Saturday, April 19, 2008

Bidvertiser Ads VS Google AdSense

Google AdSense Ads has been disable from my blog for 3 or 4 days and I can't stand to see my AdSense earning zero everyday.

So, today I decided to use Bidvertiser Ads on my blog and hopefully can use Bidvertiser ot make some money. Below, I write about advantages and disadvantages of Bidvertiser.

The numbers of Bidvertiser Ads on a page have no limit. So, as Bidvertiser Publishers, we can place as many ads as we like. Then, Bidvertiser also offers affiliate or referrals programs where Publishers can join to make some extra money using Bidvertiser. Bidvertiser allow Publishers to choose the Ads they want to appear on their site and Publisher can declined the ads they do not want to appear on their site. So, Publishers can target the correct ads to correct audience. This in turn help to increase money making opportunity from Bidvertiser.

The ads of Bidvertiser is less flexible and Bidvertiser is using Geotagging to display ads. Bidvertiser has less advertisers if compared with Google AdSense.

In short, I'm still in the journey of testing Bidvertiser Ads on my blog and I hope to see the result soon. If Bidvertiser is getting higher earning per day for me, then switching over to Bidvertiser is not a bad choice but personally, I still prefer AdSense as AdSense is more flexible in the Ads design but not flexible in the policies.

You can visit Bidvertiser site using the button at the right hand side of my blog. Maybe Bidvertiser will suit you.

Related AdSense Alternatives:

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