Friday, April 22, 2011

Google will be responsible for monitoring local Turmoil Smartphone, says Android Opt-In

These days, it's all the fuss is about positioning in the background on IOS devices, or 3G iPhone and iPad. Report broken, all the IOS file stored in the database files stored in the approximate location of the device for a long period of time - and are not encrypted. Senator Al Franken, and then sent a letter to Steve Jobs returned to Apple.

Subsequently, published yesterday, the Wall Street Journal, with a new revelation: his Apple and Google (with Android), and local data from these devices to a home server. That sounds scary, but when users Android is not true for me - very important to remember that when the Google box to allow anonymous data, it is not so secret, so you can exit. No wonder that Google has confirmed that this is the case.

Here's how:
    "All actions of Android is an opt-in user. Let user communication and transfer of control over collection and use of location data for a better experience to support Android phones. Each location data for local servers, Google is anonymous and not linked or find specific users."

But even so, the WSJ article also refers to information that is not really anonymous Google:

    Google said that the data access is anonymous and has no beginning and end of each trip, which in their plans. However, the data delivered to the warehouse only by Mr. Kamkar unique identifier for each connected phone.

Google explains that when the phone sends the information to the location of the database server is truly a unique identification number, but they say that this number is somehow linked to the name of the device's IMEI number or other information. In other words, it is difficult for them to engage users of such data.

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