Friday, May 6, 2011

Android App Store, Apple has lost in August 2011

Recent reports from the Android App Store App Store more in August 2011, if current growth continues. In April 2011, applications from Android Market, as opposed to 28 000 11 000 applications on the App Store. There is no question that Google Android is the new kid on the block popular, and it is only an indication of IOS run for their money. Not only attention to the potential of the mobile operating system, but also helped to 
raise some important HTC, Samsung, Motorola and Sony Ericsson to combat the iPhone.

The report was prepared by Research2guidance, research and consultancy, has published more mobile. The company said in late April 2011 showed 2,95,000 Android Market. Sixty-four percent of these applications are free, which is above average for the big App Store. The study also concludes that: culture free from Android Market is one of the main features of the ecosystem Android is starting. In recent months the trend of publishers trying to balance the shift of most of the levy paid. In April, the share fell free applications presented in a simple way to save 60%.

It should be noted that the success of the App Store for the other is not directly correlated with success in applications. This is generally how the applications and a wide range of best-selling book is still a daily basis was in the back.

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