Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Blog Project : Inbound Links Project

Inbound Links are inportant for SEO(Search Engines Optimization). Plenty of inbound links can help increase Page Rank (PR) and thus make your site/blog more searchable in major Search Engines like Google, Yahoo, MSN, and so on.

How do I make more inbound links for my blog?
It is quite simple. I will re-edit all my posts and add links to certain words of my posts. The links added will be linked to my other posts. This can help me to increase my inbound links density and help to get higher PR for my blog.

Inbound links are very important. Take a good example like Wikipedia. The website is a online encyclopedia. It has a lot of posts. In the posts, you can find a lot of links which will link to another posts. This makes Wikipedia appear at the top 10 results in the search results.

Optimize your blog/site today with inblond links and make your site/blog more SEO friendly.

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