Sunday, April 24, 2011

Microsoft "supports" to Sony's PSN down

Sony's Playstation Network has been inaccessible since last Wednesday and it could still take some time. But Microsoft supports Sony in this mess.

It is with great emphasis and a lot of hypocrisy that Microsoft has shown solidarity with Sony:

"Of course it's regretful That IS Encountering from Sony Has Such A busy time, and Microsoft Takes No Joy in The Problems gamers are playing HAVING Their favorite games online." ("Of course, it's a shame for Sony to have problems with such a significant period, and Microsoft does not rejoice problems that players encounter as they fail to play their favorite games online).

But the misfortune of one is often the happiness of others and Microsoft do not forget to add:

"That Being Said, we are expecting Microsoft's robust network online to see year Increase of traffic from Those Who Own Both systems gamers. Being Able to Play Their games via the Xbox Live network" could make all the Difference For Some gamers. " ("However, we expect that our robust online service saw its traffic increase because of the players who play both platforms on our network. Being able to play on the Xbox Live network will make the difference for some players" ).

Microsoft sees an opportunity to convert more addicts who play on PSN to Xbox Live. It is a golden opportunity and Microsoft looks forward to seize it.

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