Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Smorty Added New Features: Digxa Widgets (BETA)

Today, I login my Smorty account and hope to see new opportunities are waiting for me but unluckily there are no new opportunities available. Then, I saw a new features added to my Smorty account and it is called Digxa Widgets(Beta).

Digxa widget is currently in beta and you can login to your Smorty account to get the code and then add it to your blog. The Digxa widget is the one you can see at the right sidebar of my blog. After adding the Digxa widget, it transforms the keywords on my blog into contextual link ads.

Personally, I think that the contextual link ads doesn't look nice on my blog and it looks a bit distracting. I hope my fellows readers will not be distracted by the contextual link ads.

Anyway, Digxa Widget is in the beta version. So, I'm not very sure how it works yet. If the Digxa Widgets is paying on the pay per click basis, then it might be a good way to make some money for my Smorty account. I will try to use the Digxa Widgets for a few days and try out the results.

You could login to your Somrty account and get the widget working on your blog. Make more money from Smorty, get the Digxa Widget today.

If you haven't sign up for Smorty, then you can sign up using the banner below:

Blog Advertising - Get Paid to Blog

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