Monday, June 30, 2008

24 Sources of Free Blogger Blogspot Templates

I understand that a lot of bloggers using are having hard time to find templates that suit their need. I am finding it hard to search for good blogger's templates too.

So, I decided to search for all the sites that offer free blogspot templates for all bloggers. Check out the list and I think you would find them useful.

The list of 24 Blogger's Templates Sites:

It is 24 sites in total. Some of the sites have more than 100 templates. So, take your time and browse through these 24 blogger templates sites to find your favorite templates. Enjoy and have fun.

Sunday, June 29, 2008

How to Add Banner of Your Own to Programs Your Join

I can see that a reader of this blog is having trouble to use his/her own Banner for program he/she joined. So, I write a short tutorial to guide him/her to use self created custom banner for programs and use it on blog.

1st Step:
Of course, you will need a banner. You can either create it using Paint, Photoshop or any other softwares that you are familiar with. Normally, I use Paint because it is loading much faster than Photoshop.

2nd Step:
Upload to Blogger in your blog post.
i. Go to "Create new post".
ii. Click the "Add image" button and upload the image of your banner.

3rd Step:
Your code will look like the code below:

You only need the "THE LINK/URL OF YOUR IMAGE". Copy it.

4th Step:
This will be the code to make the banner appear on your blog.

Copy the code above and then change "YOUR REFERRAL LINK HERE" to your referral link and change the "THE LINK/URL OF YOUR IMAGE".

5th Step:
Your complete code will look like below:

Then, copy the completed code above and paste to your blog using the "Add a Page Element" and then paste the completed code in "HTML/JavaScript".

Finally, save your template.

That is it. Now, your banner will be showing on your blog and if you want to make changes, you could always make changes to your code.

Angry Blogger & AdSense Taiko

I know that I am slowing down the posting in Earn Money From Blog. It seems that my life is getting more and more busy that I can't even squeeze out time to do researches and create posts for Earn Money From Blog.

Recently, I have been busy doing gathering and went out to hang around with friends until I do not have much time to manage all my blogs. I am sorry for my late and slow updates.

Today, I am going to share some a case of internet scam where an angry blogger exposed the Internet marketing scam of AdSense Taiko. For some of you reading this posts, I hope that you are not one of the buyers of AdSense Taiko ebook because this angry blogger give a link to download the AdSense Taiko Ebook for Free.

The angry blogger exposed the internet marketing strategies used by AdSense Taiko and it is truly horrible techniques to make money from AdSense.

If you are interested to read the full story, you can click Angry Blogger & AdSense Taiko to visit the site for more information.

You could get the RM80(+/-$25) AdSense Taiko Ebook for Free.

Free £30 AdWords Coupon/Voucher for New AdWords User

I found a Google AdWords site offering free AdWords voucher and it will be ending on 30 June 2008. The voucher is £30. The voucher is for new AdWords Advertisers whose account are less that 14 days old. Grab it here.

So, if you are new AdWords advertisers, then you could try to get the £30 AdWords voucher for free at the AdWords site.

The free AdWords voucher or free AdWords coupon will be end at 30 June 2008 which means tomorrow will be the last day to get it.

So, please act fast to get the free £30 AdWords voucher . You can use the £30 to advertise your site and get more traffic.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

How to make Money in MyLot

I am actively using MyLot lately and I am too addicted with it. I am very happy that some of my readers here are joining MyLot using my referral link. I would love to say a thousand thanks for those who join.

I can see that most of them that are joining are not sure how MyLot works to make money . so, i decided to create this post to explain about MyLot and share some of my tips to make money from MyLot.

MyLot is a special and unique website where users can join for Free and do discussions to make money. MyLot is a great site to make money just by responding to discussions, write comments and starting your own discussions.

Personally, I make money in MyLot by joining several different interests. For example, I join "make extra money", "myLot", "blogging", "writing" and so on. I will post at least 20 posts in MyLot daily to make some money everyday.

Making money from MyLot is quite easy because we do not need to write long responses, comments or discussions. All we need to do is to join discussions and write your response. You can make it longer if you like but if you only manage to write short responses, it is not a problem too.

Some tips to make money from MyLot:
  1. Obey the rules.
  2. Being active and keep on posting responses, comments and discussions
  3. Make your responses, discussions and comments long such as 3 to 5 sentences will help you make more money per post.
  4. Marking "Best response" and giving "+" rating to other mylotters.

Above are some of the ways I use to make more money from MyLot. I hope it will help you get started and make money from MyLot.

MyLot is having more than 130,000 members and I swear that MyLot is a 100% honest and paying site. I have received my payment from Mylot and the minimum payment is easily reachable $10.00. Payment can be sent to PayPal or MoneyBooker.

All you need to do to join MyLot is to participate in discussions and discuss the thing you like and make money.

What you need to join MyLot:
  • Of course, you only need to know how to type.
  • Have computer that can connect to internet.

I bet you have both of the quality above, so hesitate no more and join MyLot to make money today.

If you are not sure what is MyLot, read more about it below:

Sunday, June 22, 2008

eBlog Entrepreneur: Moving on with Google AdSense

I am busy starting another new blog to continue my journey to use Google AdSense to make money from my blog. I stated another blog few days ago and now I am back on my journey to make more money from Google AdSense.

I am starting to feel overwhelming blogging life. I have several blogs which I need to continuously updating to gain more readership. I want to introduce to you my new blog, eBlog Entrepreneur.

I hope everyone on Earn Money From Blog can join the Feed of eBlog Entrepreneur to get more updates from my blogging work.

So, please enjoy my new blog, eBlog Entrepreneur.

Friday, June 20, 2008

AdSense Publishers: Welcome Crawlers to Your Blog

As an AdSense Publisher, we know that it is very important to allow AdSense bot or AdSense Pub Crawler to crawl your site. The crawler will crawl your site to allow AdSense displays relevant ads to your site.

Is your site crawler friendly? Could the AdSense Pub Crawler crawl your site and is the crawler successfully crawl your site? You might need to remove roadblock for the crawler to crawl your site properly and improve the ads relevancy on your site.

1. Configuring Robot.txt:
You might be using robot.txt on your site which might be blocking AdSense crawler to crawl your site. Make sure that you are allowing AdSense crawler to crawl your site in your robot.txt, if not the AdSense ads on your site might not display properly.

You can add the following code to your robot.txt to allow AdSense crawler to crawl your site.
User-agent: Mediapartners-Google*

As for users, we will not be able to edit the robot.txt and it will not be a problem for AdSense crawler to crawl our blog. So, if you are using, then you do not need to worry about the robot.txt.

If you have a website that requires members to login to view certain pages and you are placing AdSense Ads on those pages. AdSense crawler might have a problem crawling those pages.

You can allow crawler to access login-protected pages by following the instructions stated here.

If you are not sure whether your site is blocking crawler or not, you can login to your AdSense account and go to "Site Diagnostic". This is the place where crawler will inform you the problem if crawler has problems crawling your site.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Earn Money From Blog in New Template

I always wanted a simple template for my blog and I found a template which is quite simple for Earn Money From Blog. I hope this template will be a great change to Earn Money From Blog.

I have cleared all the useless advertisements on my blog and now I only have the CripsAds on my blog. Now, my blog looks clean and tidy.

I hope you will enjoy reading my blog and I will keep on posting to keep my blog updated.

Free and Create Reflection Images using Wet Floor Maker

You can create reflection images for free online using Wet Floor Maker. The Wet Floor Maker is a free online tool to create a wet floor image reflection effect to your photos.

It is simple to use and free. Creating a wet floor reflection image is simple and no need much knowledge in Adobe Photoshop.

Creating reflection images is very popular ever since the existence of Web2.0. A lot of sites and blogs are using Web2.0 design which is full of unique color gradient and reflection techniques.

Now, you can also create simple and nice reflection image to your photos using Web Floor Maker free online tool.

Monday, June 16, 2008 Payment: £15.00 GBP Received!

I am very happy that sent my payment to my PayPal yesterday(16June 2008). The payment is in British pounds and I am really happy about it.

Below is the payment proof of

Announcement: Is Closed!

Google AdSense: My First Step Making Money Online

Recalling back almost 3 years ago, I am a newbie in the world of blogging. I am having a dream, a dream that most bloggers have, that is to make money from blog and make money online.

Making money from my blogs has been the power to keep me going and keep me blogging. Until one day, my life totally change when Google AdSense left me and left Earn Money From Blog. I am quite sad that I lostmy No. 1 income source online and now I am going into another direction to monetize my blog.

I am going into a lot of other PayPerClick programs which are identical to Google AdSense such as Bidvertisers, AdBrite, Oxado, Kontera, MediaText and so on and so forth. I can say that they are all not working the way I want and I make less and less money from my blog.

I try out more and more methods and finally come with some solutions to make money from my blog.

My solutions to make money from my blog after Google AdSense no longer appears on Earn Money From Blog are as below:
1. I am going for Paid to Post programs.
2. I am going to use CrispAds.
3. I am going to use Freelance Writing to make money.
4. I am making money from MyLot.
5. I am making money using Triond.

With the above 5 methods, I am making more money than expected and I am making more money than using Google AdSense.

The 6th solution:
I am not leaving Google AdSense alone and I have started more blogs to use Google AdSense to make money. Some blogs I have started are TechViewer, eBlog Entrepreneur, TemplateRush and so on.

Using The 6 Methods above, I am on my way to make better income from blogs and making more money online.

Sunday, June 15, 2008

LinkWorth USD$26.05 Payment Received!

I am happy to inform that my May payment of LinkWorth are received. I want to thank LinkWorth staff for the great service. I suppose to receive the money on 1st May 2008 but I received it yesterday because of my personal mistakes. Please read on to know the full stories...

I received my payment from LinkWorth yesterday(14 June 2008) after contacting LinkWorth staff that I have key in wrongly my PayPal e-mail. LinkWorth staff are very efficient and they replied me yesterday saying that they had resent my money to my PayPal.

I am so happy about the payment and the best service of LinkWorth. I want to say a million thanks to LinkWorth and staffs for sending my payment.

Look at my LinkWorth Payment Proof below:

I will work hard in LinkWorth and make more money. I want to thanks for all my readers' continuous support too.

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Make $85.00 per day Using the Great List of Paid to Post Programs

Making money from blog using paid to post services is the fastest way to make money from blog. Paid to post is a fast and easy way to make money and it is much faster than any other programs available.

I have listed the 17 Paid to Post programs I use to make money from my blogs.

Read on to see the full list of paid to post programs that help me make money.

I am making money from my blog using the paid to post services available on the internet. Some of the famous sites are PayPerPost, Smorty, SponsoredReviews, ReviewMe and so on.

I can say that paid to post services are great because making money using paid to post services are extremely fast.

You can make money fast from your blog too. Visit the list here.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Making Over $1000.00 Monthly Online

There are tonnes and tonnes of ways to make money online. Some people are very successful making huge income using blogs while some people are making huge profits using online business. Making more than $1000.00 per month is not a dream and I found some ways to make it possible. Read on to learn the tricks.

I have written it down on my hubpage. You could visit it and read the full story to make more than $1000.00 per month online.

I can assure you that if you follow the methods I have written on my hubpages and work very hard at the beginning, you will make a lot of money in the end without much work to do. You will make passive income over and over again every month.

Read my hubpages "Make More than $1000.00 per month Online".

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Creating Web2.0 Buttons Online Free

I found an interesting site to create free Web2.0 button. The site is called

Creating Web2.0 button using the site is totally free and it is very easy. You do not need to use Adobe Photoshop to create your own buttons as it is much much more harder. Of course, Adobe Photoshop has much more functiosn and features, you can create the shape you like using Photoshop but if you are having a hard time to use and understand Adobe Photoshop, then will be very helpful.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

20 Best Blogger Template

Are you going to change your blogspot template? You might find this post useful and helpful. I listed out the Top 20 Blogger Templates for you. All the 20 Blogger Templates listed will be free and all of them are in the XML format.

This post is a MUST READ if you are searching for Blogger's Template. I have collected all the best and nice looking Blogger's Templates from the internet. So, please read on to have a look at the nice looking Blogger' Templates and Download them.

1. Magazine Blogger Template:

>>Download Magazine Blogger Template

2. WP Premium Blogger Template:

>>Download WP Premium Blogger Template

3. Ads Theme Blogger Template

>>Download Ads Theme Blogger Template

4. Polaroid Blogger Template

>>Download Polaroid Blogger Template

5. Dilectio Blogger Template

>>DownloadDilectio Blogger Template

6. Refresh Blogger Template

>>Download Refresh Blogger Template

7. Dark Spark Blogger Template

>>Download Dark Spark Blogger Template

8. Forte Blogger Template

>>Download Forte Blogger Template

9. Art imagination Blogger Template

>>Download Art Imagination Blogger Template

10. Curved Blogger Template

>>Download Curved Blogger Template

11. Vertigo Blogger Template

>>Download Vertigo Blogger Template

12. Revolution Blogger Template

>>Download Revolution Blogger Template

13. Blue Blog Blogger Template

>>Download Blue Blog Blogger Template

14. Facebook Blogger Template

>>Download Facebook Blogger Template

15. Indomagz Premium Blogger Template

>>Download Indomagz Premium Blogger Template

16. is_Simple Blogger Template

>>Download is_Simple Blogger Template

17. Soo Simple Blogger Template

>>Download Soo Simple Blogger Template

18. Blogy Rosa Blogger Template

>>Download Blogy Rosa Blogger Template

19. Leia Blogger Template

>>Download Leia Blogger Template

20. Xbox Blogger Template

>>Download Xbox Blogger Template

How to hide blogger toolbar

How to hide you blog tool bar..
  1. login your blog
  2. Goto layout> edit html
Place this code in under body code....

#navbar-iframe {

and check preview and save template

How to hide blogger toolbar

How to hide you blog tool bar..
  1. login your blog
  2. Goto layout> edit html
Place this code in under body code....

#navbar-iframe {

and check preview and save template

Add your blog or site in search engines

Submitting your blog or site to search engines is an important way for visitors to find your blog. Here are 8 search engines that you can manually submit to.
  1. Submit to Yahoo
  2. Submit to Dmoz
  3. Submit to Google
  4. Submit to ExactSeek
  5. Submit to Scrubtheweb
  6. Submit to Msn
  7. Submit to
  8. Submit to Jayde

Add your blog or site in search engines

Submitting your blog or site to search engines is an important way for visitors to find your blog. Here are 8 search engines that you can manually submit to.
  1. Submit to Yahoo
  2. Submit to Dmoz
  3. Submit to Google
  4. Submit to ExactSeek
  5. Submit to Scrubtheweb
  6. Submit to Msn
  7. Submit to
  8. Submit to Jayde

How to add your blog to Google Sitemap

Google Sitemaps is a tool that lets you notify Google every time you update your blog so that they return to index it. Will Google sitemaps help increase your ranking? The answer is yes!

How do you add your blog to Google Sitemaps?

First, you'll need a Google account. Once you have a Google account login to "Google Webmaster Tools."

In the "Add Site box," enter the URL to your blog, and hit ok.

You will then be asked to verify your site. You should receive a message that says, "Your site has been added to your account. Verify your ownership to view detailed statistics and errors for it."

Follow the next steps and verify your site.

Google offers two methods of verification. You might want to choose the Meta tag option.

You will then be given a META Tag. Copy the META tag listed and paste it in the section of your blog, before the first section.

Once you've added the Meta tag to your template, click on the verify button. If you have placed it in the wrong section the system will tell you.

Once you've verified your blog, it will take you to summary. Part of the display will include:

Potential indexing problems:

Some of your pages are partially indexed. [?]

We do not know about all the pages of your site. Submit a Sitemap to tell us more about your site.

Select the link “Submit a Sitemap.”

This will take you to Add Sitemap.

You can create a sitemap at

The only drawback to using is that you will need to update your sitemap if you add a lot of pages to your blog, therefore you might want to submit your site feed url.

In the "Choose type pull down list", select "Add General Web Sitemap."

You'll then see a box that says, " My Sitemap URL is:"

Into the box for Sitemap URL, paste your Site Feed URL or the location of where you've uploaded the sitemap that you created and click "Add Web Sitemap."

Tip: If your blog is hosted on your own domain then upload the map to the "public_html/" folder of your site.

That's it, you're done. Now every time you add new content to your blog simply take the following URL and add your sitemap URL to the end of it: Ex: http://sitemap_url

You’ll need to encode the url to the path of your sitemap when pinging Google. This URL Encoder tool will help you convert your URL to the proper format.

To see if Google has cached your blog, simply type cache: http://yourblogaddress into Google search.

How to add your blog to Google Sitemap

Google Sitemaps is a tool that lets you notify Google every time you update your blog so that they return to index it. Will Google sitemaps help increase your ranking? The answer is yes!

How do you add your blog to Google Sitemaps?

First, you'll need a Google account. Once you have a Google account login to "Google Webmaster Tools."

In the "Add Site box," enter the URL to your blog, and hit ok.

You will then be asked to verify your site. You should receive a message that says, "Your site has been added to your account. Verify your ownership to view detailed statistics and errors for it."

Follow the next steps and verify your site.

Google offers two methods of verification. You might want to choose the Meta tag option.

You will then be given a META Tag. Copy the META tag listed and paste it in the section of your blog, before the first section.

Once you've added the Meta tag to your template, click on the verify button. If you have placed it in the wrong section the system will tell you.

Once you've verified your blog, it will take you to summary. Part of the display will include:

Potential indexing problems:

Some of your pages are partially indexed. [?]

We do not know about all the pages of your site. Submit a Sitemap to tell us more about your site.

Select the link “Submit a Sitemap.”

This will take you to Add Sitemap.

You can create a sitemap at

The only drawback to using is that you will need to update your sitemap if you add a lot of pages to your blog, therefore you might want to submit your site feed url.

In the "Choose type pull down list", select "Add General Web Sitemap."

You'll then see a box that says, " My Sitemap URL is:"

Into the box for Sitemap URL, paste your Site Feed URL or the location of where you've uploaded the sitemap that you created and click "Add Web Sitemap."

Tip: If your blog is hosted on your own domain then upload the map to the "public_html/" folder of your site.

That's it, you're done. Now every time you add new content to your blog simply take the following URL and add your sitemap URL to the end of it: Ex: http://sitemap_url

You’ll need to encode the url to the path of your sitemap when pinging Google. This URL Encoder tool will help you convert your URL to the proper format.

To see if Google has cached your blog, simply type cache: http://yourblogaddress into Google search.

How to Embed a YouTube Video on Your Blog

How to Embed a YouTube Video on Your Blogger Blog

To embed your You Tube video into Blogger follow the following steps:
  • Select your YouTube video.
  • Copy the code from the box at the line that says embed. You will find the box directly to the right of the video.
  • Log into Blogger and create a new post.
  • Click on the edit HTML tab
  • Paste the code into the post.
  • Save your post.

How to Embed a YouTube Video on Your Blog

How to Embed a YouTube Video on Your Blogger Blog

To embed your You Tube video into Blogger follow the following steps:
  • Select your YouTube video.
  • Copy the code from the box at the line that says embed. You will find the box directly to the right of the video.
  • Log into Blogger and create a new post.
  • Click on the edit HTML tab
  • Paste the code into the post.
  • Save your post.

How to add your blog to Facebook

Log into Facebook and click Posted Items in the left-hand sidebar. If you don't see it click on more. You will then see a page titled 'My Friends' Posted Items." On the right it will say "Post a link." Paste your blog url in and press the “Post” button. You can then customize your link.

How to add your blog to Facebook

Log into Facebook and click Posted Items in the left-hand sidebar. If you don't see it click on more. You will then see a page titled 'My Friends' Posted Items." On the right it will say "Post a link." Paste your blog url in and press the “Post” button. You can then customize your link.

Monday, June 9, 2008

How to add a playlist to your Blog

Upload the MP3 files to a free host. Next create a text file in notepad that includes the full path to the files you want to include.
  • Save the file as .m3u. ex: Playlist.m3u
  • Upload the m3u file to a free host.
  • Copy the url address.
  • Replace Url_of_Your_Audio_File with the path to the .m3u.

height=62 width=144 controls="console">

How to add a playlist to your Blog

Upload the MP3 files to a free host. Next create a text file in notepad that includes the full path to the files you want to include.
  • Save the file as .m3u. ex: Playlist.m3u
  • Upload the m3u file to a free host.
  • Copy the url address.
  • Replace Url_of_Your_Audio_File with the path to the .m3u.

height=62 width=144 controls="console">

Sunday, June 8, 2008

BlogUpp: Get Traffic to your Blog!

BlogUpp is a site I found on the internet which can be a vert useful webiste to help us gte blog traffic. BlogUpp is free to use and you don't even need to sign up.

All you need to do is to fill in your blog URL and hit the "Shoot ahead" button, then a code will be generated. Copy and paste the code to your blog and that is it.

BlogUpp can drive targeted traffic to blog. By using BlogUpp, you do not need to sign up, no e-mails and no privacy exposure. It is free to use and you will not get any ads and no animation. It is a good site to use to get traffic to your blog. It is not a traffic exchange site, so it is compatible with most Publisher programs.

BlogUpp supports multi-language and it is cheap proof. BlogUpp is identical to BlogRush, EntreCard and Spottt. So, you can get exposure for your blog easily without much efforts.

You can grab the widget here.

AdSense Secrets: AdSense eCPM Explanation

A lot of people are confused about AdSense eCPM which you can see in the AdSense Report everytime you login to your AdSense Account.

In this post, I will try to explain the eCPM to you. Once you understand eCPM, then it will be a great way to increase your AdSense earnings. So, if you are serios to make money using Google AdSense, then read on.

What is eCPM:
eCPM is Effective Cost per 1000 Impressions or we can call it Effective Cost per thousand Impressions.

How to Calculate eCPM:
You can calculate the eCPM by dividing your total earnings by total impressions in thousands. eCPM is a useful method to compare the performance of each AdSense Ads on your blog.

For Example:
Now, you have $10.00 in your AdSense Account and you have total of 7000 impressions which make it 7 thousand impressions.

So, eCPM will be:
$10.00/7= $1.43

Remember: Total Impressions is in thousands. If you have 10,000 impressions, then it will be 10 for the total impressions.

What is the eCPM for:
After calculating the eCPM, it will have a value. From the example above, eCPM is $1.43.

The value of eCPM tells you something. Some Secrets!

According to the example above, Effective Cost per 1000 impressions will help you make $1.43. This means for every 1000 impressions your potential earnings for AdSense will be roughly $1.43.

eCPm is a rough guide or rough value to estimate the performance of your AdSense Ads on your blog. The higher eCPM might means you will be able to make more money from AdSense.

You could try different formats and color of AdSense Ads on your blog and use the Custom Channels to track the performance of eCPM of different AdSense Ads on your blog. When you have found the highest eCPM, use it. It might help you make more money.

For better understanding, read examples below:
If we have two custom channels and we called them 'Blue Skyscrapers' and 'Red Rectangles'. If the 'Blue Skyscrapers' channel gets 400 page impressions and make $1.50 in total earnings while the 'Red Rectangles' channel receives 200 page impressions and $1.00 in earnings over the same period.

We can use eCPM to compare the performance of both channels. Then, we can calculate estimated earnings for every 1,000 impressions. We find that eCPM for blue skyscrapers is $4.00 while the eCPM for red rectangles is $5.18.

This means if we received 1,000 impressions of blue skyscrapers, we would earn roughly $4.00. But for 1,000 impressions of red rectangles, we would earn about $5.18. Therefore, assuming that our sample size is large enough, it is to our advantage to switch to red rectangles throughout our site because they generate more revenue per impression.
Read more details at

In short:
Anyway, eCPM is not always true. It is just a guide for the AdSense Ads performance on your blog. Please keep in mind that eCPM is a reporting feature that does not represent the actual amount paid to a publisher.

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Take control of any Windows PC on the Internet with CrossLoop

TechRepublic Article here

Takeaway: Whether it is for troubleshooting or collaboration, sometimes you just need to see what is on a user's screen to really know what is going on. The free software utility CrossLoop makes connecting any two personal computers as easy as typing a phone number and clicking Connect.

For more images of CrossLoop in action, check out the TechRepublic image gallery: here

Under certain circumstances, connecting two personal computers over the Internet can get more complicated than many are willing to accept. Tools like Microsoft's Remote Assistance can be intimidating to the novice user and frustrating for the experienced user trying to gain access. Adding hurdles such as firewalls and routers to the mix means that many just give up on the whole idea of remote assistance.

Similar complaints are often heard about collaboration software. While the concept of two-heads-are-better-than-one is applicable to many situations in the business world, getting those two heads together presents challenges beyond just the personalities involved. There are several collaboration applications available; some are expensive and some are part of the operating system, but very few are as easy to implement as they should be.

However, one tool I have come across seems to have found the answer with a simple interface and an ease of operation that will make many other vendors of such software envious. CrossLoop connects any two personal computers running Windows with a deceptively simple interface that is essentially a box with an access number and a connect button. CrossLoop works through firewalls and routers without any additional configuration and encrypts all of the information flowing back and forth between the machines. The simplicity of setting up CrossLoop and getting two computers connected is remarkable when compared to the hoops most of us have to jump through to get the same result with other applications.


The CrossLoop software can be downloaded from the TechRepublic Software Library. The 1.6-MB installation file is an executable file, so starting the installation process is as simple as double-clicking.

Take control of any Windows PC on the Internet with CrossLoop

TechRepublic Article here

Takeaway: Whether it is for troubleshooting or collaboration, sometimes you just need to see what is on a user's screen to really know what is going on. The free software utility CrossLoop makes connecting any two personal computers as easy as typing a phone number and clicking Connect.

For more images of CrossLoop in action, check out the TechRepublic image gallery: here

Under certain circumstances, connecting two personal computers over the Internet can get more complicated than many are willing to accept. Tools like Microsoft's Remote Assistance can be intimidating to the novice user and frustrating for the experienced user trying to gain access. Adding hurdles such as firewalls and routers to the mix means that many just give up on the whole idea of remote assistance.

Similar complaints are often heard about collaboration software. While the concept of two-heads-are-better-than-one is applicable to many situations in the business world, getting those two heads together presents challenges beyond just the personalities involved. There are several collaboration applications available; some are expensive and some are part of the operating system, but very few are as easy to implement as they should be.

However, one tool I have come across seems to have found the answer with a simple interface and an ease of operation that will make many other vendors of such software envious. CrossLoop connects any two personal computers running Windows with a deceptively simple interface that is essentially a box with an access number and a connect button. CrossLoop works through firewalls and routers without any additional configuration and encrypts all of the information flowing back and forth between the machines. The simplicity of setting up CrossLoop and getting two computers connected is remarkable when compared to the hoops most of us have to jump through to get the same result with other applications.


The CrossLoop software can be downloaded from the TechRepublic Software Library. The 1.6-MB installation file is an executable file, so starting the installation process is as simple as double-clicking.

Making Windows XP Start 60% Faster

Whenever you start your computer, you are faced with a few moments of thumb twiddling while Windows XP boots and prompts you to log on. Although you should expect to wait for a few moments, sometimes Windows XP seems to boot rather slowly. In fact, you may notice that over a period of time the PC that used to roar to life seems a bit sluggish instead. Fortunately, you can perform several techniques that help Windows XP get the bootup speed you want. This chapter explores how to put these techniques to work.

Making Windows XP Start 60% Faster

Whenever you start your computer, you are faced with a few moments of thumb twiddling while Windows XP boots and prompts you to log on. Although you should expect to wait for a few moments, sometimes Windows XP seems to boot rather slowly. In fact, you may notice that over a period of time the PC that used to roar to life seems a bit sluggish instead. Fortunately, you can perform several techniques that help Windows XP get the bootup speed you want. This chapter explores how to put these techniques to work.

Troubleshooting Windows XP

When Windows works properly, it's relatively easy to ignore; you can concentrate on the work you're trying to do and forget about the plumbing inside your computer. But when something goes wrong, it often requires an experienced guide to solve the problem and restore the computer to working condition. Everybody who uses Microsoft Windows eventually has to deal with cryptic error messages, frozen screens, and other more or less dramatic problems. Windows troubleshooting is the set of tools and techniques that can identify the source of a problem and find a solution.

It's Never Done That Before is a guide to Windows XP troubleshooting for people who don't spend their lives fixing computer problems. It includes basic troubleshooting techniques, specific instructions for solving the most common problems in Windows XP, and more general information for finding and fixing more obscure ones. It also provides pointers to explanations of BIOS beep codes and blue screen errors, instructions for using the troubleshooting tools supplied with Windows XP such as Safe Mode and the Recovery Console, and advice for dealing with device drivers, the ROM BIOS, and the Windows Registry. Viruses, spyware, and Internet connection problems are all included, along with advice for getting the most out of the Microsoft Knowledge base and other online information resources, and dealing with help desks and technical support centers.

From the Back Cover
Do some Windows XP problems make you scratch your head in wonder? Has an application suddenly chosen not to start or a piece of hardware simply stopped working? Ever had the Internet "disappear" or been faced with a Blue or Black Screen of Death? Do the neighbors call you to fix their machines when you’d really prefer to hand them a book so they can solve their own problems?

If you know enough about computers to use one but not always enough to fix those unexpected Windows problems, It’s Never Done That Before! is the book for you. It gives you:

• Troubleshooting techniques and tips for solving common XP problems

• Strategies for finding and fixing obscure It’s Never Done That Before! Problems

• Hints for troubleshooting BIOS beep codes and Blue Screen errors

• Help with XP’s troubleshooting tools (such as Safe Mode and the Recovery Console)

• Survival strategies for wrangling device drivers, the BIOS, and the Windows Registry

• Techniques for dealing with viruses, spyware, and Internet problems

• Advice for getting the most out of the Microsoft Knowledge Base and other online resources, plus tips for dealing with technical support

Got Windows problems? You’re not alone. Reach for It’s Never Done That Before!—the lifeline you’ll grab when your computer does something you didn’t expect it to do.

  • 264 pages
  • Publisher: No Starch Press (May 19, 2006)
  • ISBN-10: 1593270763
  • ISBN-13: 978-1593270766

Troubleshooting Windows XP

When Windows works properly, it's relatively easy to ignore; you can concentrate on the work you're trying to do and forget about the plumbing inside your computer. But when something goes wrong, it often requires an experienced guide to solve the problem and restore the computer to working condition. Everybody who uses Microsoft Windows eventually has to deal with cryptic error messages, frozen screens, and other more or less dramatic problems. Windows troubleshooting is the set of tools and techniques that can identify the source of a problem and find a solution.

It's Never Done That Before is a guide to Windows XP troubleshooting for people who don't spend their lives fixing computer problems. It includes basic troubleshooting techniques, specific instructions for solving the most common problems in Windows XP, and more general information for finding and fixing more obscure ones. It also provides pointers to explanations of BIOS beep codes and blue screen errors, instructions for using the troubleshooting tools supplied with Windows XP such as Safe Mode and the Recovery Console, and advice for dealing with device drivers, the ROM BIOS, and the Windows Registry. Viruses, spyware, and Internet connection problems are all included, along with advice for getting the most out of the Microsoft Knowledge base and other online information resources, and dealing with help desks and technical support centers.

From the Back Cover
Do some Windows XP problems make you scratch your head in wonder? Has an application suddenly chosen not to start or a piece of hardware simply stopped working? Ever had the Internet "disappear" or been faced with a Blue or Black Screen of Death? Do the neighbors call you to fix their machines when you’d really prefer to hand them a book so they can solve their own problems?

If you know enough about computers to use one but not always enough to fix those unexpected Windows problems, It’s Never Done That Before! is the book for you. It gives you:

• Troubleshooting techniques and tips for solving common XP problems

• Strategies for finding and fixing obscure It’s Never Done That Before! Problems

• Hints for troubleshooting BIOS beep codes and Blue Screen errors

• Help with XP’s troubleshooting tools (such as Safe Mode and the Recovery Console)

• Survival strategies for wrangling device drivers, the BIOS, and the Windows Registry

• Techniques for dealing with viruses, spyware, and Internet problems

• Advice for getting the most out of the Microsoft Knowledge Base and other online resources, plus tips for dealing with technical support

Got Windows problems? You’re not alone. Reach for It’s Never Done That Before!—the lifeline you’ll grab when your computer does something you didn’t expect it to do.

  • 264 pages
  • Publisher: No Starch Press (May 19, 2006)
  • ISBN-10: 1593270763
  • ISBN-13: 978-1593270766

Make your computer dual-boot Vista and XP

Make your computer dual-boot Vista and XP

Make your computer dual-boot Vista and XP

It's getting harder to buy a new computer with Windows XP installed and — after Microsoft stops selling XP on June 30, 2008 — it will become nearly impossible.

Fortunately, you can have your XP cake and eat your Vista, too, by setting up your system to boot between the two operating systems.

Add an XP option to your new Vista system

If a new computer arrived in your recent past, or you plan to buy one in the near future, chances are it will come with Windows Vista installed. Although some manufacturers still give you the option of getting XP on your new system, that option is likely to dry up for most consumers later this year when Microsoft stops selling Windows XP.

If you're not ready to dive into Vista all at once, there is an answer: set up your Vista computer to dual-boot between Vista and XP.

In this article, I'll tell you how to make your PC give you a choice between Vista and XP every time you start up. In a separate article coming soon, I'll give you some additional tips that save disk space on a dual-boot system.

Although some sources, such as Computer Shopper Magazine, advise that you need an add-on product like VistaBootPro to dual-boot, you can accomplish the same thing without any additional software other than the two operating systems.

Before starting, make sure you have your Windows XP install discs ready as well as your Windows Vista DVD. In addition, it's a good idea to make a complete system backup before beginning an operation like this.

Once you've laid that groundwork, you're ready to go to work:

Step 1. In Vista, click Start, type diskmgmt.msc, and press Enter. Click Continue if prompted by User Account Control.

Step 2. Right-click a drive and choose Shrink Volume. Specify the amount to shrink, which in this case is the amount you want for your XP partition. At a minimum, you'll need around 2.5GB for XP Pro SP2. I suggest you select a larger partition to leave room for updates and other files that may need to be on the same drive as XP. Because I wanted a 5GB partition, I typed 5000 (representing 5,000 megabytes) in the available box. Click Shrink.

Step 3. Right-click the newly available area and choose New Simple Volume. Follow the steps in the wizard to assign a drive letter now, or wait until the next step. When prompted, check Perform a quick format to format the volume with NTFS.

Step 4. When the wizard is done formatting the new volume, you can assign or rearrange drive letters as needed. For example, changing drive letters may also put your CD/DVD drive in a more logical order.

To do that, right-click a volume or the CD/DVD drive and choose Change Drive Letters and Paths. If a volume hasn't got a drive letter yet, click Add. Otherwise, select the drive icon in the dialog box and click Change.

If you're rearranging the letters on existing drives, you may need to change the drives in a particular order. Or you may need to give a drive a temporary letter (such as Z) to free up a letter for another drive; you would change the Z drive to something else later. Make your selection and click OK. Repeat for other partitions or drives until you have the order you want.

Step 5. When you're done with your partitioning chores, exit Disk Management. Insert your XP disc into the drive and restart your system, booting from that disk.

Step 6. Follow the steps to install XP. When asked for the target drive, select your new partition and press Enter. Because you already formatted this partition with NTFS, you can skip the formatting step. At the appropriate screen, arrow down to Leave the current file system intact (no changes) and press Enter. Continue the installation process until it's finished and XP has started.

Step 7. Your system now boots to XP, so we'll need to do some fixing to set up a boot menu. Insert your Vista DVD and restart the computer from it. Click Next in the first screen.

Step 8. Don't click Install when prompted! Instead, click Repair Your Computer in the lower-left corner.

Step 9. When the System Recovery Options dialog appears, make sure Microsoft Windows Vista is selected and click Next. In the next dialog box, select the Command Prompt option at the bottom.

Step 10. In the command-prompt window, type the following commands and press Enter after each one:

bootrec.exe /fixMBR
bootrec.exe /fixBoot

Step 11. Close the command prompt and click Restart.

Step 12. When your computer has booted into Vista, click Start, type cmd.exe, and press Ctrl+Shift+Enter to make the command window open with elevated privileges. Click Continue, if prompted by User Account Control.

Step 13. Type the following commands in the command window, one at at time, pressing Enter after each one. After each command, you should get the response, "The operation completed successfully." A response of, "The specified entry already exists," is OK, too. If not, retype your command to make sure you've entered it correctly. If Vista is installed on a drive other than c:, change the first command below to use the proper drive letter. The curly braces around {ntldr} in each command must be typed exactly as shown:

bcdedit -set {ntldr} device partition=C:
bcdedit -set {ntldr} path \ntldr
bcdedit -displayorder {ntldr} -addlast
bcdedit -set {ntldr} description "Microsoft Windows XP"

That's it! The next time you restart your system, you should be see a prompt that will let you choose between Vista or XP. Select the one you want and press Enter.

How to customize your boot menu

When you start your dual-boot system, the menu will appear for a few seconds. If you don't press any keys, eventually Windows Vista will start. Fortunately, you can change this if you don't want Vista to be your default operating system. You can also customize the waiting period before the default kicks in.

Here's what to do:

Step 1. Click Start. Type systempropertiesadvanced and press Enter. Click Continue, if prompted by User Account Control.

Step 2. Under Startup and Recovery, click Settings.

Step 3. At the top of the dialog box, select the operating system you want to start by default.

Step 4. In the box to the right of Time to display list of operating systems, specify the number of seconds for the options to stay on screen. Click OK.

Microsoft provides documentation of Vista's bcdedit command and its parameters in an article in the Windows Vista Technical Library.

Having two operating systems on the same computer definitely takes a little extra disk space. In a future column, I'll show you some ways to make the two operating systems share some common resources to save on storage.

Make your computer dual-boot Vista and XP

Make your computer dual-boot Vista and XP

Make your computer dual-boot Vista and XP

It's getting harder to buy a new computer with Windows XP installed and — after Microsoft stops selling XP on June 30, 2008 — it will become nearly impossible.

Fortunately, you can have your XP cake and eat your Vista, too, by setting up your system to boot between the two operating systems.

Add an XP option to your new Vista system

If a new computer arrived in your recent past, or you plan to buy one in the near future, chances are it will come with Windows Vista installed. Although some manufacturers still give you the option of getting XP on your new system, that option is likely to dry up for most consumers later this year when Microsoft stops selling Windows XP.

If you're not ready to dive into Vista all at once, there is an answer: set up your Vista computer to dual-boot between Vista and XP.

In this article, I'll tell you how to make your PC give you a choice between Vista and XP every time you start up. In a separate article coming soon, I'll give you some additional tips that save disk space on a dual-boot system.

Although some sources, such as Computer Shopper Magazine, advise that you need an add-on product like VistaBootPro to dual-boot, you can accomplish the same thing without any additional software other than the two operating systems.

Before starting, make sure you have your Windows XP install discs ready as well as your Windows Vista DVD. In addition, it's a good idea to make a complete system backup before beginning an operation like this.

Once you've laid that groundwork, you're ready to go to work:

Step 1. In Vista, click Start, type diskmgmt.msc, and press Enter. Click Continue if prompted by User Account Control.

Step 2. Right-click a drive and choose Shrink Volume. Specify the amount to shrink, which in this case is the amount you want for your XP partition. At a minimum, you'll need around 2.5GB for XP Pro SP2. I suggest you select a larger partition to leave room for updates and other files that may need to be on the same drive as XP. Because I wanted a 5GB partition, I typed 5000 (representing 5,000 megabytes) in the available box. Click Shrink.

Step 3. Right-click the newly available area and choose New Simple Volume. Follow the steps in the wizard to assign a drive letter now, or wait until the next step. When prompted, check Perform a quick format to format the volume with NTFS.

Step 4. When the wizard is done formatting the new volume, you can assign or rearrange drive letters as needed. For example, changing drive letters may also put your CD/DVD drive in a more logical order.

To do that, right-click a volume or the CD/DVD drive and choose Change Drive Letters and Paths. If a volume hasn't got a drive letter yet, click Add. Otherwise, select the drive icon in the dialog box and click Change.

If you're rearranging the letters on existing drives, you may need to change the drives in a particular order. Or you may need to give a drive a temporary letter (such as Z) to free up a letter for another drive; you would change the Z drive to something else later. Make your selection and click OK. Repeat for other partitions or drives until you have the order you want.

Step 5. When you're done with your partitioning chores, exit Disk Management. Insert your XP disc into the drive and restart your system, booting from that disk.

Step 6. Follow the steps to install XP. When asked for the target drive, select your new partition and press Enter. Because you already formatted this partition with NTFS, you can skip the formatting step. At the appropriate screen, arrow down to Leave the current file system intact (no changes) and press Enter. Continue the installation process until it's finished and XP has started.

Step 7. Your system now boots to XP, so we'll need to do some fixing to set up a boot menu. Insert your Vista DVD and restart the computer from it. Click Next in the first screen.

Step 8. Don't click Install when prompted! Instead, click Repair Your Computer in the lower-left corner.

Step 9. When the System Recovery Options dialog appears, make sure Microsoft Windows Vista is selected and click Next. In the next dialog box, select the Command Prompt option at the bottom.

Step 10. In the command-prompt window, type the following commands and press Enter after each one:

bootrec.exe /fixMBR
bootrec.exe /fixBoot

Step 11. Close the command prompt and click Restart.

Step 12. When your computer has booted into Vista, click Start, type cmd.exe, and press Ctrl+Shift+Enter to make the command window open with elevated privileges. Click Continue, if prompted by User Account Control.

Step 13. Type the following commands in the command window, one at at time, pressing Enter after each one. After each command, you should get the response, "The operation completed successfully." A response of, "The specified entry already exists," is OK, too. If not, retype your command to make sure you've entered it correctly. If Vista is installed on a drive other than c:, change the first command below to use the proper drive letter. The curly braces around {ntldr} in each command must be typed exactly as shown:

bcdedit -set {ntldr} device partition=C:
bcdedit -set {ntldr} path \ntldr
bcdedit -displayorder {ntldr} -addlast
bcdedit -set {ntldr} description "Microsoft Windows XP"

That's it! The next time you restart your system, you should be see a prompt that will let you choose between Vista or XP. Select the one you want and press Enter.

How to customize your boot menu

When you start your dual-boot system, the menu will appear for a few seconds. If you don't press any keys, eventually Windows Vista will start. Fortunately, you can change this if you don't want Vista to be your default operating system. You can also customize the waiting period before the default kicks in.

Here's what to do:

Step 1. Click Start. Type systempropertiesadvanced and press Enter. Click Continue, if prompted by User Account Control.

Step 2. Under Startup and Recovery, click Settings.

Step 3. At the top of the dialog box, select the operating system you want to start by default.

Step 4. In the box to the right of Time to display list of operating systems, specify the number of seconds for the options to stay on screen. Click OK.

Microsoft provides documentation of Vista's bcdedit command and its parameters in an article in the Windows Vista Technical Library.

Having two operating systems on the same computer definitely takes a little extra disk space. In a future column, I'll show you some ways to make the two operating systems share some common resources to save on storage.