Tuesday, May 31, 2011

shop.org: 35% of users intend to buy goods on facebook

Chart: Shop Social Media 2011 - How Shoppers InteractW/Retailers_lg

Shop Social Media 2011 - How Shoppers InteractW/Retailers_lg
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Shop.org recently released e-commerce in 2011 social survey , the report survey was conducted in April 2011 1787 U.S. adult online shoppers. Here are some data in the report:

42% of U.S. adult Internet users through facebook, twitter or blog or subscribe to the retailers follow the brand;

The average American adult Internet users follow6 retailers brand, 58% of the followers is mainly to get a special discount, 49% of the image to obtain the latest product information, while 39% want to participate in the activities of these brands or competitions;

56% of facebook users click on the article by adding retail brand facebook site;

28% of facebook users through a link on facebook to buy goods;

47% of mobile phones and other mobile devices through the shop's customers view comments (34% of facebook users at least once a day via mobile phones and other mobile terminals to access facebook, 32% once a day via mobile phone to access youtube);

19% of U.S. adult Internet users buy goods from the buy site -57% of users spend more than 100 dollars;

35% of consumers will purchase products from the facebook, 32% of users are willing to buy goods from a twitter;

16% of U.S. adult Internet users know foursquare, and even fewer know that yelp, and only 10%, Gowalla 6%;

shop.org: 35% of users intend to buy goods on facebook

Chart: Shop Social Media 2011 - How Shoppers InteractW/Retailers_lg

Shop Social Media 2011 - How Shoppers InteractW/Retailers_lg
Powered By: iCharts | create, share, and embed interactive charts online
Shop.org recently released e-commerce in 2011 social survey , the report survey was conducted in April 2011 1787 U.S. adult online shoppers. Here are some data in the report:

42% of U.S. adult Internet users through facebook, twitter or blog or subscribe to the retailers follow the brand;

The average American adult Internet users follow6 retailers brand, 58% of the followers is mainly to get a special discount, 49% of the image to obtain the latest product information, while 39% want to participate in the activities of these brands or competitions;

56% of facebook users click on the article by adding retail brand facebook site;

28% of facebook users through a link on facebook to buy goods;

47% of mobile phones and other mobile devices through the shop's customers view comments (34% of facebook users at least once a day via mobile phones and other mobile terminals to access facebook, 32% once a day via mobile phone to access youtube);

19% of U.S. adult Internet users buy goods from the buy site -57% of users spend more than 100 dollars;

35% of consumers will purchase products from the facebook, 32% of users are willing to buy goods from a twitter;

16% of U.S. adult Internet users know foursquare, and even fewer know that yelp, and only 10%, Gowalla 6%;

Deadbeat Millionaire Review

Hi everyone,
I found this nice little site here sharing with us a simple way to make money online. The site is called "DeadBeat Millionaire" by Dan Brock. So, I decided to write a review for it under my "Affiliate Review" section. (I will have more reviews to come :) )

So, Who is Dan Brock?
Dan Brock is a successful Internet marketer who is making great income online by using his unique approach to Internet marketing - the automated software that helps him do all his stuff online. Dan Brock believes that in order for us to succeed in Internet marketing, we don't need very specialized skills but one thing we need - system.

Dan Brock is well known as Amazon Affiliate Expert as well as Expert in ClickBank affiliate. He is an online marketer and creator of coaching program, Profitzon that is giving tremendous value to web marketers to make money online by promoting products.

Dan Brock is not a scam Internet Marketer and I have done some research online and I can't find any negative comments about him and his products. In fact, he is very well known for his special techniques that everyone can "clone" and make money from Internet Marketing.

About DeadBeat Millionaire by Dan Brock:
This time DeadBeat Millionaire by Dan Brock has hit another big time again after his previous hot selling product DeadBeat Super Affiliate (I will write a review on this soon). In his new product, he almost perfected his previous system to make money online and he makes it almost fully automatic.

The DeadBeat Millionaire package comes with the softwares that help to automate Traffic Generation, Product Selections, Keywords and SEO and so on and so forth with just a few clicks. (To be honest, the package of DeadBeat Millionaire remain a secret because only members and people who buys DeadBeat Millionaire can access it.)

Is it worth Buying?
I would say it is Worth buying because Dan Brock's special techniques work quite well for his students in his previous coaching program, Profitzon. And, his students are making over USD$11,461.00 per month using his techniques. 

I Would Say It Is Worth Buying. [Watch Dan Brock's Checks Here]

Money Back Guarantee?
Yes. Dan Bock is giving his personal GUARANTEE that this product would be very powerful. If we find that it is not good, then we can request for a refund within 60 days.

I would say that this product is an amazingly new and powerful product by well known Internet Marketer and Amazon and ClickBank Expert, Dan Brock. Most gurus say that he should sell his product by monthly membership fee instead of One-Time payment but he insists to sell it by one-time payment because he is super lazy to manage membership stuff.

Before I end this review, I would like to endorse DeadBeat Millionaire and I would say that we can give this product a try. And, finally, I would like to invite you to watch his video on his site when he shows his Paychecks from ClickBank (USD$5000.00+, USD$6000.00+ and USD$14,000.00+). If you would like to buy this product, you can use my linkor you can use the next link below to watch his video before buying.

You can visit Dan Brock's DeadBeat Millionaire site using link below or you can go to his site directly by Google.

Visit Dan Brock's DeadBeat Millionaire and Watch HisVideo

Dan Brock mentioned in his video that he might be closing his sales on this product if he finds that the number of sales has met his target or he might increase his price. Anyway, just to keep a close eye on this product just in case Dan Brock close it.

April's Android App download, of which 97% is free

Action data analysis company previously announced a Distimo data indicates that the major paid Android platform applications have been downloaded 100 times less than that, we still prefer the free application, and now mobile search company also announced Chomp's support the results of another survey, pointed out that in April the Android App download record, 97% are free of charge when compared with March rose 2%.

Under this picture may make Android App Developers heart a little cold, the download record in April, the pay only 3% App, which in addition to price U.S. $ 4.01-$ 5.00 App between the download rate is balanced In addition, the other is falling:
But the contrast iOS platform, April App download statistics 17% on paid App, compared with growth of 3.8% in March:
Looks like more willing to pay for iOS user applications, but both the size of shopping malls in the application, and pay or free applications where the proportion is different, it is difficult to do so may be inferred, although the free will increase the download will it is not surprising, nor unexpected.

More trends and statistics are available in the full report, available here from Chomp.com.

April's Android App download, of which 97% is free

Action data analysis company previously announced a Distimo data indicates that the major paid Android platform applications have been downloaded 100 times less than that, we still prefer the free application, and now mobile search company also announced Chomp's support the results of another survey, pointed out that in April the Android App download record, 97% are free of charge when compared with March rose 2%.

Under this picture may make Android App Developers heart a little cold, the download record in April, the pay only 3% App, which in addition to price U.S. $ 4.01-$ 5.00 App between the download rate is balanced In addition, the other is falling:
But the contrast iOS platform, April App download statistics 17% on paid App, compared with growth of 3.8% in March:
Looks like more willing to pay for iOS user applications, but both the size of shopping malls in the application, and pay or free applications where the proportion is different, it is difficult to do so may be inferred, although the free will increase the download will it is not surprising, nor unexpected.

More trends and statistics are available in the full report, available here from Chomp.com.

As the end of May 2011 the number of users has reached 700 million Facebook

Socialbakers data show that, as of now, Facebook users has reached 700 million.

Socialbakers data is a specialized statistical Facebook site. May 2011, Facebook users grew the most in Brazil, more than 190 million new subscribers, growth of 11%, a Facebook user volume exceeded 700 million the total the main driving force. Indonesia, the Philippines, Mexico and Argentina have increased more than a million subscribers.

As of now, Facebook users the amount of the top three countries followed the United States, Indonesia and Turkey.

As the end of May 2011 the number of users has reached 700 million Facebook

Socialbakers data show that, as of now, Facebook users has reached 700 million.

Socialbakers data is a specialized statistical Facebook site. May 2011, Facebook users grew the most in Brazil, more than 190 million new subscribers, growth of 11%, a Facebook user volume exceeded 700 million the total the main driving force. Indonesia, the Philippines, Mexico and Argentina have increased more than a million subscribers.

As of now, Facebook users the amount of the top three countries followed the United States, Indonesia and Turkey.

social media bubble has come?

Currently, social media makes it easy for the valuation of reminds us of the technology bubble in 1999. But they are overrated it?

Recently, Microsoft bought a 8.5 billion dollar social media era killer application Skype, and business networking site Linkedin's IPO on the first day a record 89 billion U.S. dollars of valuation, Facebook 's valuation has exceeded 100 billion mark. Perhaps you have hesitated, whether the number of users relative to income is a better idea?

Social Media G +, which assembled a large number of professionals, entrepreneurs and scholars, the results of this detailed map of the show in front of you and me. Look at these data, when you are tempted to say a few words, then please leave a message after the article.

Source - Mashable

social media bubble has come?

Currently, social media makes it easy for the valuation of reminds us of the technology bubble in 1999. But they are overrated it?

Recently, Microsoft bought a 8.5 billion dollar social media era killer application Skype, and business networking site Linkedin's IPO on the first day a record 89 billion U.S. dollars of valuation, Facebook 's valuation has exceeded 100 billion mark. Perhaps you have hesitated, whether the number of users relative to income is a better idea?

Social Media G +, which assembled a large number of professionals, entrepreneurs and scholars, the results of this detailed map of the show in front of you and me. Look at these data, when you are tempted to say a few words, then please leave a message after the article.

Source - Mashable

Social networking 2.0, who will replace Facebook?

If anyone predicted that Facebook would one day rule the Internet, I will be reported to the dismissive attitude. Review the statements before them, they must have predicted Yahoo and Google have the same future. All predictions about the Internet, only one is always right: The waves pushed before.

Facebook giant will not be forever, it is only the pioneer of social networking. One day it will be the impact of the next generation of social networks, and then gradually decline and eventually die, just like on paper as the media industry is about to encounter.

David Fincher's The Social Network coined Facebook's business history, the plot full of tension, but it is why they can not get the Oscar for Best Picture? The reason is that it is irrelevant. Facebook does not represent social networks. Just like you'll never run into a bakery called the bakery, and will not drink coffee brand coffee refreshing. If you think that Facebook social network is your dream, it would be wrong. Crotch like a horse you think to be a joke T-Ford car is the same as short-sighted scrap pile.

The next generation of social networking look like? Want to answer this question, you need to analyze the shortcomings of existing social networks and the development bottleneck, and trying to creatively solve them. Standing on the shoulders of giants to see further.

Social network analysis, focusing on two elements: information pooling and dissemination of nodes. Information pool which means the user can access to information resources; means of information dissemination node to the recipient by the publisher of information between the communicator.

Facebook itself is a large information pool, but no one can access this great information on the full pool. This large information pool is full of the intersection of numerous small pools filled with information, communication nodes exist in the intersection of the complex into.

As a user, you can access to the information from your friends information about the composition of the small pool. But the fact is we are exposed to a wide variety of information, the publisher of the information is often strangers. This information comes from a large information pool of other small information pool. This is the role of communication nodes, a large information pool, it makes the whole flow of information together, to avoid islands of information.

This setup similar to real life, for you would not be in direct contact information, you can only come to understand through the information carrier. Traditional way to obtain such information, often only transmitted through a node, such as search engine or portal media. The Facebook allows you to get through the multi-level information dissemination node, so that the information you have access to exponential growth.

Facebook set up a simple and complex information flow system. This little information there is no separate pool, and no separate communication nodes, the disorder is full of information Facebook. This setup also Faceook brought fatal flaw: the flow of information interfere with each other, they can not be sorted and important information can not be rendered useless information often fill the entire space. Crowded space so that you often neglect the flow of time, endless (and your business) and new information that you can not stop reading. This is the Facebook social way.

Those who are tired of the bombing of the user information, for an easy way to use Facebook: games.39% of users on Facebook to play the social game , 15% of users to play games non-social class (nothing to do with your friends.) Disorderly conduct information allows users to no purpose, Facebook's newsfeed system trapped in a mist in which the user. The nature of social interaction, a necessary condition is to have interactive events allow people to whom the core of the discussion.

And chaotic information directly led to the lack of interaction between Facebook users, each user an average of 120 Facebook friends, but only 10 of which there is interaction between friends [1]. But it seems the interaction between users, Facebook does not let us become a better social life, or even only make it worse (yes, you take the time to participate in Party on Facebook a).

Twitter is not strictly a social network, its exact location is personalized media. Twitter partial solution to the problem of information pool, allowing users to take the initiative to master the information. Facebook to establish rules for small pool of information is your friends decision information, Twitter is the information to decide who you should follow. However, this method can not be completely copied into the social network.

Twitter also a lack of interaction between users of the problem, 32% of users do not follow anyone, 51% of users do not have any follower, What is more, 75% of the information is from 5% of the users (which is 5% of users personal representatives of the media). Perfect solution if the flow of information between users, interference and lack of interaction of these two issues, the next generation of social networking on the ready to come out.

As the representative of the Facebook social network based on acquaintance networks to build the whole person-centered social network, the core functions of information dissemination and sharing. Customer loyalty depends on the information provided in which the value of the information pool.

The next generation of social networks should look like?

First, it should not be based solely on the acquaintances network, users should develop social relationships through it, not just to build relationships online and then mapped to the next line. Its information pool should not be haphazard, and the organizational structure should exist in the pool of unrelated information between two independent, the information flow without interference. Information organization and really should not be done by the user to (such as Twitter, and Facebook Create a List function has not yet introduced the only concern the user to specify friends Newsfeed function), but should be completed by the system to eventually provide to the user is the result of organization.

It should also limit communication node, users need to get valuable information, but can not be allowed to drown in the trivial overseas adventures and living the message in the ocean. Most importantly, it allows users to interact effectively, and promote interaction between people is the highest social networking program.

Although Facebook has not yet left for the delay replacement, I still think that social networking will be the future leaders of the Internet, is difficult to have a service which will exceed it. The reason is simple, human desire to live, the first need is land, then the infrastructure. If this land is the Internet, it is a social networking infrastructure. People-oriented service will never be out of date.

Social networking 2.0, who will replace Facebook?

If anyone predicted that Facebook would one day rule the Internet, I will be reported to the dismissive attitude. Review the statements before them, they must have predicted Yahoo and Google have the same future. All predictions about the Internet, only one is always right: The waves pushed before.

Facebook giant will not be forever, it is only the pioneer of social networking. One day it will be the impact of the next generation of social networks, and then gradually decline and eventually die, just like on paper as the media industry is about to encounter.

David Fincher's The Social Network coined Facebook's business history, the plot full of tension, but it is why they can not get the Oscar for Best Picture? The reason is that it is irrelevant. Facebook does not represent social networks. Just like you'll never run into a bakery called the bakery, and will not drink coffee brand coffee refreshing. If you think that Facebook social network is your dream, it would be wrong. Crotch like a horse you think to be a joke T-Ford car is the same as short-sighted scrap pile.

The next generation of social networking look like? Want to answer this question, you need to analyze the shortcomings of existing social networks and the development bottleneck, and trying to creatively solve them. Standing on the shoulders of giants to see further.

Social network analysis, focusing on two elements: information pooling and dissemination of nodes. Information pool which means the user can access to information resources; means of information dissemination node to the recipient by the publisher of information between the communicator.

Facebook itself is a large information pool, but no one can access this great information on the full pool. This large information pool is full of the intersection of numerous small pools filled with information, communication nodes exist in the intersection of the complex into.

As a user, you can access to the information from your friends information about the composition of the small pool. But the fact is we are exposed to a wide variety of information, the publisher of the information is often strangers. This information comes from a large information pool of other small information pool. This is the role of communication nodes, a large information pool, it makes the whole flow of information together, to avoid islands of information.

This setup similar to real life, for you would not be in direct contact information, you can only come to understand through the information carrier. Traditional way to obtain such information, often only transmitted through a node, such as search engine or portal media. The Facebook allows you to get through the multi-level information dissemination node, so that the information you have access to exponential growth.

Facebook set up a simple and complex information flow system. This little information there is no separate pool, and no separate communication nodes, the disorder is full of information Facebook. This setup also Faceook brought fatal flaw: the flow of information interfere with each other, they can not be sorted and important information can not be rendered useless information often fill the entire space. Crowded space so that you often neglect the flow of time, endless (and your business) and new information that you can not stop reading. This is the Facebook social way.

Those who are tired of the bombing of the user information, for an easy way to use Facebook: games.39% of users on Facebook to play the social game , 15% of users to play games non-social class (nothing to do with your friends.) Disorderly conduct information allows users to no purpose, Facebook's newsfeed system trapped in a mist in which the user. The nature of social interaction, a necessary condition is to have interactive events allow people to whom the core of the discussion.

And chaotic information directly led to the lack of interaction between Facebook users, each user an average of 120 Facebook friends, but only 10 of which there is interaction between friends [1]. But it seems the interaction between users, Facebook does not let us become a better social life, or even only make it worse (yes, you take the time to participate in Party on Facebook a).

Twitter is not strictly a social network, its exact location is personalized media. Twitter partial solution to the problem of information pool, allowing users to take the initiative to master the information. Facebook to establish rules for small pool of information is your friends decision information, Twitter is the information to decide who you should follow. However, this method can not be completely copied into the social network.

Twitter also a lack of interaction between users of the problem, 32% of users do not follow anyone, 51% of users do not have any follower, What is more, 75% of the information is from 5% of the users (which is 5% of users personal representatives of the media). Perfect solution if the flow of information between users, interference and lack of interaction of these two issues, the next generation of social networking on the ready to come out.

As the representative of the Facebook social network based on acquaintance networks to build the whole person-centered social network, the core functions of information dissemination and sharing. Customer loyalty depends on the information provided in which the value of the information pool.

The next generation of social networks should look like?

First, it should not be based solely on the acquaintances network, users should develop social relationships through it, not just to build relationships online and then mapped to the next line. Its information pool should not be haphazard, and the organizational structure should exist in the pool of unrelated information between two independent, the information flow without interference. Information organization and really should not be done by the user to (such as Twitter, and Facebook Create a List function has not yet introduced the only concern the user to specify friends Newsfeed function), but should be completed by the system to eventually provide to the user is the result of organization.

It should also limit communication node, users need to get valuable information, but can not be allowed to drown in the trivial overseas adventures and living the message in the ocean. Most importantly, it allows users to interact effectively, and promote interaction between people is the highest social networking program.

Although Facebook has not yet left for the delay replacement, I still think that social networking will be the future leaders of the Internet, is difficult to have a service which will exceed it. The reason is simple, human desire to live, the first need is land, then the infrastructure. If this land is the Internet, it is a social networking infrastructure. People-oriented service will never be out of date.

Monday, May 30, 2011

Social media has become a major marketing tool small business

According to the latest survey, social media marketing activities soared and now have 73% of small businesses use social media to promote business, and this trend continues to increase. In addition, use of social media marketing has been the enterprise, there are 81% of enterprises are expected to increase the social media marketing efforts. Small business social media has become the most important marketing tool.
The survey also found that small businesses are still in the promotion of business e-mail, Web sites, marketing and advertising marketing relies heavily. Although the 2011 is more optimistic on prospects for development, but small businesses still face varying degrees of operational and financial challenges, including attracting new customers and retain existing customers and the use of such cash flow to operate effectively.

In all the social media tools, Facebook is the marketing tool of choice for small businesses. Survey shows that companies using social media marketing, about 95% of companies have chosen to Facebook as a marketing tool, 82% of enterprises believe that through Facebook for the marketing is effective. In contrast, Constant Contact in the last 4 months and 10- month investigation of two similar results were 51% and 63%.

Small businesses that other social media marketing tools to achieve varying degrees of success marketing. Using Twitter for marketing companies, there are 47% of enterprises believe that through Twitter for marketing is effective; in the use of LinkedIn for marketing companies, there are 47% of enterprises believe that through LinkedIn for marketing to be effective; in use of video sharing tools such as YouTube or Vimeo and other companies for marketing, the view that social media marketing is the ratio of effective business 73% .

Social media marketing for small businesses to provide value in no time marketing or lack of marketing resources for small businesses welcome. Businesses only need to learn how to make good use of those tools on the line. However, further understanding can improve small business access through social media marketing performance increment.

Report also noted that the e-mail is the small business with existing and potential customers in the communications tool of choice for the time, but not the highest utilization rate tool.83% of small businesses claim to be their tool of choice, they would first view on the line daily e-mail, with 72% of small businesses the number of times a day checking e-mail to a 6 times. In contrast, daily check Facebook, news sites, Twitter number in 6 times more enterprises accounted for by only 13%, 6% and 4%.

Small business customers through the integrated use of email marketing and social media marketing tools, ways to improve the performance. Small business e-mail is still the tool of choice for publishing information, social media that information can be presented to a larger audience. Say, if email is the ignition, then social media is a fan.

Utilization of social media marketing tool to enhance the same time, the utilization of other marketing tools has not decreased. The survey found that 91% of small businesses using e-mail marketing, 95% of small businesses use Web site marketing, 77% of small businesses use print advertising for marketing, 69% of small businesses uses the Internet for marketing, advertising, and 53% of small enterprises to use for marketing campaigns. These findings indicate that social media marketing will not replace traditional marketing methods, but for the traditional marketing methods provide a useful supplement.

Social media has become a major marketing tool small business

According to the latest survey, social media marketing activities soared and now have 73% of small businesses use social media to promote business, and this trend continues to increase. In addition, use of social media marketing has been the enterprise, there are 81% of enterprises are expected to increase the social media marketing efforts. Small business social media has become the most important marketing tool.
The survey also found that small businesses are still in the promotion of business e-mail, Web sites, marketing and advertising marketing relies heavily. Although the 2011 is more optimistic on prospects for development, but small businesses still face varying degrees of operational and financial challenges, including attracting new customers and retain existing customers and the use of such cash flow to operate effectively.

In all the social media tools, Facebook is the marketing tool of choice for small businesses. Survey shows that companies using social media marketing, about 95% of companies have chosen to Facebook as a marketing tool, 82% of enterprises believe that through Facebook for the marketing is effective. In contrast, Constant Contact in the last 4 months and 10- month investigation of two similar results were 51% and 63%.

Small businesses that other social media marketing tools to achieve varying degrees of success marketing. Using Twitter for marketing companies, there are 47% of enterprises believe that through Twitter for marketing is effective; in the use of LinkedIn for marketing companies, there are 47% of enterprises believe that through LinkedIn for marketing to be effective; in use of video sharing tools such as YouTube or Vimeo and other companies for marketing, the view that social media marketing is the ratio of effective business 73% .

Social media marketing for small businesses to provide value in no time marketing or lack of marketing resources for small businesses welcome. Businesses only need to learn how to make good use of those tools on the line. However, further understanding can improve small business access through social media marketing performance increment.

Report also noted that the e-mail is the small business with existing and potential customers in the communications tool of choice for the time, but not the highest utilization rate tool.83% of small businesses claim to be their tool of choice, they would first view on the line daily e-mail, with 72% of small businesses the number of times a day checking e-mail to a 6 times. In contrast, daily check Facebook, news sites, Twitter number in 6 times more enterprises accounted for by only 13%, 6% and 4%.

Small business customers through the integrated use of email marketing and social media marketing tools, ways to improve the performance. Small business e-mail is still the tool of choice for publishing information, social media that information can be presented to a larger audience. Say, if email is the ignition, then social media is a fan.

Utilization of social media marketing tool to enhance the same time, the utilization of other marketing tools has not decreased. The survey found that 91% of small businesses using e-mail marketing, 95% of small businesses use Web site marketing, 77% of small businesses use print advertising for marketing, 69% of small businesses uses the Internet for marketing, advertising, and 53% of small enterprises to use for marketing campaigns. These findings indicate that social media marketing will not replace traditional marketing methods, but for the traditional marketing methods provide a useful supplement.

10 worth a try paid SEO tools

SEO is a tedious but with systematic work. Reflect the daily repetition of tedious work, and systematic is that SEO requires planning from the beginning to the end of the implementation of such a combination of technical and strategic process. Many of which you can use the tool to work with the completion, so the job easier, the following list of 10 and pay a good SEO tool, not a tool we look forward to the black hat, white hat and should belong to surrounding aids. But the tool is the tool, its ultimate effect is to use people. So selective viewing.

1 : Market Samurai

The tool I believe many people know, but also personally like to use the SEO tools. Market Samurai is mainly used for keyword queries, as well as many additional SEO features, including a list of keywords top-ranking site, ranking track, looking to promote their products, find articles, published articles, based on your keyword search Some web2 , blog and forum resources, and so on. Also this tool is Adobe AIR , the need to install plug-ins to run!

2 : Buzzstream
Buzzstream is an online SEO management tool, and its main functions are: SEO project management, team personnel management, resource search outside the chain, outside the chain tracking and reporting, mailing list building. But the social network it provides a marketing platform to help you better in the social network marketing. In fact, this thing is an online CRM system, your team can communicate with the overall coordination inside, you just based on his recommendations and resources to the task assigned to other personnel, and analysis, tracking and more.

3 : seoClarity
seoClarity the platform mainly to provide statistics, including data analysis, ROI ( Return On Investment , ROI) reports. There are many models available to choose from, it is said that a strong keyword analysis, a high reference value. Network can be Quguan specific look.

4 : LotusJump
LotusJump is also an online platform, the platform features that you do not need to be a master of the so-called experts can use those complex functions, just put your website address and the keyword is entered, the platform will give you a list, one by one list your things to do, facing just do it. Complete fool, such as "send a comment in this place," "articles made ​​in this place." So anyone can use LotusJump to complete your SEO work.

5 : Compete.com
Compete should also be more familiar a site, the main provider of Web site traffic analysis. They provide SEO tools to help your competitors to conduct a detailed analysis of the data.

6 : Experian Hitwise
Experian Hitwise data provides a competitive analysis of major, claimed the hungry of the most powerful system, able to give the brand to provide the most effective search engine marketing analysis report.

7 : Keyword Elite 2.0
Keyword Elite is not familiar with this tool we should come out for several years, is the Clickbank best-selling an SEO tool.KE is also the key words of the main and profitability analysis, and the Market Samurai is similar to personal preference, some people think that KE is good, some people think that MS good! I would think that Micro Niche Finder is also good, because enough of a fool!

8 : Raven Internet Marketing Tools
Raven is a lightweight integrated SEO tools, features, is relatively wide, from early to late follow-analysis of research reports, etc., everything taste!

9 : SEOmoz Pro Tools
How much of this do not have introduced it, SEOmoz can be regarded as SEO industry Emperor level. Every article they will read a hundred times by others, and seriously pursue the Definitive Guide (exaggerate a little, huh, huh.) Provides a full range of SEO tools and resources to facilitate user SEO management and tracking, each providing data reporting so that users can keep abreast of trends.

10 : Paid Directories
In any case, payment should be included in the tool catalog TOP chart!

10 worth a try paid SEO tools

SEO is a tedious but with systematic work. Reflect the daily repetition of tedious work, and systematic is that SEO requires planning from the beginning to the end of the implementation of such a combination of technical and strategic process. Many of which you can use the tool to work with the completion, so the job easier, the following list of 10 and pay a good SEO tool, not a tool we look forward to the black hat, white hat and should belong to surrounding aids. But the tool is the tool, its ultimate effect is to use people. So selective viewing.

1 : Market Samurai

The tool I believe many people know, but also personally like to use the SEO tools. Market Samurai is mainly used for keyword queries, as well as many additional SEO features, including a list of keywords top-ranking site, ranking track, looking to promote their products, find articles, published articles, based on your keyword search Some web2 , blog and forum resources, and so on. Also this tool is Adobe AIR , the need to install plug-ins to run!

2 : Buzzstream
Buzzstream is an online SEO management tool, and its main functions are: SEO project management, team personnel management, resource search outside the chain, outside the chain tracking and reporting, mailing list building. But the social network it provides a marketing platform to help you better in the social network marketing. In fact, this thing is an online CRM system, your team can communicate with the overall coordination inside, you just based on his recommendations and resources to the task assigned to other personnel, and analysis, tracking and more.

3 : seoClarity
seoClarity the platform mainly to provide statistics, including data analysis, ROI ( Return On Investment , ROI) reports. There are many models available to choose from, it is said that a strong keyword analysis, a high reference value. Network can be Quguan specific look.

4 : LotusJump
LotusJump is also an online platform, the platform features that you do not need to be a master of the so-called experts can use those complex functions, just put your website address and the keyword is entered, the platform will give you a list, one by one list your things to do, facing just do it. Complete fool, such as "send a comment in this place," "articles made ​​in this place." So anyone can use LotusJump to complete your SEO work.

5 : Compete.com
Compete should also be more familiar a site, the main provider of Web site traffic analysis. They provide SEO tools to help your competitors to conduct a detailed analysis of the data.

6 : Experian Hitwise
Experian Hitwise data provides a competitive analysis of major, claimed the hungry of the most powerful system, able to give the brand to provide the most effective search engine marketing analysis report.

7 : Keyword Elite 2.0
Keyword Elite is not familiar with this tool we should come out for several years, is the Clickbank best-selling an SEO tool.KE is also the key words of the main and profitability analysis, and the Market Samurai is similar to personal preference, some people think that KE is good, some people think that MS good! I would think that Micro Niche Finder is also good, because enough of a fool!

8 : Raven Internet Marketing Tools
Raven is a lightweight integrated SEO tools, features, is relatively wide, from early to late follow-analysis of research reports, etc., everything taste!

9 : SEOmoz Pro Tools
How much of this do not have introduced it, SEOmoz can be regarded as SEO industry Emperor level. Every article they will read a hundred times by others, and seriously pursue the Definitive Guide (exaggerate a little, huh, huh.) Provides a full range of SEO tools and resources to facilitate user SEO management and tracking, each providing data reporting so that users can keep abreast of trends.

10 : Paid Directories
In any case, payment should be included in the tool catalog TOP chart!

How to Add Shadow To Your Blogger's Blockquote

I have written about "How to Add a Blogger's Blockquote to your Blogger's Blog" the other day. Today, I am going to share with you the way to add shadow to your Blogger's Blockquote to make your blockquote more appealingto your blog's readers.

How to Add Shadows to Your Blogger's Blockquote:
From my previous post on "How to Add a Blogger's Blockquote to your Blogger's Blog", I shared with you that you need to add certain codes to your Blogger's template to customize your Blogger's blockquote. In this post, in order for you to add shadow, you will need to add some more short codes to the previous codes to make the shadow appear in your customize Blogger's blockquote.

Firstly, your customize blockquote codes look like this:

blockquote {
background: #FFFFCC;
margin-left: 10px;
margin-right: 10px;
margin-top: 5px;
margin-bottom: 5px;
padding-left: 10px;
padding-right: 10px;
padding-top: 10px;
padding-bottom: 10px;
width: 450px;
height: auto;
border: 2px dotted #FFCC66;
text-align: left;
color: #6e6e6e;

Secondly, copy the codes below and paste to your Blogger's template to replace the previous codes above:

blockquote {
background: #FFFFCC;
margin-left: 10px;
margin-right: 10px;
margin-top: 5px;
margin-bottom: 5px;
padding-left: 10px;
padding-right: 10px;
padding-top: 10px;
padding-bottom: 10px;
width: 450px;
height: auto;
border: 2px dotted #FFCC66;
text-align: left;
color: #6e6e6e;
  -moz-box-shadow: 0px 5px 15px #ccc;
  -webkit-box-shadow: 0px 5px 15px #ccc;
  box-shadow: 0px 5px 15px #ccc;

Finally, save your template.

That's it. Now, your customize Blogger's blockquote will look just like:

If you find that my blog's post are helpful, you might want to subscribe to my blog by using the subscription box at the top of my blog.

Sunday, May 29, 2011

CPM Program Make Money YMads.com

I own until now still not understood well, even I also often read from the master of your blog / web's top Indonesia just let me understand how true that Internet business. Formerly also a list of PTC, PPC and Affiliate which has yet to show success. "Keep the spirit!" Business Blog Advice from a friend, I suggested a list of CPM YMads.com. Although fairly new online business programs, but how free and easy YMads.com leveling course. Companions can list here. CPM Program is a Cost Per Million, or cost per impression that we pay every IMPRES that we get from the blog that we install. This can be as an alternative to the dollar online search than PPC Google Adsense,or any other Internet business.

Excess YMads.com from other programs such as Internet business that I've ever played (PromoteBurner.com, Bigextracash.com) payout or payment is sent directly to our Paypal (Paypal can list here) and there is no minimum payment. So little likelihood of this YMads.com Scam or fraud because the money directly into Paypal. Other advantages are also ads shown loading fast and lightweight.

YMads.com also pay us if there is a sign up through our referial or commonly known as affiliate programs. Once again this is not a Scam or YMads.com fraud because it has been proven to pay me. May I see proof of payment here.Hopefully the info provided Stores Blog useful to all friends again Learning Blog Basic knowledge of business and also online. How YMads.com CPM Program registration is very easy like other Internet Business program enrollment. The first friend to do is sign up here

I am happy to share you all. this above image my current earning dashboard. join and earn. Best of luck friends.

CPM Program Make Money YMads.com

I own until now still not understood well, even I also often read from the master of your blog / web's top Indonesia just let me understand how true that Internet business. Formerly also a list of PTC, PPC and Affiliate which has yet to show success. "Keep the spirit!" Business Blog Advice from a friend, I suggested a list of CPM YMads.com. Although fairly new online business programs, but how free and easy YMads.com leveling course. Companions can list here. CPM Program is a Cost Per Million, or cost per impression that we pay every IMPRES that we get from the blog that we install. This can be as an alternative to the dollar online search than PPC Google Adsense,or any other Internet business.

Excess YMads.com from other programs such as Internet business that I've ever played (PromoteBurner.com, Bigextracash.com) payout or payment is sent directly to our Paypal (Paypal can list here) and there is no minimum payment. So little likelihood of this YMads.com Scam or fraud because the money directly into Paypal. Other advantages are also ads shown loading fast and lightweight.

YMads.com also pay us if there is a sign up through our referial or commonly known as affiliate programs. Once again this is not a Scam or YMads.com fraud because it has been proven to pay me. May I see proof of payment here.Hopefully the info provided Stores Blog useful to all friends again Learning Blog Basic knowledge of business and also online. How YMads.com CPM Program registration is very easy like other Internet Business program enrollment. The first friend to do is sign up here

I am happy to share you all. this above image my current earning dashboard. join and earn. Best of luck friends.

social media icon collections

Social media is an important factor for promotion in the world today. All content on the main page on the Internet today offers its readers an easy way to share their content on social networking sites like Twitter, Facebook and Digg, because they understand the importance of the media.

When designing a new WordPress or modifications to existing projects or premium design, it is important to integrate social media links with your content. Although the text links to work safely, graphical links are preferred, because it encourages users to the site and attract social media users share links to share.

Here is the collections of icons websites:

Social Media Icons – 72 Icons

Social Media Icons Pack in 3 Sizes for Download – 17 Icons

Polaroid icon set - icons collections.

 i hope you like it.. i will post more in next post. Please don't forget to join with us via twitter and facebook.