Friday, May 18, 2007

Expandable post for Blogger

I have created an expandable post in this Earn Money From Blog. As you can see, there is a "Read More" link below this post. If you would like to know more about how I create this expandable post. Click the "Read the Full Post..." link to continue reading.

If you would like to create an expandable post like me. This is a good post to guide you.

Step 1:
1. Login to your Blogger Acount. Click on Layout on your blog. Click Edit HTML.
2. Go to find:

3. Copy the code below:

4. Paste the code between


5. Save Template.

Step 2:
1. Expand the Code.
2. Locate this code:

3. Paste the code below:

Read the Full Post...

4. Follow the code correctly, if not the "Read more!" function will not function correctly.
5. Save template.

Step 3:
1. This is the last step.
2. Go to Settings------>Formatting. Scroll down to the end of the page to the box for the Post Template. Copy and Paste the following lines there :

Type your summary here

Type the rest of the post here

3. Done!

Your posts will have "Read the Full Post..." function and this is good to make all your posts have their links in your blog. This is helping you to create a lot of inbound links in your blog.

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