Sunday, April 24, 2011

What is the power of 4G technology?

Many of us who love the latest communication technologies available for the purchase of difficulties in obtaining such an inspiration and as seductive as the 4G mobile technology in our heads. We just need to know the pulse of the fourth generation mobile right now: What are the recent developments, coverage maps of new next-generation networks, and so on and so forth A. In fact, it is necessary to generate a fourth pulse of mobile technology, often because they stop innovation in this industry because the technology is still in its infancy and has a long and glorious future, and certainly before.

Currently, in 2010, the idea of ​​4G technology is impressive and dynamic than most observers expected. From this year, especially in large scale in the first fourth-generation mobile services business, including positions in several dozen on 4G has already been achieved is impressive, especially considering the speed with which new markets, he added.

Everything indicates that this is the end of this year, there are many other local structures, the fourth-generation networks, and by the end of next year it is expected that the number of fourth generation, to enable hundreds of cities and towns there are , not a dozen others. An interesting development in this direction is relatively low, but much larger than expected role of rural / remote markets in new fourth-generation mobile applications.

Many people automatically assume (with a strong enough argument) that the only areas of large urban and suburban areas, were brought on board, at least for the next year or so, and that rural and remote areas not in the final stage of development arises from the fourth generation. However, rural residents, a great demand for these securities, high-capacity wireless networks and producers seem to demonstrate compliance with their requirements, with some isolated areas that are part of the emerging 4G coverage.

Something that the fourth generation of users of the support structure is very progressive with the mobile device and speed, making its access to the network. Although most of the fourth generation of mobile phone users can reach speeds of over 10 Mbit / s download through the wireless network is far from surprised that the 100 Mb / s, which showed the possibility of experiments laboratory to cry. In the coming months and years will be necessary impetus for 4G services, how many actually closer to the ideal point of connection, but it irritates years from now peak at 100 Mbit / s is not a scientist, which probably existed lab 200 or 300 Mbit / hour of the show.

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