Friday, May 18, 2007

Free Review Campaign.

Today, I'm quite happy and relief. Sandpaper had apologized to me and I accepted it. Everything is going to be normal again.

Since everything is back to normal, I'm planning a new campaign in my blog. I called it "Free Review Campaign". This campaign will offer reviews for 3 blogs(blogs only).

Rules and Conditions to get a Free Review:
1. You must be a Reader of my blog.
2. Your blog must have my blog's link. (Links Exchange)
3. Complete the Advertlets Poll at the top left of my blog.
4. If interested please leave your address in "Comments".

*Your blog will be reviewed by me and any positive or negative reviews of your blog will be discussed in the review. Some tips for optimizing your AdSense Placement and AdSense format and colors will be given.

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