Saturday, April 23, 2011

Web Design Tips for a minute - a good article to share

First, to keep the page simple two, three simple does not mean boring, know your audience four or five "fingers"

Five, six three clicks, thirty seconds of waiting time seven, eight balanced, moderate frame nine, adhere to the study one, simple to maintain a good web site of the most important point is that the interface is simple and plain. You heard of " KISS "rule you?" Keep It Simple Silly. "applies to all sites.

Producers are very easy to fall into a trap that all pages that may be used skills such as: frames, tables, fonts, GIF animations, and so have to spend, which of course is good, but if they would have more Let your visitors dazzled, confused, nor will they leave a deep impression.

Remember, just because you can create an effect, but does not mean you have to create this effect. First ask yourself: I am adding a web page what is the value of this technology? Visitors are better able to express my The theme?

Second, simple does not mean that the true meaning of simple is not boring dull and boring. Many people will be curious effect of the extra site confused at the expense of validity of the information.

Maintain a simple and true meaning is this: think about how to make your site visitors the information and you expect and need the same. Should be used in the technology and effects where appropriate, with the useful information, so that your visitors attention They want to focus on things.

Clear and effective design + technology = a good site

Third, know your audience you're not in a vacuum make your web page, nor is it for yourself to see. If so, you might as well put it on your computer. You publish your website is to some people stopped to visit it. and these people are your readers. The more you know your audience, your site will be the greater influence. You readers have a slow cat? Then you should pay particular attention to the best page size; they want to hear music clips? Do you want to want music format on the page. Your readers are textile workers? then blood red and black is best not to choose; or that they are hardcore gamers? you should avoid using soft colors and patterns out.

The definition of a good site:

Through the elegant style design and quality information to potential readers. Four or five "fingers" Is a good site, clear navigation is the minimum standard. Should let visitors know that they were in the site location, and pleasant Looking through your guidelines on your website. For example, you can do The thing is: "Next" to minimize the number of choices, so people will not get lost in a long list of select items.

Did you know? Generally five or fewer brain to the project as a group, but when the project faced more than five, it must put them into smaller sub-groups to deal with, so that, keep your choice of items classified in five groups of five or less to become meaningful. You visitors can quickly find the items they want choice.

Five, three clicks on the site creators, the visitor is God, please God, another approach is to allow them to access information no more than three clicks. Think about it, when you visit a site, click ... click ... click ... then click ... and then ... to find the information you want, or not found, you think?
Additionally, when your site visitors in-depth information needed to eventually look puzzled, how would you do? They certainly would not place circulate on the streets, they will leave your home to go somewhere else to continue surfing, you may also re- will not come back.

Six, thirty seconds of waiting time for visitors to access your site, he should be able to effortlessly find the information needed. There is a unwritten rule: When a visitor before deciding where to go next, do not let him Download now see the page for longer than 30 seconds. If you exceed this time, you will begin to lose your "God" was.

To ensure that your page has a moderate size without unlimited downloads. If most of your visitors use Modem, try to keep the total page size (including page images) in the 45K it. Design and planning to ensure the clarity of your page so that visitors will be able to grasp just glance quickly navigate your site, knowing what the "Next" to the selected item.

VII, balance is a good balance of an important part of web design.

The balance between text and images. Unless the content is entirely the decision of this text or full image of the website, you need to use intuition and aesthetic judgments, so that one does not drown the other. Download time and page content balance. Of course, you want to have a beautiful page, but you also have to balance your page, because many of your visitors are reading it through the modem. Is the picture on your site really worth the wait that long?

Balance between background and foreground. We can draw beautiful patterns on white paper, web page, if we can make a beautiful structure and the background is very exciting. But the content tends to drown you in your background inside. Eight, moderate frame frame appropriate for your website is a good supplement, but like all sites with the characteristics of the elements of the same, you definitely do not abuse them!
If you want to create a navigation structure can be seen, such as a table directory, the frame is a very appropriate way, for example, this page has three frames - you can now see the contents of the navigation bar on the right, title, ad and that bar at the top.

But the frame is not "one size fits all." For example, if you want to use row or column to display information, then the form will be better. September, adhere to learn to create web pages is a continuous learning process. Introduced the first version of your site is only a beginning! Techniques and tools in the constant progress, and we use online resources on how people understand the way the changes are constantly , to create a good site you can not revel in the past laurels.

Look at other sites. If you want to be a good novelist, you have to constantly read the other good works. If you want to be a great playwright, then you must be more optimistic about the film. Similarly, if you want to design a excellent website, you must see more of other good sites. but you look at a website, you can find the advantages and disadvantages of this site, pay attention to what you should learn, and what the error is that you should avoid.

View the original file. When you see something you like, use your browser to view the original document on the function, look at how to make to this effect. In the following pages you can find something to make you wonder. Reading and learning. Learn as you learn the technology and design methods.

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