Monday, June 16, 2008

Google AdSense: My First Step Making Money Online

Recalling back almost 3 years ago, I am a newbie in the world of blogging. I am having a dream, a dream that most bloggers have, that is to make money from blog and make money online.

Making money from my blogs has been the power to keep me going and keep me blogging. Until one day, my life totally change when Google AdSense left me and left Earn Money From Blog. I am quite sad that I lostmy No. 1 income source online and now I am going into another direction to monetize my blog.

I am going into a lot of other PayPerClick programs which are identical to Google AdSense such as Bidvertisers, AdBrite, Oxado, Kontera, MediaText and so on and so forth. I can say that they are all not working the way I want and I make less and less money from my blog.

I try out more and more methods and finally come with some solutions to make money from my blog.

My solutions to make money from my blog after Google AdSense no longer appears on Earn Money From Blog are as below:
1. I am going for Paid to Post programs.
2. I am going to use CrispAds.
3. I am going to use Freelance Writing to make money.
4. I am making money from MyLot.
5. I am making money using Triond.

With the above 5 methods, I am making more money than expected and I am making more money than using Google AdSense.

The 6th solution:
I am not leaving Google AdSense alone and I have started more blogs to use Google AdSense to make money. Some blogs I have started are TechViewer, eBlog Entrepreneur, TemplateRush and so on.

Using The 6 Methods above, I am on my way to make better income from blogs and making more money online.

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