Saturday, April 23, 2011

How to choose your company needs SEO / SEM services

Search engine optimization is an important foundation of network marketing tools, SEO companies in different countries and regions of several means of almost all identical, and will have several different types. 

Known as SEO cheating not only in here, the world has, just not the same as a matter of degree, in fact, cheating is the excessive use of rules, but also because of the fundamental nature of search engine rankings Rules. But out of "relevance" of the maintenance and on the "evil" of punishment, quite a lot of cheating have been the focus of attention search engine, search engine companies which have specialized

departments and personnel responsible for the care of "cheating" behavior. In the search technology staff in the high profile Googler, Matt Cutts, the daily is in charge of the work. So cheating is a type of SEO companies, and their charges are based on the location within a short time rating fee and the charges, the amount and variety of ways. But the purchase of their services is a high-risk behavior, always have been "implicated" as well.

SEO is the formal rules in the search engines for website optimization, optimizing the focus of the Website optimization, content optimization, purchase process optimization. There is more to optimize the details, but these are focused around to proceed. Program optimization is the basis, content optimization is in addition to maximize the "relevance", but also concerned about attracting the right target customers to purchase access to the process of optimization is the key into the transaction.

This SEO company based on the service there are two different typical types.

First, consultants, SEO consultants, only provide consulting services, more diagnostic of a site and issued related recommendations. Such services are generally charged according to time, the basic unit is the day in the United States and Britain, some consultants are charged 5,000 dollars a day, general and customers to sign long-term (one year) contract, more than two days per month.

The second is the implementation of the company, I did want to say that technology companies, but it feels more realistic implementation of the company's operating condition. SEO implementation of the company is generally based on customer feedback (and sometimes advice) that can be implemented in order to optimize the program, but the way of charging for more.

In Europe and the United States has had two survey before and after the interval of five to six years, the purpose of the survey method is the SEO of the charges, the result is that no two companies charge the same way. So far, too. However, there is a reference to the elements, labor and page. Work is in accordance with the total amount of fees and charges, or in accordance with the number of pages to optimize the charge, there is a reference to the number of the factors is the key word, but there is a very interesting part is, almost no guarantee rankings, only the relative's own reference ranking.

This begs a key point is that these SEO companies and their customers (or is advertisers) are not concerned about rankings, but traffic and conversion rate, or the ROI (return on investment). So have the previous article mentioned that the ideal way to pay is in accordance with the customers through search engine optimization / marketing, much to share the benefits. A bit like business commission.

I have met almost all of the SEO / SEM experts about search engine marketing, optimization of the time talking about, is the first one with over "Coding", and then immediately transferred to the contents of the optimization. No wonder we have a little common opinion, the recruiting company's SEO / SEM professionals, or to train people in these directions, when, say, the best personnel from the business school. That is the best business students in search engine marketing job.

That being said, SEO is more like a commercial activity, rather than technical means. The SEO and SEM should not be separated from the two areas, search engine optimization (SEO) is a search engine marketing (SEM) of the important part. This view began to spread around the world together, a complete search engine marketing solutions, should include all of the paid placement optimization and strategy. But this solution, there are still charging modalities.

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