Monday, May 9, 2011

Apple has surpassed Google as the world's most valuable brand

Apple has surpassed Google's most valuable brand in the world, and ends the reign of four years at the helm of the Internet, according to a new study by Millward Brown brand in the world. iPhone trademark Manufacturer and IPAD is now 153 billion dollars (£ 93bn), almost half the market capitalization of Apple, said that the annual top 100 global brands BrandZ research. global portfolio of consumer desirable Apple, led, technology companies such as Microsoft's most valuable last year.

Peter Walsh, Director of Global Brand by Millward Brown said that the attention of Apple's retail presence and equipment is growing in a corporate environment, has allowed him to behave differently from other electronic devices. Apple has broken the rules relating to its pricing model, he said. do what seems to luxury brands, higher prices, which are more support and reinforcement. Of course he loved as used in many products and experience, and Apple, the same;

Top 10 brands in the report, and six telecommunications companies: Google, second, third, IBM, Microsoft, in fifth position in the T-Mobile and China in the seventh to ninth place. McDonald's rose two places to number four, the rapid recovery of the fastest growing category, Coca-Cola dropped one place to sixth place, 7:59 in General Electric and Marlboro is the number 10, p.. Walshe said the demand from China is an important factor in the development of fast-food brands. ; China has discovered fast food and is a huge market - Starbucks, McDonald's and Pizza ... China has made, he said.

, Re-invent the way McDonald's has modified its menu healthy food choices, extended hours of the day to visit, like oatmeal for breakfast ... Combined with the growth in emerging markets, but this character. Assist; Nineteen 100 brands from emerging markets, compared to 13 last year. Facebook has entered the top 100 at number 35 with about 19.1 billion U.S. dollar mark, while the Chinese search engine Baidu has reached 29 of 46

position as the Toyota brand cars in the world, the more valuable because I do not remember, in 2010 the product back. The survey was conducted by the earthquake in March, the massive destruction of their supply chains in Japan, the total value of 100 brands grew 17 percent to $ 2.4 billion, that changes in economic growth overall.

Millward Brown, as the value of the company's own brands as intangible assets in their earnings reports. It connects to exercise more than 2 million customers in markets around the world, that polls throughout the year, when many companies because of the short-term growth in the future.

1 comment:

  1. Are you paying more than $5 per pack of cigarettes? I'm buying all my cigs over at Duty Free Depot and I save over 50%.
