Sunday, April 24, 2011

Yes, the creator of Facebook, this year will not be f8

Facebook, as the button is celebrating its first birthday this week, April 21. This ubiquity makes it hard to believe that there were a few years after Mark Zuckerberg, the third stage of the annual F8 developers is the key, which is now part of about 2.5 million jobs in the world, announced that 10,000 new added every day.

While the anniversary of the conference came and went without a single look of Facebook, to judge from this cooperation F8 Facebook group in 2011 (Facebook has confirmed). The interesting thing is that looking at the page in the coming months to see if anyone is caught by foreign firms, companies F8.

So far, the program illegally F8 (2009 lacks the first time in its entirety.) A total of three series of the first F8 event May 24, 2007, 23 / 2 event in July 2008 and the third between 21 and 22 April 2010. Meanwhile, Facebook has 24 million active users increased by 700 million euro.

The conference is usually in the summer, Facebook has also said that the date of entry into force in 2011 will only bring me to confirm. Regarding the announcement of this year, delays can occur in late summer, I think, somewhere between July and August

As Liz Gannes reports on AllThingsD Twitter has decided to tweet the conference platform this year, Google has once again come to the depleted I / O in May, if the developers conference, such as schools, would be Facebook and brilliant student, who celebrated the end of his work but so beautiful.

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