Wednesday, May 16, 2007

About Technorati

Technorati is a big online community where a lot of Bloggers from arounf the world interact with each other. Technorati has about 71 millions of registered Blogs. This site has good useful features like:

1. Ping.
This feature allow you to ping your blog when you update your blog with new post. Ping means informing Technorati that your blog is updated with new contents. So, bloggers in Technorati can find your contents easily.

2. Search.
You can search for topic you like easily. Use the searchbar in Technorati and search whatever topics you like.

3. Add Technorati Favourite button.
Adding a Technorati button to your site. Technorati button can be added to your site easily. Copy the code in your Technorati account and paste it in your Blog. Your readers can use that Technorati button to add your blog as their favourite blog.

4. Get updated news of your favourite blog.
If you have added some blogs as your favourite in Technorati. You can get their new updates just by login into you Technorati Account. Technorati will help you track your favourite blogs and get new updates to you.

5. Interact with all the Bloggers around you.
You can easily visit other Bloggers blog in Technorati and leave some comments in their blog. This helps you to increse your popularity and get more attention in the World of Blogging.

6. Tags
Tags are special feature in Technorati. You can add 20 tags to your blog. These tags classified your blog. When people click on tags that you put for your blog, your blog have high probability to appear in the search.

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