Saturday, July 28, 2007

Metacafe: Make Money From Your Videos

Do you like to create videos? Do you like to share your videos with others? Do you use YouTube to upload your videos?

If you are doing these things mentioned above, then you can make use of your videos making talent to earn money from your videos. How to earn money using your videos? Metacafe make this possible.

Metacafe is a videos streaming website with a lot of good videos. If you are videos enthusiasts and like to create videos and upload to share with others, you can use Metacafe.

Metacafe is free to join but you need to obey their Guidelines to upload your videos. Metacafe pays you money per 1000 views on your videos.

Views Payments
1000 views $5.00

Meaning that the more time your videos is being view/watch, you earn more money from Metacafe. It is simple, right? All you need to do is create a video and upload your video to Metacafe and make money from it.

Payment will start when your videos reach 20, 000 views($100.00) and get a 3 stars rating or more.

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