Friday, May 6, 2011

Intel 22 nm processors 3D version of Ivy Bridge

Intel has introduced a new generation of microprocessor technology, called Ivy Bridge. The system was originally programmed to 22-nanometer process, pack the transistors closer than the current use of 32-nm. Intel announced that it will be the new tri-gate transistors, which consume less power 3D. rival chip makers like AMD and IBM expect a similar project.


Announcement is a milestone in the field of processors, which constantly strives to build more transistors on a silicon chip. The main measure of progress is the length of the transistor, gate, measured in nanometers (one nanometer = 1 billionth of a meter). The human hair is 60,000 nanometers. Currently, the best micro-chip technology brings to 32 nm. For a long time in the 22 nm technology is the next step in the evolution of microprocessors known characters.

However, the exact nature of the offer from Intel is jealously secret until now. The company expects to begin commercial production this year. Kaizad Mistry, Intel's 22 nm program manager, said the arrival of tri-gate transistor can make a big difference compared to consumer products do. ; Result in the market for energy efficiency will be improved - so better results when the autonomy of the vitality or even higher for equal work, Mistry said.

In the design of microprocessors, the main channel through the gate that is opened or closed - the AC output 0-1 Until now, these channels are flat, or flat silicon wafers. Intel's Tri-Gate System replaces the 3D channel with fins. Mr. Mistry said the additional space made of conductive and work out the best. the semiconductor industry analyst Dan Hutcheson of VLSI Research, told the BBC that the new process will be Intel's dominance in the market can offer.

Are very strong, he said. The Lord said Hutcheson innovation in architecture is not just a 3D desktop processors from Intel, but it makes chips for mobile devices. Its atomic line is much more competitive ARM. ARM Holdings, the UK, is a leading manufacturer of mobile processors with low power consumption.

Ian Drew, a spokesman for ARM, said he was not surprised by the announcement, but added: '.. Improving chip technology is an ongoing process, not just Intel, but the entire industry, ARM has been to test the chip at 22 nm, and has signed a contract with IBM to go to 14NM. Moore's Law, Ivy Bridge design allows twice as many transistors packed on a chip to 32 nm.

This improvement is consistent with Moore's Law - the observation of Intel co-founder Gordon Moore that the density of a chip doubles every two years. But Intel, the chip maker, like others, comes close to some physical limitations that prevent may be treated. production process of the chip will be another 14NM 11NM. The atoms are usually about 0.5 nanometers wide.

Kaizad Mistry believes that economic growth continues for some time. Gordon Moore said there is no exponential is forever, but he wants us to take as much time as possible, said Mistry. Are in this area since the mid 80s. At that time, people talk about sub-micron barrier. Talking about his mother. Mr. Mistry said, innovation in the design of the processor, as the front. competing systems

Intel currently has about 80% of global microprocessor market by analysts IDC. His rival, Advanced Micro Devices (AMD) shares of 19%. AMD's first 22 nm chip prototype in 2008. It is expected that the FIN-core processors from Intel, known as FinFETs below.

However, the Company announced its plans for commercial products. AMD sells chip manufacturing arm in 2009, creating a fusion GLOBAL. Mr. Hutcheson said that the separation between design and production, innovation AMD damage. , Is the leading contender for his lead FAB [production] and vote for the localization process. Intel goes, he said.

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