Sunday, May 1, 2011

Keys to history

Last week, the newspapers, especially the foreign press, with the news of the closure of the last typewriter in the world happy. Few people know that the factory in Godrej and Boyce Shirwal, 60 km from Pune, in fact, concluded in October 2009. However, it is surprising that some typewriters obsolete by all the clients in the computer age, after only 14 months in a large capacity of 10,000 per year.

News nostalgia has led to many in the press and bloggers, probably because fashion gadget author. vintage writing some authors to speak with great care, and many are installed on some brands. Ernest Hemingway achieved his best works in the Royal de Luxe and PG Wodehouse monarch liked the silence. It 'hard to imagine calling laptops same devotion.

Gita Simoes, writer and wife of the late Frank Simoes Advertising remember the greed of her husband when he arrived at his typewriter. When I went to Goa, she said, her husband, she and her daughter on the beach, is sent to Underwood Bang. , Typewriter, was the extent of it, he said.

Column Underwood, the first woman, Behram; BusyBee, the contractor before the trust Underwood for Rolls Royce. Although he spent at the computer, machinery humor writers was his love. He always said that my speed just my fingers, said Farzana businessman, his wife. A; Khat Khat Khat, I think it helped. ;

In fact, one of the most interesting features of the device is the sound of the keys. There is an obvious effort that the authors were not insured, even catharsis. And though it hurts, the shock of passion on the keys, says the author Namita Gokhale. He wrote his first novel, Paro: Dreams of Passion, 1982-1983 Remington. ; So I bought my husband an electric typewriter for IBM, he said. : He had a tape that can be corrected. It seemed that art, which now supports more than the average Gokhale. Mac, one of the few computers that are not committed fans. You can think laterally to the computer, he said. , A typewriter, you think so one-dimensional. I love my Mac with a passion. I have no false nostalgia.

What some authors claim as the run of the machine. The documents must be added, changed bands, carriage returns, a new position for each line of text, and should be encouraged. Amit Chaudhuri has finished his first novel, the strange and sublime address of the father of Olympia. ; Transportation stripes red stripe instead began with a tip or an ex-ex-Erazo, and best of all, pulling the levers from right to left, rolls, and type the following line, and a lot more experience in using a machine write, he said. Chaudhuri now uses a computer, but the nature of the manuscripts were written by hand, when you type with one finger.

Secretaries, if less glamorous than the writers are also associated with a typewriter. Class Secretaries strong legions 111 years Davar College of Commerce, support services for research and secretarial support. have been replaced before 1998, when typewriters to computers, 250 students were absent each day with the door open to 75 cars. I liked the sound in the room, said Silloo Chinigar, academic dean of the secretariat. ; Was deafening, but beautiful.

Typewriters, and now exists only in memory and on the sidewalks outside the courts and the city's General Post Office, where officials still clack of official documents. United States, on a typewriter on the other hand, has gained cult status. Owning an antique typewriter at the time, the enthusiast community, competition from other types and typecast et al, (notice of strike, scan and upload web pages), some new kind of geek.

Godrej Prima, is not as elegant as the Olivetti typewriter Remington or collectors, but if the Indians do not, you want to know what he expects fewer than 200 were sold. If you are poor, a significant amount of fervor. When my husband bought an IBM electric typewriter. The team was right. It seemed that the prior art;

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