AdSense Ads has been disable from my blog for 3 or 4 days and I can't stand to see my AdSense earning zero everyday.

So, today I decided to use Bidvertiser Ads on my blog and hopefully can use Bidvertiser ot make some money. Below, I write about advantages and disadvantages of Bidvertiser.

The numbers of Bidvertiser Ads on a page have no limit. So, as Bidvertiser Publishers, we can place as many ads as we like. Then, Bidvertiser also offers affiliate or referrals programs where Publishers can join to make some extra money using Bidvertiser. Bidvertiser allow Publishers to choose the Ads they want to appear on their site and Publisher can declined the ads they do not want to appear on their site. So, Publishers can target the correct ads to correct audience. This in turn help to increase money making opportunity from Bidvertiser.

The ads of Bidvertiser is less flexible and Bidvertiser is using Geotagging to display ads. Bidvertiser has less advertisers if compared with Google AdSense.

In short, I'm still in the journey of testing Bidvertiser Ads on my blog and I hope to see the result soon. If Bidvertiser is getting higher earning per day for me, then switching over to Bidvertiser is not a bad choice but personally, I still prefer AdSense as AdSense is more flexible in the Ads design but not flexible in the policies.

You can visit Bidvertiser site using the button at the right hand side of my blog. Maybe Bidvertiser will suit you.

Related AdSense Alternatives:

Friday, April 18, 2008

BlogRush: The Widget That Helps You Drive Massive Traffic

I had writen a post about BlogRush few days ago and it is an over simple introduction for BlogRush. Today, I will go into more details of BlogRush and discover the power of BlogRush to get Massive Traffic to your site/blog.
How BlogRush Works?
1. Sign up for a free account and register your blog by submitting your blog feed. Then pick a category for your blog. You will be directed to the BlogRush widget code, copy and paste it to your blog. The widget is the Magic that help you drive targetted traffic to your site and help you improve traffic of your site/blog. The widget will show up 5 links to other relevant blogs/sites.

2. Once the BlogRush on your blog is approved, you start to earn credits for every page view of your blog. The more credits you get the better.
Simple explaination about the credit:
For 1 credit you get means your latest post will be shown on other blogs 1 time in the BlogRush widget.
For example:
You get 100 pageviews from your blog. So, your latest posts will be shown on other blogs 100 times.

3. Getting referrals for the BlogRush widget is the next big part of BlogRush. The number of pageviews your referee gets will be added to the number of times your blog titles will be shown within other blog widgets.
For example:
Jimmy signs up under your referral link. His blog is getting 200 page views. Thus, your blog title will be shown 200 times on BlogRush widget of blogs within your category.

Remember the number of pageviews you are getting from your own blog for displaying the widget, you already earn credits and get your blog displays on other blogs. Now, added the referee pageviews, you are getting almost infinitely Free traffic and pageviews.
Simple formula:
BlogRush Traffic = Credits you get from your blog + Credits from Referee's blog pageview

"You Are Getting Your Blog Posts Shown Worldwide For Free!!!"

This referrals will expand down to 10 referral levels. So, if you referees get their friends to join them, you are also getting the credits.

"You Are Getting the Infinite Traffic To Your Blog Fast and Furious!!!"

How Much Traffic Can You Get?
The traffic ytou cxan get is almost INFINITE providing other readers on other blogs click on the link of your blog post on the BlogRush widget of other blogs. BlogRush is opened for niches of various categories but you need to make sure your site is in English language and non-adult material.
Is BlogRush Accepted by Google AdSense?
So far, I seen a lot of blogs are using BlogRush on their site with Google AdSense on their sites. Personally, I visited the AdSense forum and asked about BlogRush and AdSense, the answer I got is that Google AdSense can be used together with BlogRush.
So, you can try to use BlogRush on your sites/blogs and get some extra targetted traffic to your sites/blogs. Join BlogRush...

Text Link Ads: Make Me $75.00 last month

Last month, I made USD$75.00 from Text Link Ads. Text Link Ads is my second favourite money making program and it helps me make great money.

Using Text Link Ads is quite easy. I have talked about it in my previous post.

Personally, I have earned a grand total of USD$225.00 from Text Link Ads. So, I really recommend Text Link Ads to all my readers and visitors.

***You can also make money using Text Link Ads.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Site map

Site Map