Monday, December 8, 2008

Changing Your Blog's Favicon to Your Own Favicon

Do you know that you can change the favicon of your blog hosted on to the favicon of your own? Normally, we will have as our blog favicon. For me, I do not like the favicon because it makes my blog look not professional. So, I change it to my own favicon.

You can change your blog's favicon to your preferred favicon too. It is quite easy to make the modification. Just follow the steps described at the later part of this post, I am sure you can do it too.

Changing blog favicon is not as hard as it seems. It is quite simple and you only need to do some simple steps to change the favicon to your preferred favicon. So, please read the steps below:

Step-by-step Guide:
1. First of all, you need to have the image to be used as your favicon. If you do not have one, you can use favicon generator to create favicon using photos. You can use the Favicon Generator on BloggerBuster. If you do not know how to create your own favicon, you can get free favicon at Favicon Gallery or you can check Smashing Magazine for ideas of favicons.
2. Now, Login to your account.
3. Go to "Layout">>"Edit HTML".

4. Copy the code below:

*Remember: Change the URL "http://your-icon-url.png" to the URL of your favicon. For example, if you upload your favicon to Photobucket, then you will need to login to your Photobucket account to copy the URL of your favicon.

5. Now, find for the section within the HTML codes of your blog. Paste the code in step 3 after the .
6. Now, save your template.

Done. You have successfully change your blog's favicon to your favorite favicon. You can now try to visit your blog and you will notice that the favicon is changed to your preferred favicon.

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