Saturday, May 19, 2007

Digg It

This is a post about Digg. Explaination of the functions and features. How it can help you get a lot of traffic?

Digg is another big online community. It is a special community where you can get latest news, hot topics, videos, podcasts and so on.

Digg enable users to "submit story". In order words, users can submit their articles and let people to have a look at it. If they found it intersting, they can place a "digg" on your topic. The more digg your topic get, the higher your topic will be listed in

Another good function of is that it clasified topics. This is a good features of because it helps users to browse topic easier.

In addtion, you can also add a Digg button to your blog's post. This enable site visitors to "digg" your posts.

Join today and generate more traffic to your blog/site.

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