Thursday, April 24, 2008

How to place AdSense Ads after posts?

I receive a request from a reader about AdSense Ads after posts. This post will guide you to place AdSense Ads after your blog posts.

Some reminder and limitations:
>> AdSense Ads only shows up to 3 blocks on a single page.
>> If you place AdSense Ads after posts, then only maximum of 3 Ads blocks will show.
>> Blank spaces will appear after 3 blocks are shown.

Step-by-step guides:
1. Parse Your AdSense Code.
Parsing can be done at BlogCrowds, Parse HTML Code. After parsed, copy the code and follow the steps below.

*This parse code modification is allowed by Google AdSense, I had asked them.

2. Locate the following code in your blog HTML. Click the picture to enlarge.

3. Then, paste the code below after the "post-footer-line-3".

4. Save template.

Reminder: the implementation guide above is only valid for blogs of Goodluck in your AdSense earnings.

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