Monday, August 30, 2010

How to understand search engine marketing

The early development of the Internet, search engines only as a technical application for the site to provide information retrieval services. With the rapid development of networks, search engines gradually find their way of life - keyword advertising. Earlier, tens of thousands of small and medium domestic used this approach to their products, services, information on the major search engines rank search results front, and thus embarked on a journey of network marketing. The search engine seems to draw from also keyword ads on the equal sign, in the people a deep impression imprint imprinting. As everyone knows, with the networks and the development of search technology, today's search engine marketing and image than in the purchase of search keywords, has undergone a qualitative leap, keyword buying search engine marketing is no longer full. People's understanding of search engine marketing has to be completely changed when.

Unique information bridge to promote the search engine users a high degree of polymerization In 1990, faculty and students of the University of Montreal developed a computer's Archie is considered the modern search engine, "originator", they may not have anticipated the invention will become in the world today one of the most widely used network applications. Early stage of development in the network, users rarely the one hand, the information needs of people for the network is not high, the other network information is relatively scarce, so people with limited information can quickly find the information you want.

As the network technology of high-speed Fazhan, the number of Internet users rapid growth, rapid expansion of network information, succeed in network sea of information and information Xunzhao right for them becomes more challenging use of search engines Renmenkaishi get their information, But this time do not play a leading search engine, type role. Since then, the number of Internet users continues to grow, the Internet has become to live, work an integral part of network of information resources at this time infinite time with people conflict between the scarcity of resources has become increasingly prominent, the search engine to become Internet users fast access to information necessary tools, and increasingly close relationship between the network life.

From three different stages of development can be seen that the core functions of search engines is the most information and the audience in a communication bridge between the structures. Because of this, the search engine to quickly aggregate a large number of users users.According to statistics, as of the end of 2008, China's Web search request to more than 1500 billion, the scale of search engine users reached 244 million, ranking first in the world. In 2009 the scale of China's search engine users will exceed 300 million people.

Moreover, in the massive coverage on the basis of Internet users among the search engine service providers also continued to expand its product lines, such as Baidu addition to Web search engines, also developed the pictures, MP3, video and other search channels, and paste it, know that Wikipedia and other search community to further enhance the search engine aggregation of network users and the use of adhesive strength. It is understood that Baidu MP3 daily traffic reached 110 million, Baidu Post Bar has a daily flow is more than 150 million, becoming the world's largest Chinese community.

Search engine users a high degree polymerization, to provide marketing services for enterprises laid a solid customer base, and continuous innovation and development of search engines, also to get rid of the dependence on a single service model, to diversify marketing possible. Grasp the pulse of consumer demand, highlights search engine marketing charm The emergence of the Internet not only changed the way people communicate, but also a glorious page in the history of media development for marketing were brought infinite space and reverie. 

But today, when people stand on a particular point of view to re-examine online media marketing brought only found that the majority of online advertising and traditional advertising does not essentially different from, or most online advertising is just an extension of traditional advertising, just replace the transmission carrier. Because for the audience, is still a passive acceptance of communication content, the content is available more than the traditional media, out of time and space constraints only. But search engine marketing changes the situation radically shift the change.

Baidu Web Search box in the "laptop offer," showed "to the pages found 3,380,000 articles, with time 0.001 seconds." In a very short period of time, users can be found through the search engine takes a year ago or even decades to the screening and selection of things. But search engines not only provide search, more importantly, it brings the searcher's needs - produced from the bottom of my heart deep and true needs. And compared to traditional online media, search engines are no longer a good order imposed on users of information, but users initiate their own initiative. In this process, the search engine based on user search behavior and browsing behavior data analysis, the user can clear insight into what needs what, this is the search engine seductive charm, who is also a marketing dream .

To search engine provider Baidu, for example, nearly 300 million Internet users in the coverage, brought together more than 100 billion times per year based on data massive search through the details of these consumption data and research analysis to the various industries, businesses The network marketing to provide a more scientific basis for decision making. For example, automobile-related searches on the data to collect, classify, analyze and mining, Baidu users can Huoxizuijin Mouyijieduan on a Xinghaoqiche Yijiqiche Xiaofeixingye of Guanzhu degree, insight Xiaofei Zhe's intent and Wajue the Wei Lai a period, the trend of auto consumption users.

Search engine with great precision to lock the consumer and their needs together, so search engine marketing can be more accurate and effective. Advertising clients, once you start applying this so effective, accurate consumer demand, most of his customers would no longer use search engine marketing Hennan. As more and more advertisers, more diverse marketing needs, the search engine also developed a series of innovative marketing products such as Baidu search engine marketing has been more from the initial display mode of a single service, and to have a brand zone accurate advertising, 

contextual advertising and other rich quickly integrated into the marketing model, while concerned about the process of brand marketing, promotion and sales promotion, brand advertisers, search engine marketing application offers more choices. Consumers will always be a core element of marketing, and search engine a high degree of polymerization of consumers, consumer behavior, consumer trends in in-depth insight into the ... ... are firmly grasp the "core elements" of the pulse. Continuous development and updating of the Internet, online marketing is also in a more accurate, user-friendly direction, I believe the consumer launch of "active marketing" will make search engine marketing to play a more powerful influence.

How to understand search engine marketing

The early development of the Internet, search engines only as a technical application for the site to provide information retrieval services. With the rapid development of networks, search engines gradually find their way of life - keyword advertising. Earlier, tens of thousands of small and medium domestic used this approach to their products, services, information on the major search engines rank search results front, and thus embarked on a journey of network marketing. The search engine seems to draw from also keyword ads on the equal sign, in the people a deep impression imprint imprinting. As everyone knows, with the networks and the development of search technology, today's search engine marketing and image than in the purchase of search keywords, has undergone a qualitative leap, keyword buying search engine marketing is no longer full. People's understanding of search engine marketing has to be completely changed when.

Unique information bridge to promote the search engine users a high degree of polymerization In 1990, faculty and students of the University of Montreal developed a computer's Archie is considered the modern search engine, "originator", they may not have anticipated the invention will become in the world today one of the most widely used network applications. Early stage of development in the network, users rarely the one hand, the information needs of people for the network is not high, the other network information is relatively scarce, so people with limited information can quickly find the information you want.

As the network technology of high-speed Fazhan, the number of Internet users rapid growth, rapid expansion of network information, succeed in network sea of information and information Xunzhao right for them becomes more challenging use of search engines Renmenkaishi get their information, But this time do not play a leading search engine, type role. Since then, the number of Internet users continues to grow, the Internet has become to live, work an integral part of network of information resources at this time infinite time with people conflict between the scarcity of resources has become increasingly prominent, the search engine to become Internet users fast access to information necessary tools, and increasingly close relationship between the network life.

From three different stages of development can be seen that the core functions of search engines is the most information and the audience in a communication bridge between the structures. Because of this, the search engine to quickly aggregate a large number of users users.According to statistics, as of the end of 2008, China's Web search request to more than 1500 billion, the scale of search engine users reached 244 million, ranking first in the world. In 2009 the scale of China's search engine users will exceed 300 million people.

Moreover, in the massive coverage on the basis of Internet users among the search engine service providers also continued to expand its product lines, such as Baidu addition to Web search engines, also developed the pictures, MP3, video and other search channels, and paste it, know that Wikipedia and other search community to further enhance the search engine aggregation of network users and the use of adhesive strength. It is understood that Baidu MP3 daily traffic reached 110 million, Baidu Post Bar has a daily flow is more than 150 million, becoming the world's largest Chinese community.

Search engine users a high degree polymerization, to provide marketing services for enterprises laid a solid customer base, and continuous innovation and development of search engines, also to get rid of the dependence on a single service model, to diversify marketing possible. Grasp the pulse of consumer demand, highlights search engine marketing charm The emergence of the Internet not only changed the way people communicate, but also a glorious page in the history of media development for marketing were brought infinite space and reverie. 

But today, when people stand on a particular point of view to re-examine online media marketing brought only found that the majority of online advertising and traditional advertising does not essentially different from, or most online advertising is just an extension of traditional advertising, just replace the transmission carrier. Because for the audience, is still a passive acceptance of communication content, the content is available more than the traditional media, out of time and space constraints only. But search engine marketing changes the situation radically shift the change.

Baidu Web Search box in the "laptop offer," showed "to the pages found 3,380,000 articles, with time 0.001 seconds." In a very short period of time, users can be found through the search engine takes a year ago or even decades to the screening and selection of things. But search engines not only provide search, more importantly, it brings the searcher's needs - produced from the bottom of my heart deep and true needs. And compared to traditional online media, search engines are no longer a good order imposed on users of information, but users initiate their own initiative. In this process, the search engine based on user search behavior and browsing behavior data analysis, the user can clear insight into what needs what, this is the search engine seductive charm, who is also a marketing dream .

To search engine provider Baidu, for example, nearly 300 million Internet users in the coverage, brought together more than 100 billion times per year based on data massive search through the details of these consumption data and research analysis to the various industries, businesses The network marketing to provide a more scientific basis for decision making. For example, automobile-related searches on the data to collect, classify, analyze and mining, Baidu users can Huoxizuijin Mouyijieduan on a Xinghaoqiche Yijiqiche Xiaofeixingye of Guanzhu degree, insight Xiaofei Zhe's intent and Wajue the Wei Lai a period, the trend of auto consumption users.

Search engine with great precision to lock the consumer and their needs together, so search engine marketing can be more accurate and effective. Advertising clients, once you start applying this so effective, accurate consumer demand, most of his customers would no longer use search engine marketing Hennan. As more and more advertisers, more diverse marketing needs, the search engine also developed a series of innovative marketing products such as Baidu search engine marketing has been more from the initial display mode of a single service, and to have a brand zone accurate advertising, 

contextual advertising and other rich quickly integrated into the marketing model, while concerned about the process of brand marketing, promotion and sales promotion, brand advertisers, search engine marketing application offers more choices. Consumers will always be a core element of marketing, and search engine a high degree of polymerization of consumers, consumer behavior, consumer trends in in-depth insight into the ... ... are firmly grasp the "core elements" of the pulse. Continuous development and updating of the Internet, online marketing is also in a more accurate, user-friendly direction, I believe the consumer launch of "active marketing" will make search engine marketing to play a more powerful influence.

How to optimize Web site pictures?

Image optimization is the site search engine optimization one of the most important part. The pictures on the website search engine optimization / SEO website will not only bring more additional traffic, but also bring visitors a better user experience. Images in this article summarizes the optimization techniques to note 16.

1. In the picture of the alt tag (replacement text) to add keywords, which is image optimized in the most important point.

2. Standard image embed code should contain five key tags: src, width, height, alt and title. Replace the text (alt) is to give those who can not see images in your document text description provided here. title is a description and additional images to add, if you need to text when the mouse through the pictures should prompt property title. Alt tag generally the most critical.

3. Give you the picture a descriptive and contain your target keywords in the file name. If you have a lovely parrot picture is about, then this should be used as a descriptive parrot.jpg file name, rather than using the code name t123.jpg such is, of course, can make the image file name and ALT tags inside the content of the same or the same. Do not casually use such names pic1234.jpg, but should describe more clearly the name of cute-parrot.jpg.

4. Picture and where the content must be related to: web visitors to browse images is not the first thing, but it will make visitors stay longer on the page longer. (Based on eye tracking research, browsing the text of priority in the picture, but when printing the article, people will look at the picture. While looking at web pages will look at the text, but pictures will make them stay longer pages longer and more impressive)

5. In the picture around to add relevant information. If you use Google search for images, will be not difficult to find in each picture there will be a descriptive text under which keywords appear in bold. Google Image Search by analyzing the page image in the vicinity of the text, images, headings and many other elements to determine the image content. Therefore, the picture around to add a description contains the keyword information to optimize website pictures in search engine rankings.

6. Point to the picture links to include keywords.
Open the image using the hyperlink, then the name of the hyperlink of keywords should include pictures, for example you want to link a lovely parrot picture, it should not use the "Click for full size" and link text, but should try to use such as " Lovely parrot "named form like.

7. Use Tag to tag the picture. Use as flickr photo storage services like, it is best for the pictures with tag.

8. To ensure the picture can be crawled by search engines. Set the site robots.txt file to ensure image files can be searched spider crawling. Remember not to use javascript links to picture files. If you do so, search engines can not retrieve your image of the document.

9. No need to optimize your site for all the pictures. Such as the use of template images, navigation in the image are background images, etc., we do not have ALT tags for these add a picture, we can put these pictures in a separate folder. And by setting the robots.txt file to block spiders to crawl these pictures.
You can set all the spiders have been prevented from crawling the images:
User-agent: *
Disallow: / Images
Can only prevent Google image search spiders crawl:
User-agent: Googlebot-Image
Disallow: / Images

10. To avoid a repeat of the picture. For example, your site a picture of three forms: small size of the picture, medium size image, the larger size of the image. So, do not let it be indexed to the three pictures. Deal with this situation the best way is to use robots.txt file to tell spiders not to crawl you do not want to be indexed image version.

11. Number of images per page is less possible.

12. Note that the image size to accommodate the search engine, such as your link is a wallpaper, then the size of wallpaper should be compliant. As Google, Baidu and other image search are available under the picture size to search.

13. Frequently updated picture. If you do not change the picture for a long time (image size, image file size, image location and image name so no change), its ranking may be reduced, because the search engine would suspect image content is outdated.

14. Using Google Webmaster enhanced image search. Enable enhanced image search, Google will use tools such as Google Image Labeler your site includes images associated with the label in order to optimize the picture quality of the index and improve the search.

15. Check the index by search engines picture search picture your situation. In order to check the pictures on the website optimization is successful, need to monitor the search engine on the web site picture of your rate. Method is search bar input (to replace you need to check the domain name). Other search engines have this feature.

How to optimize Web site pictures?

Image optimization is the site search engine optimization one of the most important part. The pictures on the website search engine optimization / SEO website will not only bring more additional traffic, but also bring visitors a better user experience. Images in this article summarizes the optimization techniques to note 16.

1. In the picture of the alt tag (replacement text) to add keywords, which is image optimized in the most important point.

2. Standard image embed code should contain five key tags: src, width, height, alt and title. Replace the text (alt) is to give those who can not see images in your document text description provided here. title is a description and additional images to add, if you need to text when the mouse through the pictures should prompt property title. Alt tag generally the most critical.

3. Give you the picture a descriptive and contain your target keywords in the file name. If you have a lovely parrot picture is about, then this should be used as a descriptive parrot.jpg file name, rather than using the code name t123.jpg such is, of course, can make the image file name and ALT tags inside the content of the same or the same. Do not casually use such names pic1234.jpg, but should describe more clearly the name of cute-parrot.jpg.

4. Picture and where the content must be related to: web visitors to browse images is not the first thing, but it will make visitors stay longer on the page longer. (Based on eye tracking research, browsing the text of priority in the picture, but when printing the article, people will look at the picture. While looking at web pages will look at the text, but pictures will make them stay longer pages longer and more impressive)

5. In the picture around to add relevant information. If you use Google search for images, will be not difficult to find in each picture there will be a descriptive text under which keywords appear in bold. Google Image Search by analyzing the page image in the vicinity of the text, images, headings and many other elements to determine the image content. Therefore, the picture around to add a description contains the keyword information to optimize website pictures in search engine rankings.

6. Point to the picture links to include keywords.
Open the image using the hyperlink, then the name of the hyperlink of keywords should include pictures, for example you want to link a lovely parrot picture, it should not use the "Click for full size" and link text, but should try to use such as " Lovely parrot "named form like.

7. Use Tag to tag the picture. Use as flickr photo storage services like, it is best for the pictures with tag.

8. To ensure the picture can be crawled by search engines. Set the site robots.txt file to ensure image files can be searched spider crawling. Remember not to use javascript links to picture files. If you do so, search engines can not retrieve your image of the document.

9. No need to optimize your site for all the pictures. Such as the use of template images, navigation in the image are background images, etc., we do not have ALT tags for these add a picture, we can put these pictures in a separate folder. And by setting the robots.txt file to block spiders to crawl these pictures.
You can set all the spiders have been prevented from crawling the images:
User-agent: *
Disallow: / Images
Can only prevent Google image search spiders crawl:
User-agent: Googlebot-Image
Disallow: / Images

10. To avoid a repeat of the picture. For example, your site a picture of three forms: small size of the picture, medium size image, the larger size of the image. So, do not let it be indexed to the three pictures. Deal with this situation the best way is to use robots.txt file to tell spiders not to crawl you do not want to be indexed image version.

11. Number of images per page is less possible.

12. Note that the image size to accommodate the search engine, such as your link is a wallpaper, then the size of wallpaper should be compliant. As Google, Baidu and other image search are available under the picture size to search.

13. Frequently updated picture. If you do not change the picture for a long time (image size, image file size, image location and image name so no change), its ranking may be reduced, because the search engine would suspect image content is outdated.

14. Using Google Webmaster enhanced image search. Enable enhanced image search, Google will use tools such as Google Image Labeler your site includes images associated with the label in order to optimize the picture quality of the index and improve the search.

15. Check the index by search engines picture search picture your situation. In order to check the pictures on the website optimization is successful, need to monitor the search engine on the web site picture of your rate. Method is search bar input (to replace you need to check the domain name). Other search engines have this feature.

How to optimize e-commerce site

B2c e-commerce website construction different, there are different methods of search engine optimization seo, need to analyze specific issues.
However, the original aim, the following are 10 basic b2c e-commerce web site optimization methods:
Page optimization, to follow the "Web site home page optimization" principle;
Products by product category page optimization to name the main key words, good dispersion;
Category best of "product category name - Site name" this form of title;
Product detail page is best "product name - category name - Site name" this form of title;

Product detail page to product name and the corresponding expansion of keyword-based Key words;
Or session to resolve the problem of how best to do dynamic address bar and getting short as possible;
Generate static or pseudo static; site at the top of the main navigation is simple, easy hits the lower classification;
The bottom of the navigation station in the entire uniform, easy to find, and give customers a sense of security;

Product category if more reasonable arrangement, placed on the left than the right, and do not have to cover what customer service hotline;

Products placed on the left lower classification, there is a problem that needs attention is not good for search engine optimization, to learn how to use div to achieve display in the left side, but in the source code is the Tui to the back;

b2c e-commerce site optimization is a system to work more than 10 seo optimization methods are only approximate, general introduction to what specific action is required of professional staff analysis, there are many other details of the specific optimization to be done, such as how to optimize shopping process, how to optimize add to shopping cart functions, how to optimize the user experience, how to layout of product categories, how to write optimized soft paper product introduction, etc., which I will talk about in more detail later, please pay attention to my website.

The body text of web page optimization techniques

Excellent SEO SEO copywriting is very important. Because keyword density, thinking one hundred million customers in Europe and the proposed site of some key content pages do not too much. If it is too much content, you can consider more pages to put these elements. Content too long, it might scare away readers will. In short, there are many good reasons to encourage you to keep the simplicity of the body text. 

Use bold ("bold" or "strong") and italic ("em" or "i") to identify the page, but does something to save our use. Doing REACH certification, FDA certification, LFGB certification, ROHS certification, MSDS certification, PAHS certification on the adoption of this principle of the word. Both the search engine or on the ordinary user, 

it can help them to find the key to your text. But do not use underscores in the page around ("u" label), which allow users to text and links to confuse. I also recommend the body text should use the paragraph (using the paragraph tag "p" "/ p"), each paragraph of not more than three to four sentences, the keywords you choose should be placed as far as possible the start of each paragraph location. 

We recommend you to the word, words, and four characters to the appropriate frequency of keywords in the text were scattered. Ideal keyword density options, depending on the degree of competition keywords and your ultimate goal. For the first four (and all stations) keywords, I suggest that each individual in the home the first goal of the region is 20% (primary area is within the title + page title + text + bold italic text + alt text). 

Ordinary text content (secondary area) density should be: for page-specific (most important) keywords the words of 2% to 4%, 3 word keyword to 0. _8% ~ 1.5%, 0.2% related keyword to 0.5% (there will be many). 

Body text optimization, SEO greater factor. Do not underestimate the importance of good SEO copy. This is my most challenging for the user doing the work (and most time). In the body of the text elements, you have a block of text more than any other freedom. Take half a brain to use this freedom to it.

Site where internal need to be optimized?

Website optimization is the internal website optimization focus, the following is a special need to optimize the 10 areas:
1. Clean up the structure, now the structure is simple: the title, navigation (intended to remove), classification, articles, tag. 

2. Removed useless functions and codes, irrelevant links (such as the printed pdf, About Us, Contact us) I have used nofollow. 

3. Tag to write the fine, the best to write each article 1-2 tag, because the tag is double-edged sword that can help your; but the tag too much, anyway, will go wrong website. 

4. Website title with h1, classification with h2, news headlines with h3, tag with h3, news highlights with h4, navigation I use nofollow. Clear as possible so that the whole site structure, three-dimensional, focusing on classification of. 

5. Standardized as much as possible while writing, paragraphs with
, rather than a carriage return, minimize the use of space; quoted or referenced what format to use italics, bold use of important elements.

6. Article, the article said some of the other statements, within the chain with a point. When the external links references directly, without nofollow, and do not mean to export link. 

7. An important part of the article as written in the front. 

8. Try to write all the hyperlink in the title, image alt attributes, and use a short statement, rather than keywords. Pictures with gif or jpg, image sizes as small as possible, and indicate the picture size. 

9. For a quote form, do too, if it is too deep, with a

10. External link does not seek pr, just look at the other site's development, if the site healthy, good, not imitation, and he for one, do not look at short-term interests. 

11. Url clear, url appear in keywords, or keyword Quanpin. 

12. Deployed within a reasonable chain, loop PR, in addition to article within the chain, tag is a kind of internal links, as well as articles, recommended articles. 

13. Title of each page to be different; description I did not write, either for procedural reasons, to change too much trouble, and second, because I think I write well, not as the search engines themselves to find a suitable fragment; keywords does not need too many 3-5 summarizes the contents of the article, not written and articles related keywords, but keywords for each page, all I want to write the main push of the keywords, huh, huh. 

14. Do not cheat, tightly illegal content.

How to optimize e-commerce site

B2c e-commerce website construction different, there are different methods of search engine optimization seo, need to analyze specific issues.
However, the original aim, the following are 10 basic b2c e-commerce web site optimization methods:
Page optimization, to follow the "Web site home page optimization" principle;
Products by product category page optimization to name the main key words, good dispersion;
Category best of "product category name - Site name" this form of title;
Product detail page is best "product name - category name - Site name" this form of title;

Product detail page to product name and the corresponding expansion of keyword-based Key words;
Or session to resolve the problem of how best to do dynamic address bar and getting short as possible;
Generate static or pseudo static; site at the top of the main navigation is simple, easy hits the lower classification;
The bottom of the navigation station in the entire uniform, easy to find, and give customers a sense of security;

Product category if more reasonable arrangement, placed on the left than the right, and do not have to cover what customer service hotline;

Products placed on the left lower classification, there is a problem that needs attention is not good for search engine optimization, to learn how to use div to achieve display in the left side, but in the source code is the Tui to the back;

b2c e-commerce site optimization is a system to work more than 10 seo optimization methods are only approximate, general introduction to what specific action is required of professional staff analysis, there are many other details of the specific optimization to be done, such as how to optimize shopping process, how to optimize add to shopping cart functions, how to optimize the user experience, how to layout of product categories, how to write optimized soft paper product introduction, etc., which I will talk about in more detail later, please pay attention to my website.

The body text of web page optimization techniques

Excellent SEO SEO copywriting is very important. Because keyword density, thinking one hundred million customers in Europe and the proposed site of some key content pages do not too much. If it is too much content, you can consider more pages to put these elements. Content too long, it might scare away readers will. In short, there are many good reasons to encourage you to keep the simplicity of the body text. 

Use bold ("bold" or "strong") and italic ("em" or "i") to identify the page, but does something to save our use. Doing REACH certification, FDA certification, LFGB certification, ROHS certification, MSDS certification, PAHS certification on the adoption of this principle of the word. Both the search engine or on the ordinary user, 

it can help them to find the key to your text. But do not use underscores in the page around ("u" label), which allow users to text and links to confuse. I also recommend the body text should use the paragraph (using the paragraph tag "p" "/ p"), each paragraph of not more than three to four sentences, the keywords you choose should be placed as far as possible the start of each paragraph location. 

We recommend you to the word, words, and four characters to the appropriate frequency of keywords in the text were scattered. Ideal keyword density options, depending on the degree of competition keywords and your ultimate goal. For the first four (and all stations) keywords, I suggest that each individual in the home the first goal of the region is 20% (primary area is within the title + page title + text + bold italic text + alt text). 

Ordinary text content (secondary area) density should be: for page-specific (most important) keywords the words of 2% to 4%, 3 word keyword to 0. _8% ~ 1.5%, 0.2% related keyword to 0.5% (there will be many). 

Body text optimization, SEO greater factor. Do not underestimate the importance of good SEO copy. This is my most challenging for the user doing the work (and most time). In the body of the text elements, you have a block of text more than any other freedom. Take half a brain to use this freedom to it.

Site where internal need to be optimized?

Website optimization is the internal website optimization focus, the following is a special need to optimize the 10 areas:
1. Clean up the structure, now the structure is simple: the title, navigation (intended to remove), classification, articles, tag. 

2. Removed useless functions and codes, irrelevant links (such as the printed pdf, About Us, Contact us) I have used nofollow. 

3. Tag to write the fine, the best to write each article 1-2 tag, because the tag is double-edged sword that can help your; but the tag too much, anyway, will go wrong website. 

4. Website title with h1, classification with h2, news headlines with h3, tag with h3, news highlights with h4, navigation I use nofollow. Clear as possible so that the whole site structure, three-dimensional, focusing on classification of. 

5. Standardized as much as possible while writing, paragraphs with
, rather than a carriage return, minimize the use of space; quoted or referenced what format to use italics, bold use of important elements.

6. Article, the article said some of the other statements, within the chain with a point. When the external links references directly, without nofollow, and do not mean to export link. 

7. An important part of the article as written in the front. 

8. Try to write all the hyperlink in the title, image alt attributes, and use a short statement, rather than keywords. Pictures with gif or jpg, image sizes as small as possible, and indicate the picture size. 

9. For a quote form, do too, if it is too deep, with a

10. External link does not seek pr, just look at the other site's development, if the site healthy, good, not imitation, and he for one, do not look at short-term interests. 

11. Url clear, url appear in keywords, or keyword Quanpin. 

12. Deployed within a reasonable chain, loop PR, in addition to article within the chain, tag is a kind of internal links, as well as articles, recommended articles. 

13. Title of each page to be different; description I did not write, either for procedural reasons, to change too much trouble, and second, because I think I write well, not as the search engines themselves to find a suitable fragment; keywords does not need too many 3-5 summarizes the contents of the article, not written and articles related keywords, but keywords for each page, all I want to write the main push of the keywords, huh, huh. 

14. Do not cheat, tightly illegal content.

Optimization process on the website

Website Optimization is a systematic project, not easy, and requires a lot of accumulation and attempt, we need a systematic process and work system in order to be more effective, here on the website optimization process summed up, for your reference The first step, the site orientation: Needless to say, a goal best, there is no objective need to make their own assessment.The second step, the domain name choice: on this point in my previous article also mentioned as possible choices of rice containing keywords, weight is not high. But the same circumstances, there will be a slight advantage. A short, easy to remember, relevance, Pinyin or English meter, and the old domain name selection criteria.

The third step: the network to streamline the optimization process: reduction of burdensome code, improve the efficiency of the program. Js program code related to all package calls, the css style is also called the style sheet with the structure, in addition to architecture is conducive to search engine div + css format.Step Four: keyword selection: for site location, select the efficient and targeted keywords, the scope can not be too broad nor too narrow, keywords area remember not to pile keywords. According to recent observations, keywords are less important, usually around 3 or better.

Step Five: key, title Description: This is more important, the general format we write the title, keyword 1 keyword 2 keyword N add your site name, title, description of not more than 28 characters is appropriate, more will not show, so it will dilute the keyword weight. Secondly, the description of the region, where the region will be presented to the searcher directly in front of the first, that the site where they can have a more intuitive understanding of those who are searching the site selection criteria, so here's the key you want to highlight your words, long tail keywords long tail long tail ... ... and your company and contact information so simple, but the need to control in 108 words or so.

Step Six: keyword layout: This is the critical step, the keyword density should be reasonable, the new station control at 4% -% 5. Arrangement with top to bottom, left to right in principle, the rest of the natural distribution, once again stressed that no malicious accumulation. All pages as a home treatment to smooth the interface between the upper and lower page. Not create access to higher level sub page can not return to the situation of the page.

Step Seven: Content Development: to each article are taken seriously, insist on original, rational selection of appropriate titles, keywords in content to a reasonable distribution of the principle of repetition from top to bottom, the statement clear, otherwise it will affect the user experience. In this way, each article can bring you unlimited traffic. 

Part VIII: Building external links: Links require careful management, the site makes the illegal kind, long-term down the right and was promptly removed K sites, cheat sites deleted. To the manufacture of man-made chain, such as the promotion of soft paper, published a good article with the copyright information. Group set up a blog to create outside the chain and so on. How many outside the chain weight relative to the google account for a considerable part. Outside the chain-building is essential, be taken seriously.

FLASH website optimization tips

Search engines may not like the FLASH animation, it is difficult to identify the contents inside the FLASH animation. However, a few years ago corporate website especially popular sites such FLASH page, and now these sites also abound. With the past two years search engine optimization for popular, many business owners began to slowly realize the importance of search engine optimization, seo companies choose to do more and more. Yes, when we labored with the FLASH with the business owners to explain the site is not suitable for optimization, additional optimization, site must be revised, many business owners are not happy about it. Well, get this site in the end how to do seo do? More than six months after my observation and conclusion, I found the two methods can not only keep FLASH animation, you can both search engine optimization, improve website ranking.

Both of these methods may only be counted one of the practice is hidden text at the bottom of FLASH. However, a semi-hidden, one for the whole hide. The first is a semi-hidden, that is, below the text FLASH is visible only to the first screen to retain FLASH, so that visitors not see the movie first saw the text below. New web some time ago have taken this approach, he would first screen the site to place a large FLASH, and then the entire text content of the website on the bottom of FLASH, the first screen only shows the site navigation. Thus, when visitors first enter the site, to see just a large FLASH, click on the bottom of the navigation, the site will jump to the text below to the Department.

The second refers to FLASH hidden beneath all the text is not visible. Some will want the animation, but can not accept the place in the animation website under the important pages. In such cases, some people do not know how to do. In fact, we only need to do in the first method and little change on it. In the first approach is based on the slider will be set to hide the page, so that visitors can not see the text under the FLASH animation. Of course, since the animation is designed to do under the text to search engines rather than visitors to see the page view you can not care about the U.S. too much, just be careful not to pile too many words can be appropriate. Made of ordinary web pages look the best, so everything looks natural point. As the color of the text or conventional visible color, is not hidden text, search engines will not be sentenced to cheat.

Optimization process on the website

Website Optimization is a systematic project, not easy, and requires a lot of accumulation and attempt, we need a systematic process and work system in order to be more effective, here on the website optimization process summed up, for your reference The first step, the site orientation: Needless to say, a goal best, there is no objective need to make their own assessment.The second step, the domain name choice: on this point in my previous article also mentioned as possible choices of rice containing keywords, weight is not high. But the same circumstances, there will be a slight advantage. A short, easy to remember, relevance, Pinyin or English meter, and the old domain name selection criteria.

The third step: the network to streamline the optimization process: reduction of burdensome code, improve the efficiency of the program. Js program code related to all package calls, the css style is also called the style sheet with the structure, in addition to architecture is conducive to search engine div + css format.Step Four: keyword selection: for site location, select the efficient and targeted keywords, the scope can not be too broad nor too narrow, keywords area remember not to pile keywords. According to recent observations, keywords are less important, usually around 3 or better.

Step Five: key, title Description: This is more important, the general format we write the title, keyword 1 keyword 2 keyword N add your site name, title, description of not more than 28 characters is appropriate, more will not show, so it will dilute the keyword weight. Secondly, the description of the region, where the region will be presented to the searcher directly in front of the first, that the site where they can have a more intuitive understanding of those who are searching the site selection criteria, so here's the key you want to highlight your words, long tail keywords long tail long tail ... ... and your company and contact information so simple, but the need to control in 108 words or so.

Step Six: keyword layout: This is the critical step, the keyword density should be reasonable, the new station control at 4% -% 5. Arrangement with top to bottom, left to right in principle, the rest of the natural distribution, once again stressed that no malicious accumulation. All pages as a home treatment to smooth the interface between the upper and lower page. Not create access to higher level sub page can not return to the situation of the page.

Step Seven: Content Development: to each article are taken seriously, insist on original, rational selection of appropriate titles, keywords in content to a reasonable distribution of the principle of repetition from top to bottom, the statement clear, otherwise it will affect the user experience. In this way, each article can bring you unlimited traffic. 

Part VIII: Building external links: Links require careful management, the site makes the illegal kind, long-term down the right and was promptly removed K sites, cheat sites deleted. To the manufacture of man-made chain, such as the promotion of soft paper, published a good article with the copyright information. Group set up a blog to create outside the chain and so on. How many outside the chain weight relative to the google account for a considerable part. Outside the chain-building is essential, be taken seriously.

FLASH website optimization tips

Search engines may not like the FLASH animation, it is difficult to identify the contents inside the FLASH animation. However, a few years ago corporate website especially popular sites such FLASH page, and now these sites also abound. With the past two years search engine optimization for popular, many business owners began to slowly realize the importance of search engine optimization, seo companies choose to do more and more. Yes, when we labored with the FLASH with the business owners to explain the site is not suitable for optimization, additional optimization, site must be revised, many business owners are not happy about it. Well, get this site in the end how to do seo do? More than six months after my observation and conclusion, I found the two methods can not only keep FLASH animation, you can both search engine optimization, improve website ranking.

Both of these methods may only be counted one of the practice is hidden text at the bottom of FLASH. However, a semi-hidden, one for the whole hide. The first is a semi-hidden, that is, below the text FLASH is visible only to the first screen to retain FLASH, so that visitors not see the movie first saw the text below. New web some time ago have taken this approach, he would first screen the site to place a large FLASH, and then the entire text content of the website on the bottom of FLASH, the first screen only shows the site navigation. Thus, when visitors first enter the site, to see just a large FLASH, click on the bottom of the navigation, the site will jump to the text below to the Department.

The second refers to FLASH hidden beneath all the text is not visible. Some will want the animation, but can not accept the place in the animation website under the important pages. In such cases, some people do not know how to do. In fact, we only need to do in the first method and little change on it. In the first approach is based on the slider will be set to hide the page, so that visitors can not see the text under the FLASH animation. Of course, since the animation is designed to do under the text to search engines rather than visitors to see the page view you can not care about the U.S. too much, just be careful not to pile too many words can be appropriate. Made of ordinary web pages look the best, so everything looks natural point. As the color of the text or conventional visible color, is not hidden text, search engines will not be sentenced to cheat.

Carried out using CSS + DIV Website Optimization

css + div is the standardization of popular web technologies, through the css + div can effectively optimize the site.
1) seo optimization of a website to have good results, it is recommended to use a standardized set of css + div layout websites, pay attention to the use of semantic tags; 

2) Web site after the completion of the major search engine sites to visit and then submit to the Google sitemap; 

3) increase the site have the right to re-link, multi-pay some good links; 

4) written site robots.txt; 

5) Use the keyword tags defined areas, such as primary key with

, plays keyword with


7) combined with a series of site optimization tools to view the optimized conditions, the basis of these data to improve your optimization; 

8) and then usually done under the optimized Web site experiences, combined with Google and Baidu seo optimization techniques to optimize your site

Carried out using CSS + DIV Website Optimization

css + div is the standardization of popular web technologies, through the css + div can effectively optimize the site.
1) seo optimization of a website to have good results, it is recommended to use a standardized set of css + div layout websites, pay attention to the use of semantic tags; 

2) Web site after the completion of the major search engine sites to visit and then submit to the Google sitemap; 

3) increase the site have the right to re-link, multi-pay some good links; 

4) written site robots.txt; 

5) Use the keyword tags defined areas, such as primary key with

, plays keyword with


7) combined with a series of site optimization tools to view the optimized conditions, the basis of these data to improve your optimization; 

8) and then usually done under the optimized Web site experiences, combined with Google and Baidu seo optimization techniques to optimize your site

Which are outside the chain of quality

1. Registered some well-known, best-related forums, frequented the top post, comment, generally allow the band signed to with your signature URL. For example, in A5, real name certification can be painted with the text chain. The submission site is now basically agreed to in your article or article appears in the back of the author's web site, we can always write articles related to Qu submission, go to the free exchange of links to

2, write a blog, maintaining a stable update, not mass. Good blog on the Links.

3 collection of some owners group, to participate in, express some opinions, pay attention to relevant information, and then exchange links with webmaster.

4 news station become weak to the text, but requires to be better than literary grace. After reading some sympathy for the reader, there are a lot of Big Brother are up companies, on behalf of the writing and become weak text, credit, or reliable.

5, to make good use Baidu own thing, paste it, space, know that there was the ah, especially now that we all know, Baidu has always put himself in front of the product. Very eccentric, so how many stations have been ranked in the second page.

6, now popular black chain, not tried. Because our customers do business station, do not pull ads, so if it is k, lost big. But many people say that the top or useful, the other for technical disloyal key. I am opposed to. When some people find some counterintuitive results, but they can get a good way after they began to take risks, give up the normal white hat black hat optimizing the choice of the optimization, although the short period of time can get a good score, but the long run, the site must become the object of K. In fact, many ways, once in practice, it is demonstrated, very few top results. Key good content, the content is not good, no good. Because Baidu is to bring good new content to the readers.

Search engine optimization should be started for the sake of users

Now often make search engine optimization of websites will increase the number of external links is essential to see that this is a shortcut to improve search engine rankings, in fact, through such means in a period of time may indeed be your site's ranking improved, It has a basic premise is that the same site (competitor) in the same optimal level is not high, so the external links on the site has done some work may be beyond the competitors. In fact, this approach is the cart before the horse, if you let those who use cheating in search engine rankings for people to "enhance the breadth Links", then mistakes, because the large increase in use of cheating garbage link, face will be the search engine on the Web site the most severe punishment - permanent deletion from the search engines. 

So search engine optimization should pay attention to it? Is very simple, is the site within the basic elements: site structure, web content, website features and web services, especially to site structure and site content optimization is most important. Can be sure that a Web site structure and site content optimization well, then completed at least 70% of search engine optimization. So now we think the most important factor in search engine optimization - website how high the importance of external links? I personally think that the importance of search engine optimization in less than 20%, and this is the means to be high quality, highly relevant website link, if only general web link, or many spam websites, if not have a negative effect. 

So, I think, the highest state of search engine optimization is: forget the search engine optimization. All for the sake of users, site structure with the professional design and high-quality content get the trust of users, while search engines will return to these high-quality website - improve your website ranking. In the process of search engine optimization, search engine considerations, only the search engine site search engine optimization as a detection tool for the situation, because the Web site's performance in search engines rely on search engines ultimate judge of.

Original articles need to identify the four goals

The current search of the original articles of love, not a substantive change in the rules, but because of the content of the article search function on the result of imperfect, that is, the search later become smart enough, and perhaps not so original value has been searching. Original meaning of the article not only for the search function of imperfect, but also to alleviate the search for data processing server redundancy, you can imagine, if a lot of the same server are filled in the search, the search will soon be unbearable. 

Then we write original articles should first determine the four objectives: 

1, we have to determine the need to optimize the key words, the example is: website optimization, place them on the title page there about 2-3 times as good, you can also refer to our station. 

2, plan to write every day on the keyword-related content, day two original on almost the same. 

3, original content appears in your key, and then gave the link, and point to the home page. About 1-2 key words linked on it. 

4, each content page, if there is another page of key words, also marked the link and point to the key words where the page. In accordance with these four goals to do stop, you will have a good harvest. The time to write original articles can also use long tail keywords.

Which are outside the chain of quality

1. Registered some well-known, best-related forums, frequented the top post, comment, generally allow the band signed to with your signature URL. For example, in A5, real name certification can be painted with the text chain. The submission site is now basically agreed to in your article or article appears in the back of the author's web site, we can always write articles related to Qu submission, go to the free exchange of links to

2, write a blog, maintaining a stable update, not mass. Good blog on the Links.

3 collection of some owners group, to participate in, express some opinions, pay attention to relevant information, and then exchange links with webmaster.

4 news station become weak to the text, but requires to be better than literary grace. After reading some sympathy for the reader, there are a lot of Big Brother are up companies, on behalf of the writing and become weak text, credit, or reliable.

5, to make good use Baidu own thing, paste it, space, know that there was the ah, especially now that we all know, Baidu has always put himself in front of the product. Very eccentric, so how many stations have been ranked in the second page.

6, now popular black chain, not tried. Because our customers do business station, do not pull ads, so if it is k, lost big. But many people say that the top or useful, the other for technical disloyal key. I am opposed to. When some people find some counterintuitive results, but they can get a good way after they began to take risks, give up the normal white hat black hat optimizing the choice of the optimization, although the short period of time can get a good score, but the long run, the site must become the object of K. In fact, many ways, once in practice, it is demonstrated, very few top results. Key good content, the content is not good, no good. Because Baidu is to bring good new content to the readers.

Search engine optimization should be started for the sake of users

Now often make search engine optimization of websites will increase the number of external links is essential to see that this is a shortcut to improve search engine rankings, in fact, through such means in a period of time may indeed be your site's ranking improved, It has a basic premise is that the same site (competitor) in the same optimal level is not high, so the external links on the site has done some work may be beyond the competitors. In fact, this approach is the cart before the horse, if you let those who use cheating in search engine rankings for people to "enhance the breadth Links", then mistakes, because the large increase in use of cheating garbage link, face will be the search engine on the Web site the most severe punishment - permanent deletion from the search engines. 

So search engine optimization should pay attention to it? Is very simple, is the site within the basic elements: site structure, web content, website features and web services, especially to site structure and site content optimization is most important. Can be sure that a Web site structure and site content optimization well, then completed at least 70% of search engine optimization. So now we think the most important factor in search engine optimization - website how high the importance of external links? I personally think that the importance of search engine optimization in less than 20%, and this is the means to be high quality, highly relevant website link, if only general web link, or many spam websites, if not have a negative effect. 

So, I think, the highest state of search engine optimization is: forget the search engine optimization. All for the sake of users, site structure with the professional design and high-quality content get the trust of users, while search engines will return to these high-quality website - improve your website ranking. In the process of search engine optimization, search engine considerations, only the search engine site search engine optimization as a detection tool for the situation, because the Web site's performance in search engines rely on search engines ultimate judge of.

Original articles need to identify the four goals

The current search of the original articles of love, not a substantive change in the rules, but because of the content of the article search function on the result of imperfect, that is, the search later become smart enough, and perhaps not so original value has been searching. Original meaning of the article not only for the search function of imperfect, but also to alleviate the search for data processing server redundancy, you can imagine, if a lot of the same server are filled in the search, the search will soon be unbearable. 

Then we write original articles should first determine the four objectives: 

1, we have to determine the need to optimize the key words, the example is: website optimization, place them on the title page there about 2-3 times as good, you can also refer to our station. 

2, plan to write every day on the keyword-related content, day two original on almost the same. 

3, original content appears in your key, and then gave the link, and point to the home page. About 1-2 key words linked on it. 

4, each content page, if there is another page of key words, also marked the link and point to the key words where the page. In accordance with these four goals to do stop, you will have a good harvest. The time to write original articles can also use long tail keywords.

How do search engines crawl your site faster and better

Very large network in the world; all the time generating new content. Google's own resources are limited, when faced with almost endless when web content, Googlebot can find and crawl the contents of a certain percentage of them. Then, we have to crawl to the content, we can only index part of it. URLs like the website and search engine crawlers as a bridge between: In order to be able to crawl your site's content, the crawler needs to be able to find and cross the bridge (that is, to find and crawl your URLs). If your URLs are complex or lengthy, the crawler had to repeatedly take the time needed to track the Web site; if your URLs are structured and directly to your unique content, the crawler can learn to focus on your content , not in vain spent crawl space or a different page URLs to crawl to the guidelines is ultimately just the same repetitive.

In the above slide, you can see some of our counter-examples should be avoided - these are real examples of URL exist (although their names because of privacy reasons have been replaced), these examples include the URL to be black and coding, redundant arguments disguised as part of the URL path, unlimited crawl space, and so on. You can also find the website to help you straighten out the maze and help them better and faster crawlers find your content for a number of recommendations, including:

1) remove the URL in the user parameters
That do not impact on the content URL in the parameters - such as session ID, or sort parameter - can be removed from the URL, the cookie was recorded. By adding this information cookie, and then 301 redirect to a "clean" URL, you can keep the original content, and reduce the number of URL contents point to the same situation. 

Control of infinite space Does your site have a calendar table, the above links to numerous past and future dates (each a link address is unique)? Your website address whether adding a & page = 3563 parameters, you can still return 200 code, even if not so many pages? If this is the case Di, then on your web site has been called the "Pavilion of Infinity" This Qing Kuang Hui Langfei crawling robot and the bandwidth of your site. How to control the good "infinite space", refer to some skills, right here.

2) prevent the Google crawler to crawl pages that they can not handle
By using your robots.txt file, you can stop your login page, contact information, shopping cart and other reptiles can not handle the page was crawled. (Reptiles are mean, and shy of his famous, so generally they do not own "add to cart the goods" or "Contact Us"). In this way, you can spend more time crawling reptiles on your site that they can handle the content.

One man one vote. A URL, a content
In an ideal world, URL, and have a one to one correspondence between the content: Each URL corresponds a unique content, and each paragraph can only be only a URL to visit. Closer to this ideal situation, the easier your site will be crawled and included. If your content management system or the current site to establish it more difficult to achieve, you can try to use the rel = canonical element to configure the URL you want to instruct a particular content.

How do search engines crawl your site faster and better

Very large network in the world; all the time generating new content. Google's own resources are limited, when faced with almost endless when web content, Googlebot can find and crawl the contents of a certain percentage of them. Then, we have to crawl to the content, we can only index part of it. URLs like the website and search engine crawlers as a bridge between: In order to be able to crawl your site's content, the crawler needs to be able to find and cross the bridge (that is, to find and crawl your URLs). If your URLs are complex or lengthy, the crawler had to repeatedly take the time needed to track the Web site; if your URLs are structured and directly to your unique content, the crawler can learn to focus on your content , not in vain spent crawl space or a different page URLs to crawl to the guidelines is ultimately just the same repetitive.

In the above slide, you can see some of our counter-examples should be avoided - these are real examples of URL exist (although their names because of privacy reasons have been replaced), these examples include the URL to be black and coding, redundant arguments disguised as part of the URL path, unlimited crawl space, and so on. You can also find the website to help you straighten out the maze and help them better and faster crawlers find your content for a number of recommendations, including:

1) remove the URL in the user parameters
That do not impact on the content URL in the parameters - such as session ID, or sort parameter - can be removed from the URL, the cookie was recorded. By adding this information cookie, and then 301 redirect to a "clean" URL, you can keep the original content, and reduce the number of URL contents point to the same situation. 

Control of infinite space Does your site have a calendar table, the above links to numerous past and future dates (each a link address is unique)? Your website address whether adding a & page = 3563 parameters, you can still return 200 code, even if not so many pages? If this is the case Di, then on your web site has been called the "Pavilion of Infinity" This Qing Kuang Hui Langfei crawling robot and the bandwidth of your site. How to control the good "infinite space", refer to some skills, right here.

2) prevent the Google crawler to crawl pages that they can not handle
By using your robots.txt file, you can stop your login page, contact information, shopping cart and other reptiles can not handle the page was crawled. (Reptiles are mean, and shy of his famous, so generally they do not own "add to cart the goods" or "Contact Us"). In this way, you can spend more time crawling reptiles on your site that they can handle the content.

One man one vote. A URL, a content
In an ideal world, URL, and have a one to one correspondence between the content: Each URL corresponds a unique content, and each paragraph can only be only a URL to visit. Closer to this ideal situation, the easier your site will be crawled and included. If your content management system or the current site to establish it more difficult to achieve, you can try to use the rel = canonical element to configure the URL you want to instruct a particular content.

Website optimization is only a means of operation is the key site

The longer the work site to do more and find a site on the optimization of the words alone is not the ideal place for many, especially after Baidu recently updated, as more and let the owners into the ranks of the auction, which undoubtedly is to optimize a heavy blow. The following lists a few to optimize the most insufficient, to study all their owners have no better way under the settlement:

Keywords effective slow: by optimizing the popular key words did not want to three months is not possible, especially hot industry, most of the keywords are highly competitive, so this part of the owners need patience to optimize your site .

Rank unstable: major search engine has its own ranking features, of course, China is still dominated by Baidu. Baidu change every day, every day along with his face changed owners. In addition to leading a well-known website, the other two small sites key words by day is possible. Especially the big update until the search engines, many owners a few years of effort have been in vain. So you owners have to have the heart to survive, start over.

Hot Keywords optimization can not: to do the key words websites can not do without daily necessities, electronics, women, mobile phones, and the like Key words single-auction estimated ten pages, and the natural ranking for the occupation of the major portals. So we can only select a number of long tail keywords. Limited number of key words: web page is generally only one main one or two key words, up to more than 45, but now the number of general web pages should not, there is also the main key words around the design. 12 owners did not then the energy to pursue more keywords. PPC is always in front: this drawback is well known, and now what words to Baidu, even a half-page to promote. Is that the next Baidu, Wikipedia, pictures, news, etc. are of Baidu. So I think just the website optimization is not a site way out, you get to the site optimization workers move closer to the operational aspects. Optimization is only a means, the operator of a website idea is a long-term planning.

How to make your website do the value of user experience

First of all, the theme of location-important site, because your positioning to determine your user experience the value, so you also Queli the end thus on this Caozuoguocheng we Yiding Zuozhan Have faith in your faith, to make their sites to be of greatest value. For example: you need to find a product, enter keywords to find the page you go in, and then found that this is not the content of the data you want, what would you think, leave. If there is another page to open to find that the data provided, that you want, you will think you do not have experience to the user's value? This is the maximum value the user experience.

Site structure determines the development of your site, how do you put down your content data distribution patterns, can have any kind of effect, the structure of the site will be reflected, so determine your site's theme of your site structure determines the value of user experience. Only detailed classification model, to achieve good market, the user would have the greatest experience of value. Why is hard to be alibaba, so as more and more vertical industries have developed the platform, so before alibaba monopoly often become blurred, so the greatest value in the user experience, we experience a new model of network development .

Web site data security determines the level of user experience, such as when you visit the site, there is always the general pop web pages, web pages or find an error, or the visual look and feel good, then this directly affects the user experience value, you will go to visit this site it? Even in rich data, how good the content, because the problems themselves, it will directly lead to the visitor's thinking activity. You can observe: a few large portals, such a situation it? Some owners to make money, regardless of the value and user experience of a visit, the blind pursuit of this will only make themselves less and less room for growth, or even abandon your mind.

Website optimization is only a means of operation is the key site

The longer the work site to do more and find a site on the optimization of the words alone is not the ideal place for many, especially after Baidu recently updated, as more and let the owners into the ranks of the auction, which undoubtedly is to optimize a heavy blow. The following lists a few to optimize the most insufficient, to study all their owners have no better way under the settlement:

Keywords effective slow: by optimizing the popular key words did not want to three months is not possible, especially hot industry, most of the keywords are highly competitive, so this part of the owners need patience to optimize your site .

Rank unstable: major search engine has its own ranking features, of course, China is still dominated by Baidu. Baidu change every day, every day along with his face changed owners. In addition to leading a well-known website, the other two small sites key words by day is possible. Especially the big update until the search engines, many owners a few years of effort have been in vain. So you owners have to have the heart to survive, start over.

Hot Keywords optimization can not: to do the key words websites can not do without daily necessities, electronics, women, mobile phones, and the like Key words single-auction estimated ten pages, and the natural ranking for the occupation of the major portals. So we can only select a number of long tail keywords. Limited number of key words: web page is generally only one main one or two key words, up to more than 45, but now the number of general web pages should not, there is also the main key words around the design. 12 owners did not then the energy to pursue more keywords. PPC is always in front: this drawback is well known, and now what words to Baidu, even a half-page to promote. Is that the next Baidu, Wikipedia, pictures, news, etc. are of Baidu. So I think just the website optimization is not a site way out, you get to the site optimization workers move closer to the operational aspects. Optimization is only a means, the operator of a website idea is a long-term planning.

How to make your website do the value of user experience

First of all, the theme of location-important site, because your positioning to determine your user experience the value, so you also Queli the end thus on this Caozuoguocheng we Yiding Zuozhan Have faith in your faith, to make their sites to be of greatest value. For example: you need to find a product, enter keywords to find the page you go in, and then found that this is not the content of the data you want, what would you think, leave. If there is another page to open to find that the data provided, that you want, you will think you do not have experience to the user's value? This is the maximum value the user experience.

Site structure determines the development of your site, how do you put down your content data distribution patterns, can have any kind of effect, the structure of the site will be reflected, so determine your site's theme of your site structure determines the value of user experience. Only detailed classification model, to achieve good market, the user would have the greatest experience of value. Why is hard to be alibaba, so as more and more vertical industries have developed the platform, so before alibaba monopoly often become blurred, so the greatest value in the user experience, we experience a new model of network development .

Web site data security determines the level of user experience, such as when you visit the site, there is always the general pop web pages, web pages or find an error, or the visual look and feel good, then this directly affects the user experience value, you will go to visit this site it? Even in rich data, how good the content, because the problems themselves, it will directly lead to the visitor's thinking activity. You can observe: a few large portals, such a situation it? Some owners to make money, regardless of the value and user experience of a visit, the blind pursuit of this will only make themselves less and less room for growth, or even abandon your mind.

How to solve the search out of the high rate of

First of all we have to analyze why visitors leave your site, bounce rate is produced.
Here, for example, if I want a shirt, through the search engine and opened the three sites, the first opened and have not found it I want his shirt, I was in white suits, no doubt I will close this site then look at the second, found at the second site I want, of course, as consumers or potential customers like to shop around, and I also look at a third site, found The third site is better than the second layout, but also tell me what this shirt with a tie should also recommended a combination package deals. Of course, I will choose the third site to buy. In fact, before the Han Xiao optimization techniques in e-commerce sites are also mentioned.

Here we can see, search for bounce rate is the first second third, the second although the relatively low bounce rate, but still unable to complete the final sales tasks, that is, no conversion. Because to do better than his.

So how to reduce the bounce rate?

First, we generally understand by the example above, a customer's purchase process, first through a search engine to find the product you want, then shop around. These can be applied to the Web site up to the maximum lower bounce rate, are as follows:

1, to provide more products targeted visitors

If your site selling men's clothing, including shirt clothing, it is best to complete product designs, various colors are, and if not, do not pan key words in the rankings. Or you are selling services, such as to provide SEO services company, it is best to sub out. Such as Chinese SEO, English SEO, Keyword optimization, ranking and the whole station. Of course, it says here is e-commerce site, the skip, but they are similar.

2, site design should be friendly and

Simple, attractive design can effectively reduce the bounce rate, the friendly layout designed to allow users to easily find desired products, product promotion or increase of small gifts can effectively user stuck, eventually completed sales.

3, the rankings do target keywords

As mentioned above, the first point, do not do the Pan-ranking keywords to search for relevant, if you sell men's shirt, only a black shirt instead of white, then "T-shirt" is not your best keywords And you need to do is "Black Men's Shirt", so that when users search for when they will not immediately come off your site. Xiao Han before the keyword analysis and selection are also described in detail.

If you are interested in looking for a solution out of the high rate of search, I hope these ideas help to you, of course, if you have better suggestions, please message exchange.

Search engine included with the updated

Whether Baidu or Google, search engine algorithms and rules will change over time, the following search engines included with the updated reference only, do site or to make content-based because of the! 

Baidu updated - as a Webmaster, from search engine traffic website traffic is already an important part, so pay special attention to search engine updates, always want your own website in Baidu more and more Daily site, terrible trouble, we grasp what Baidu's about your time do not update the site every day. Baidu your great updated monthly on the 11th and 26, especially 26 to update the maximum rate, K is the highest point. Small Update: every Thursday. Updated all the time 4:00. General 4:00 updated impact on site traffic are not much to complain, only to noon, Baidu's keyword search on the site re-adjustment, can there be traffic on the major changes have increased the natural flow of nature have reduced. 

google your time - updated 4 days updated updated every seven days (top impact small) Great updated every month (top-impact) PR value update update completed 3 months time (September 20 updated and so on) because of different server update for the week GOOGLE total time one is included in two reptiles, reptile, reptiles are specifically included in this site useful. 

Another is to increase the rankings of reptiles, this reptile is a consolidated response to connect with the reptiles, and the stability of the rank and position is very important. Therefore, some new stations, at the beginning when your poor rating is not very good, it is because the first reason for reptiles, but the site lost do not worry, the real point to be ranked second in three months after the reptiles came to take effect. 

There is GOOGLE Google researchers have discovered a very simple way is to view several mirror sites GOOGLE is the same as in the GOOGLE update, he always or as updated test site, during the latter two sites the number of pages in the index and the main site will be different. For example, when we,, there is the case: three site search with a keyword, the number of results obtained is not the same, this description is GOOGLE update. 

GOOGLE this massive update in a foreign country known as GOOGLE DANCE (dog dancing), there is a special help us to check whether he is dancing site This site provides a tool Through this tool, we only need to enter a keyword and then click a button, you can see the GOOGLE search results for the three mirror sites, it is convenient for our comparison.

How to solve the search out of the high rate of

First of all we have to analyze why visitors leave your site, bounce rate is produced.
Here, for example, if I want a shirt, through the search engine and opened the three sites, the first opened and have not found it I want his shirt, I was in white suits, no doubt I will close this site then look at the second, found at the second site I want, of course, as consumers or potential customers like to shop around, and I also look at a third site, found The third site is better than the second layout, but also tell me what this shirt with a tie should also recommended a combination package deals. Of course, I will choose the third site to buy. In fact, before the Han Xiao optimization techniques in e-commerce sites are also mentioned.

Here we can see, search for bounce rate is the first second third, the second although the relatively low bounce rate, but still unable to complete the final sales tasks, that is, no conversion. Because to do better than his.

So how to reduce the bounce rate?

First, we generally understand by the example above, a customer's purchase process, first through a search engine to find the product you want, then shop around. These can be applied to the Web site up to the maximum lower bounce rate, are as follows:

1, to provide more products targeted visitors

If your site selling men's clothing, including shirt clothing, it is best to complete product designs, various colors are, and if not, do not pan key words in the rankings. Or you are selling services, such as to provide SEO services company, it is best to sub out. Such as Chinese SEO, English SEO, Keyword optimization, ranking and the whole station. Of course, it says here is e-commerce site, the skip, but they are similar.

2, site design should be friendly and

Simple, attractive design can effectively reduce the bounce rate, the friendly layout designed to allow users to easily find desired products, product promotion or increase of small gifts can effectively user stuck, eventually completed sales.

3, the rankings do target keywords

As mentioned above, the first point, do not do the Pan-ranking keywords to search for relevant, if you sell men's shirt, only a black shirt instead of white, then "T-shirt" is not your best keywords And you need to do is "Black Men's Shirt", so that when users search for when they will not immediately come off your site. Xiao Han before the keyword analysis and selection are also described in detail.

If you are interested in looking for a solution out of the high rate of search, I hope these ideas help to you, of course, if you have better suggestions, please message exchange.