Friday, April 29, 2011

Apple iPad? Travel with great technique ... but terribly easy to lose

Posted by Frank Barrett, The Mail on Sunday, I never thought that I must find the iPad, a program on my iPhone. Twenty minutes after my departure from the Emirates flight from Dubai, I realized I forgot to IPAD. Returned. It took over 40 minutes to remind me, I was able to get the precise location of the search, to find my IPAD;. Map of the computer that shows you exactly where he was - sitting in a plane at the airport, where I knew I had left.

Arab man and decorated paper, of which the GPS tracking system with interest. Yes, he said. I really left, the problem was that the plane is now headed to Bangkok, while its way to Singapore. It seemed that there was no time to eject. I expected on my iPhone, check out my travel alone in Thailand, the IPAD to start. But - taking care of (IMF) with lock - my board came out of the iPad.

I feared the worst - my iPad surly bonds, which have been transferred from Dubai and has a new home in a strange part of my new direction of research. But I do not want weak nerves. The next day I received e-mail from the office of Emirates Fund, confirmed that the iPad has been identified and are expected to return to my collection next week. I'm curious ...

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