Saturday, April 23, 2011

Website SEO companies need to master the six basic skills

Web site prior to construction companies to locate their own website, "I said that one purpose of Enterprises Website on the Internet to promote their brand, products and services, the second is to bring potential customers to obtain the value of commercial interests. The Web site To achieve these two aims, it must be a network promotion.

In order to achieve faster and better web site to promote the effect of rapid corporate Web site to search engines, get a good search engine rankings, so that more customers can know the site, in the enterprise website construction is completed, need to do some basic Search engine optimization (SEO) Web site improvement work, the following summary for your business web site SEO optimization of several key points to share with you here:

1, Determine the site theme Keywords: According to the company website products and content, choose the right keywords, and then analyze the key words chosen, the key is how the size of keywords the degree of competition, including the search volume, competing use and so on. Basis to determine the site the subject of the final target keywords, usually three to five topics keywords.

2, Rational planning website title, description and other information: a Web site to determine good keywords, it has to plan the site title and description of the information. Search engines crawl a site search and your time is through the web site title and description and key words to identify and determine the type and nature of the site and the subject matter. So a reasonable site title, description, site indexed by search engines for a very big help.

3, The ingenious layout of the long tail keywords: general, subject key words are the subject of targeted site, while the real intention of the customer can bring is often a reasonable long tail keywords. According to target keywords, expand the analysis of relevant content, including product, industry and other information, and ultimately established by search volume, competition, small and can fit their site's long tail keywords can bring very impressive site traffic and customer interest.

4, Planning the site structure and content: the information in the above key words, etc. After the establishment, structure and layout of the site in relation to specific content. On the site, according to search engine spiders crawl to find rules, rational distribution of content and key words, you can make your site achieve a good search engine friendliness. Also note that, in the website page, try not to appear flash and JS effects. Minimize the use of pictures. Add Alt attribute for image tags, easy to picture the meaning of search engine recognition.

5, The above four points, basically need to optimize the site's main content are done processing. The final step is to do a general inspection of the station and layout: Check 404 pages, robots.txt, static links, tree, URL standardization, so not all the blind spots. Strict inspection of the dead links web pages, web pages appear the most taboo phenomenon of dead links.

6, Reasonable network promotion measures: a website, do another beautiful, if not promotion, that no one knows your site, but no one to visit your site, not to mention how much benefits. Therefore reasonable to take the necessary means of promotion, people can more quickly find your site and bring tangible benefits and realize the benefits of the final goal. The promotion of the basic form: blog promotion, forum promotion, promotion of soft paper, quiz promotion, exchange links and other means. More ways to promote website promotion network,

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