Saturday, May 7, 2011

Apple could adopt ARM for laptops, but why would it?

Apple / ARM rumor du jour is that Apple Mac is probably the entire line of notebook processors based on ARM, Intel a decrease of the total. Sources say, say that the game and a half, and you have to change for 2013, a 64-bit ARM core A15 stock is available. So that future generations of processors A5 Apple MacBook Air will be heard, Apple has said that Intel claims big hole on the arm, it is not easy.

Half-specific sources say Apple is already working on the conversion. From the perspective of the operating system, which will be difficult, HI, and Mac OS X is based on the code more or less the same, and IOS runs on all ARM. This is a brief history of the 86 laptops from Apple, or will be in 2-3 years, said semi-precision, sources of information. ; In all cases, a lot of Intel, Apple and plugs;

cement increases, saying that its seeds, the moles had gone right for Apple laptops NVIDIA keep some 'Core 2 Duo, and that Apple has taken first place in the Thunderbolt (aka Light Peak). While the number of victims would be good, the prognosis was pretty safe bet on the hand. Apple NVIDIA GPU before the transition, and it turns out that the transition to Intel Core IX (Nehalem and Sandy Bridge now) kicked 9400M and 320M controllers, Apple has had several generations of Core 2 Duo.

We have also explained why in the past year, Apple did not put their laptops more compact, 13, MacBook Pro and MacBook Air Core 2 Duo, mainly due to constraints of space and energy and limits the scope of products Intel. And since Apple has been heavily involved in the development of light peak, it's no wonder business is an integrated high-tech products.

See what happens to the weather. Quad-core 64-bit ARM runs at 2.5 GHz A15 in 2013, is to be similar to a 2GHz Core 2 Duo are now available. Apple introduced the MacBook Pro Sandy Bridge chips, MacBook Air, and go to Sandy Bridge in the summer of this year. These systems are more than 2 Duo chip like Quantum Jump time.

The next year, Intel's Sandy Bridge-to-date news, Ivy Bridge. This new generation of processors in 3D transistor technology, Intel's 22 nm process, which is a considerable savings in low voltage projects, improving the rate of increase in taxes or a combination thereof. Intel processor actually a clone of 22-nm-Sandy Bridge with the same force by about 50 percent of electricity demand. Imagine the power of the MacBook Pro now with something like a dual battery life is much more that needs CPU power, but you get the idea.

The big advantage for ARM on x86 processors is that mobile devices are a source of high-power batteries for a long time. So from this point of view of the current generation of laptop processors ARM low-power, high-performance battery, in exchange for limited capacity. iPads iPhone, and only one application is pending, accept this compromise. It seems unlikely that users are willing to make sacrifices, if Mac OS X (at least not yet) be used. On the other hand, is pushing for ARM Core 2 Duo processor, how to erase most if not all of the benefits of the juice of the ARM low-power laptop battery and it would suck almost as fast as comparable x86.

Without a clear benefit from the operation or efficiency of traffic on ARM is unlikely that Apple ditching Intel for laptops attacked within two years. However improbable, does not necessarily mean that Apple uses ARM processors in future Mac-like.

One factor that could lead to Steve Jobs of Apple and ARM material for your story better. Think high-density 3.5, used the floppy drive, the original Macintosh, which was not far from the PC-DOS 1988. After the papers used to opt for a more unique hardware, custom cube next to multiple processors, including Motorola x86 Mac instead of PC clones. In addition to the graphics card to display a PostScript special, special version of the language page description language from Adobe for printing high-resolution near support.

When Jobs returned to Apple, sold his company Universal USB Puck Mouse, which began in 1998, the original iMac in a few years before then, Apple Pro Mouse slandered. Jobs and clung to the PowerPC platform (Apple, which originally had a hand in the drawing) for the year after the PC was Intel Mac beat oil.

Apple was initially involved in the initial design of architecture ARM6, PDA since the beginning of 1990 Newton, Apple has a long history with ARM used known. Apple in recent years, has acquired two companies in the development of processors, its ability to design circuits with low power note. This is the PA Semi engineers are now higher, the ARM CPU architecture team at Apple.

Intrinsity other low-power ARM-known varieties of hummingbirds. With all these skills and capabilities internally, it is very likely that Apple will be a custom ARM processor for the MacBook and the battery performance as iPad engineer oriented. You may be tempted to work, who can say that Apple has something that no other notebook.

Other factors that could cause ARM laptop Mac, the gradual combination of Ios and Mac OS X. Developers Apple has not seen clearly in this direction for some time, but Apple said it did not when it is released Mac OS X Leo in October last year. Jobs described as a lion, met IPAD Mac OS X, and noted that the policy of technology, such as Launchpad, IOS, auto-save files, applications, automatic return to full-screen applications and the Mac App Store.

One reason why IO logo may appear small hardware limitations are presented to users. Only one active application at a time. basic processes, some features of Optimized Power (such as music or reading push notifications) Limited. IOS is clear on the future activities of the Apple operating system, exceeding the IOS-free for Mac OS X, and users are only some of the limitations of rule, it seems very likely that Apple may be on the MacBook Air to increase the A5 efficiency derivative works unless we are today iPads and perhaps more about the future of the keyboard. (The MacBook Air is not far from this description, as it is.) Devices may be processing needs, Web browsing, e-mail to take advantage of Netflix, a chat, just settling down to a large population is already compressed.

Finally, it is also possible that Apple could cut their costs ARM designs can be achieved. Apple begins low-end to $ 1000, so if you have enough savings so low in the range of $ 800 or less free, it is possible that Apple could be a significant increase in all growth in sales of Mac

With the latest Intel plans in the eye, but does not seem easy to dump the x86 Apple ARM quickly. Maybe Apple can combine low-power ARM-know-how with Intel's 22 nm process to follow a super large chip ARM mobile processors from Intel, the action on the basis of wat to overcome, but there great room.

All the information available for the energy Ivy Bridge, the earth, ARM processor, scan in the near future, and we believe that users want only the Ivy Bridge on foot from the mobile handset arm, everything else is equal. There are factors that can be combined in the direction of momentum on behalf of Apple, particularly on the low side, but these factors are based on many big IFS.

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