Monday, May 5, 2008

My USD$123.73 Google AdSense Check Received!

Today, I receive my Google AdSense check of USD$123.73. It is not a surprise for me as I already know that the check is on the way to my home address since last few weeks. So, far this is my 5th or 6th Google AdSense check already and Google AdSense is undoubtedly the best Publishers program ever.

Google AdSense is my #1 income source from Earn Money From Blog. Unfortunately, due to accidentally wrote posts thats are against policies few weeks ago, Google AdSense no more appearn on Earn Money From Blog because AdSense is disabled from this blog. Anyway, I hope Google AdSense will reinstate the AdSense Ads on my blog and hopefully, soon I will be making money from Google AdSense again.

Yeah!!! I have extra USD$123.73 to spend. What should I spend on? Or maybe just save in my bank account.

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