Monday, May 9, 2011

Google does not hate SEO.

There was a general consensus seems to be with people who are not familiar with the relationship between Google and the SEO experts, SEO is somehow cheating Google hates SEO is bad. Instead, professional White Hat SEO and Google are working well together in a symbiotic relationship of any kind. Google search engine reveals many updates and guidance to the public. Matt Cutts, in particular (Google webspam team leader) has a long history of development in some aspects of the Google algorithm and how certain changes affect your rankings.

What white-hat SEO does for Google

Google's mission is to news, results relevant and useful to the users. White SEO experts know, and through understanding the goals and how to get Google to try to better work with Google's algorithms for its customers its position in search engines. Therefore, a better search engine ranking SEO client refers to the new content that is relevant and useful are generated. This improves the quality of search results from Google.

What Google does for white-hat SEO

Because the white hat SEO encourages the production of quality content, Google is very happy with its clarity, as it is to promote development. Obviously can not reveal the ranking of the factors, or to inform us of any change, but usually are very clear on certain issues. For example, Matt Cutts is good to talk in detail the inner workings of the sculpture PageRank, nofollow, assign and explain how the PageRank is passed, if at all, nofollow, p..

If Google condemned white-hat SEO

If Google suddenly ordered all SEO practices, not only those who manipulate the results in a misleading way, is white hat SEO methods are becoming increasingly uncertain line stabbing. SEO using white, as well as tips and ideas on how Google ranks pages in search results of Google is to promote fair practices and the production of non-spam, web content with high quality.

Search without white-hat SEO

White-hat SEO centers around two main activities:

* Ensure that the parties actually can find content, and research has declined slightly
* Increase your site's visibility in terms of biological research to identify (and) optimize its competitors snakes (Search Engine Result Pages)

White hat SEO does not attempt to engage in cheating and is considered to help Google, but Google is looking for content relevant to users and allows companies to make their content easy to find. If SEO was not, we would probably still have web pages with content organized and very useful structure for engines do not find it. I have yet to see what other sites with interesting content stuffed into a single image. Good luck to find this site extremely useful friend, now.

Misconceptions about SEO

A Lifehacker, the post appeared recently, people tend to hire SEO professionals, and referring to discourage Snakeoil, SEO. I thought it was funny, because advice to businesses and webmasters to play almost exactly what we all know White Hat SEO Professional saying for years. In other words ... Talking Points by SEO. In a nutshell, SEO is more evil than the diameter. It 's just good or bad, in the hands of employeesn using it.

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