Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Joining Advertlets

Advertlets is a advertising program for Asia's Bloggers. It is quite simple. Advertlets is Free to join. Once you participate in the program, you will need to paste the code of Advertlets (as usual) on your blog/site. This is simple, if you know how to paste AdSense Code, then this will not be a problem to you.
After pasting the code, you will see a poll appear on your site. This poll is important before you are qualified to earn money from Advertlets. Your first task will be Completing the Polls. You need to complete a total of 50 polls. Then, you will start to make money from Advertlets.
Why I join Advertlets:
I would like to improve my earnings using my blog. I'm aiming to get some income from the internet and started a blog. My target is to make $300.00 per month from my blog. This is the reason I join Advertlets.
Advertlets is a simple program. I like it because the Advertlets poll can help me know my readers more. In addition, I can make some monet from it. The design of the poll is nice. I hope that I can get more information on my traffic and get more money by writing contents suitable for my traffic.
Advertlets is much more simple to earn money. Advertlets need to make more improvements on the mainpage. The design of the mainpage is nice but the information about payment for Bloggers is not clearly stated in Advertlets.
*Kindly take the Advertlets poll in my blog. Thanks!

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