Wednesday, May 28, 2008

The Exponential Effect: Getting Free Traffic Sources for Your Blog

Once you are in the world of blogging, you can’t make money without traffic and visitors. So, there should be a way to get tons and tons of traffic to your blog free. Would you like to get free traffic to your blog without spending a dime? If your answer is yes, then I will show you how.

Getting traffic or what we call blog visitors is not an easy job. You need to do a lot of things but to kick start the first stream of traffic to your blog is very simple. So, how you can get the first stream of visitors is to leave comments in other blogs that are related to the topic of your blog.

Have You Ever Wonder Why the Comments feature Exist in Every Blogs?

I have mentioned this technique over and over again. There is no other more powerful technique to help you get started and get your first stream of traffic to your blog. Leaving comments on other blogs gives a big impact to gain visitors to your blog. This is the first time, in the blogosphere, you show your existence to the bloggers around you.

Here is the trick:

Before You Apply This Trick,

You Need To Make Sure Your Blog is Full of Great Posts!!!

Posts where People Will Not Forget After Reading It!!!

When you get your first stream of traffic, assume it as 10 visitors, you will be getting the next stream of traffic 20 visitors. Once you have kick start your blog traffic to 20 visitors, then your powerful and great contents will be the word of mouth of these 20 visitors that will help you get even more visitors. 40 visitors will be coming and soon 80 visitors will be flooding your blog, continue with a wave of 160 visitors until then you will get 320 visitors coming to your blog and so on and so forth.

Can You See The Power of Your Contents and Leaving Comments!!!

By using the simple technique to leave comments on other blogs, you are getting more and more visitors. This I will call it the Exponential Effect of leaving comments.

Keep it a habit to leave comments at other blogs and soon you will be creating a great amount of visitors to your blog. Your traffic will grow exponentially until it reach infinite traffic everyday.

Last word for the best result of this method, you need to have at least one great post to make the visitors coming exponentially. If you get 100 visitors per day, they are reading your great post but only 100 visitors know about it. So, if you get lucky, those visitors might write a post on their blog about your post and then another Exponential Effect will happen.

Soon, your blog will be full of visitors and you are ready for the next traffic episode.

The next episode of The Exponential Effect will be continued...

>>Go to next episode of The Exponential Effect...

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