Monday, May 9, 2011

6 ways to know the contents SEO

If you think that is the convergence of search and media, natural and logical process, not just social data will be used to adjust the results, but also social activities (such as Facebook and Twitter Tweets like) to provide indicators crowd sourcing popular content from real users . No wonder that many of the events of last year, socializing search results (SERP).

For beginners and includes a social content Twitter, Flickr and other sites in our search results of Google, which recently launched a Google ad and search results. This year, his contract extended for Facebook Bing, both the results and adjust the use of Facebook pages that I like the power of measurement.

So what does this mean in order to optimize (SEO), its strategy in the search engines? Well, it means that we need new ways to use social media to improve its position in search results. Traditional SEO site and returns are still necessary. But if you really want to compete with your SEO strategy, send a search of law, social signals, like the pages of your site and the principle of profit.

1. Getting Tweeted to Rankse

One of the back of your profile, check the search engine is age. Despite the old mirrors, new mirrors for the office to show web sites or pages, are becoming increasingly popular. Tweets now serves a similar function of social stimuli, the site / page is currently in vogue. Both Google and Google has confirmed that social stimuli affect classes. Therefore, the social strategy for a campaign to get Twitter and tweeted retweeted content. And best of all tweets that contain the keywords you are trying to classify.

2. Socializing Your Content Strategy

While it may be difficult (or impossible) to their product page on Twitter (when I finally found the target membrane). Do you have a content strategy, content production changes: 

Ability to him, the virus has killed at least within a niche community that are relevant to the industry. In addition to performance of the press or de l'Usine, look at the blog and the content producers is the goal of fun, or useful - those things that the user is most likely via Twitter (and other channels).

Round or connected to the main themes, which tend to be classified. The reason you want to do this because you want to tweet and retweet to your keywords. For example, is about 10 fastest cars in the world, Twitter has to go viral. Tweets, but that might be useful if parts and car accessories, such as the sale to sell formal wear.

3. Influence Through Influencers

Once the site is only the first step, two summary. You can also leader, Twitter search, because users are more likely to retweeted. If Bing Tweets and Google confirmed that they belong to the ranks, as they look for social services to take account of Twitter users. For users with many supporters (and many more people are returning), weighing much more than a couple or more Twitter Twitter, Joe Beats;.

What's more, the most influential retweeted, it means that they offer more money to tweets. Thus, considering the means to achieve these leaders and build relationships with them to watch. In this way, if you want to produce (keyword sensitive), the social content, you'll see a lot more substance collected from officers and (perhaps) the retweeted.

For example, a few months ago, when the Smashing Magazine on the SEOmoz SEO tweeted Basic Guide (which in many retweet), SEOmoz launched the first page only takes a Beginner's Guide. has been optimized and has been obtained retweeted page guide for beginners, the influence of the Incarnate Word tweet on Twitter, guide for beginners.

4. Be Likeable

The exclusive agreement with Facebook Bing Bing as a factor in the ranking algorithm and adjust the results according to user's friends on Facebook is slightly decreased. Bing is little benefit for Google, because Google does not have direct access to data from Facebook. But the factors Facebook Google maintains and share your pipes and SEOmoz hypothesis that actions speak louder than love. Google Google surpasses Bing touch. The feature of Google users can rate, content or results of means, which is like the Facebook button.

Then, use one or results based on the contacts from Gmail, recommended, one page or site. Although it is too early to be sure that it is a classification factor, but the power of Google to land and the importance of personalization is evident. Many of socialization is your position in sympathy. You should start your strategy of social content, but it is also impressive, with the products. Eventually, these are products that enter into the SERPs. the experience of Members and A / B test the first time for me to make sure that / Tweet / button on their pages. But I want to play with different settings to determine what are the concrete results of plus / Love / 1 tweets s.

5. Diversify the Communities You Target

Going in search of social stimuli (Facebook, Twitter, and maybe) is not easy, but also its social strategy for SEO pot. In particular, there are many social communities, content and meaningful opportunities for valuable backlinks and traffic (in other tweets / Preferences / and lead), to give up. Diversification is important SEO traffic. Your SEO strategy should be, and the transport of sources can be obtained. Reddit, Digg and StumbleUpon all significant opportunities for both.

Here is your strategy for the social content is more important. Especially when the objectives of these communities, you must synchronize their brand with a culture of these communities.

This means that the production of branded content
* interesting, entertaining and fun - two of the three.
* This has nothing to do with the products / services for sale.
* If the issue is somehow related to the keywords that are trying to classify.

The company, which is a good thing the production of Rackspace infographics. You can also do it from the top 5 / 10 letter. After the production of content for the brand to come to terms with the communities who just want to make the seed content of these sites to share content. Again, to be leaders in the counties of access. This means that building a relationship to invest in Twitter - if someone who is a.

6. Build a Brand That Ranks

Days off for SEO keyword domain names can be completed quickly. give the search engines seem to be established and trusted brands benefit of the doubt when it comes to search rankings. For example, was one of the reasons why it took so long for Google and JCPenney penalties, two brands that are familiar to consumers. So Google has given them the benefit of the doubt, when the suspect when he returned profile link. If this trust is violated, but their characters can not save ranks in the fall. But it shows what can be done when it comes to search rankings will be known.

Of course, trust the brand is something that takes time and money. Even if a few million dollars to launch a national campaign will not get the confidence of consumers and Google overnight. But it is one more reason to look for ways to build your brand as you can (at least in their field).

Consider starting with a strong presence in the media, where you can communicate with consumers on the basis of frequent and regular. Its strategy of social content helps, but you can also try several alternative solutions, such as advertising on Facebook and competitions to encourage walking. From there you can improve your game by some kind of publicity stunt or offline. In other words, since users of the site, so to speak, looking at how it could be that talking to you, has been appointed by the intelligence services or stir buzz brand or product.

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